The bias tonight was terrible


Yellow Belt
Jun 17, 2007
Reaction score
Thiago Tavares (Brazillian) took 16 elbows to the head before Dan finally allowed Khabib to win

CB (American) landed about as many unanswered punches to Sarafains head, but Mario let the time run out on CB saving Sarafian

Yet when Belfort lands 5 or less shots to Bispings stomach, they wave the fight off, even though he was defending

I bet Dana was banking on a 4-0 TV sweep for the home country, cuz the actions from the refs sure did make it seem that way.

....Oh, plus the commentary BJ Anik and KenFlo were giving Sarafain, who looked avg at best, who lost IMO 29-27 (10-8 second for CB)
Thiago Tavares (Brazillian) took 16 elbows to the head before Dan finally allowed Khabib to win

CB (American) landed about as many unanswered punches to Sarafains head, but Mario let the time run out on CB saving Sarafian

Yet when Belfort lands 5 or less shots to Bispings stomach, they wave the fight off, even though he was defending

I bet Dana was banking on a 4-0 TV sweep for the home country, cuz the actions from the refs sure did make it seem that way.

....Oh, plus the commentary BJ Anik and KenFlo were giving Sarafain, who looked avg at best, who lost IMO 29-27 (10-8 second for CB)

Lol I don't think letting Tavares eat more than 10 elbows right in the cheek would favor him at all. But I get your point.
First of all, Dan taking too long to call the Tavares fight can only be anti brazilian, because there was a brazilian getting murdered and he did nothing.
Sarafian was still defending and when the ref threatened to stop the fight he put his hand up and was able to continue. If there was bias, they would have given that very close fight to Sarafian.
Bisping took a much harder shot, turtled and faced away.
Sarafian was on all fours and trying to move out of it. When the bell rang he got up and walked to his corner, didn't stumble or anything.

Big Dan was terrible in the Tavares fight I'll give you that.

I thought the Bisping stoppage was perfectly acceptable. Vitor was unloading on his head and stomach. Just because a fighter is covering up while a dangerous fighter is raining down blows doesn't mean they're getting back up. Bisping was done at that point.
yeah, agreed extremely inconsistent. but the only one that was terrible was tavares. bisping was finished, he didn't argue it.
Agreed on the Tavares fight, that was brutal to watch.

But you thinking CB won R2 10-8 is face-palmingly ridiculous.
Serafim was ok to go. As CB was punching him he was screaming "I am all right, dont stop it".

Bisping on the other hand was done.

Thiago was done too. Agree that the fight could have been stoped 2 seconds earlier.
Lol I don't think letting Tavares eat more than 10 elbows right in the cheek would favor him at all. But I get your point.

How is giving Sarafain and Tavares every chance to recover from strikes not benefiting for them? Especially when he denied bisping the chance to recover and cost him a title shot?
What? Belfort was picking Bisping apart and all Jon anik has to say is: " nice one two by Bisping." I never saw a right hand by Bisping just jabs.
I was hoping for Bisping to win but he was done nothing early about it when the guy is turtled up and not even trying to fight back, get back up or pull guard.
Where was the bias when Mario let Rich survive a massacre from Wand?

How about it's just called shitty, inconsistent reffing? Miragliotta is awful and so is Mario. They're the 'back of the head' fuck up twins. Wish Joe was there to call Dan on his bullshit tonight.
The fact that you think the 2nd round was 10-8 makes this thread worthless
How is giving Sarafain and Tavares every chance to recover from strikes not benefiting for them? Especially when he denied bisping the chance to recover and cost him a title shot?

Sarafian was ok. He was telling Yamazaki "I'm OK, I'm OK" while Dollaway was punching him.
Bisping stoppage was standard. I saw a lot of fights end like that. We can say DM could let Vitor punch him more but the end would be the same. He was rocked badly by the HK.
Sarafian was ok. He was telling Yamazaki "I'm OK, I'm OK" while Dollaway was punching him.
Bisping stoppage was standard. I saw a lot of fights end like that. We can say DM could let Vitor punch him more but the end would be the same. He was rocked badly by the HK.

yea, thiago and sarafian didnt turtle like bisping
Thiago Tavares (Brazillian) took 16 elbows to the head before Dan finally allowed Khabib to win

CB (American) landed about as many unanswered punches to Sarafains head, but Mario let the time run out on CB saving Sarafian

Yet when Belfort lands 5 or less shots to Bispings stomach, they wave the fight off, even though he was defending

I bet Dana was banking on a 4-0 TV sweep for the home country, cuz the actions from the refs sure did make it seem that way.

....Oh, plus the commentary BJ Anik and KenFlo were giving Sarafain, who looked avg at best, who lost IMO 29-27 (10-8 second for CB)

he was covering up to save himself from anymore damage, he wasnt intelligently deffending himself... you can say what you said for all tkos in ufc history... "they were defending because they were turtling up and preventing severe damage"... turtling is not defense man
Look at barbozas fight, same situation as belfort/ bisping, yet barboza landed 2-3X the amount of strikes before fight was stopped, and I know he faced a fellow Brazilian, but he gave him a chance to recover so the hometown fighters could entertain their home crowd

And it's funny, the inconsistancies favored the hometown fighters, and that= bias
How is giving Sarafain and Tavares every chance to recover from strikes not benefiting for them? Especially when he denied bisping the chance to recover and cost him a title shot?

Because in the time given him to recover, he went limp and still took another five or six elbows to the head. I know from a fan's perspective it's all about who wins. But getting elbowed in the head really hurts, you know?

There was no bias. Incompetence or inconsistency are both better explanations. Also, the right guy one all of those fights.
The Sarafian and Dolloway fight was well reffed. He was rocked but he was trying to defend himself. Mirgs was off tonight though (and a lot of other nights too tbh) kind of Kim Winslow-esque tonight though with the Khabib fight.