Elections The abortion issue in 2024

So we have some data in on this issue:

"The analysis out of Johns Hopkins University is the latest research to find higher infant mortality rates in states with abortion restrictions.

The researchers looked at how many infants died before their first birthday after Texas adopted its abortion ban in September 2021. They compared infant deaths in Texas to those in 28 states — some also with restrictions. The researchers calculated that there were 216 more deaths in Texas than expected between March and December the next year.

In Texas, the 2022 mortality rate for infants went up 8% to 5.75 per 1,000 births, compared to a 2% increase in the rest of the U.S., according to the study in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.

Among causes of deaths, birth defects showed a 23% increase, compared to a decrease of about 3% in the rest of the U.S. The Texas law blocks abortions after the detection of cardiac activity, usually five or six weeks into pregnancy, well before tests are done to detect fetal abnormalities."

Doing great work there, Texas. Guess this kind of infant death is perfectly acceptable because its "God's will."

So we have some data in on this issue:

"The analysis out of Johns Hopkins University is the latest research to find higher infant mortality rates in states with abortion restrictions.

The researchers looked at how many infants died before their first birthday after Texas adopted its abortion ban in September 2021. They compared infant deaths in Texas to those in 28 states — some also with restrictions. The researchers calculated that there were 216 more deaths in Texas than expected between March and December the next year.

In Texas, the 2022 mortality rate for infants went up 8% to 5.75 per 1,000 births, compared to a 2% increase in the rest of the U.S., according to the study in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.

Among causes of deaths, birth defects showed a 23% increase, compared to a decrease of about 3% in the rest of the U.S. The Texas law blocks abortions after the detection of cardiac activity, usually five or six weeks into pregnancy, well before tests are done to detect fetal abnormalities."

Doing great work there, Texas. Guess this kind of infant death is perfectly acceptable because its "God's will."

Um, yeah, dying naturally is generally preferred to being murdered.

A 0.5/1,000 increase seems a bit better than the 100% death rate for the additional 10,000 babies born in the just the first 9 months of the law.

Um, yeah, dying naturally is generally preferred to being murdered.

A 0.5/1,000 increase seems a bit better than the 100% death rate for the additional 10,000 babies born in the just the first 9 months of the law.

Typical fucktard take by the fucktard. LOL at calling abortion “murder”.

Eitherway, prohibiting abortion as a medical practice serves no net positives. The abortion rates remain the same and more pregnancy induced deaths are enabled.

But let’s just call a spade a spade, we all know damn well that you don’t give a fuck about preserving human life. Just from the way that you bitch about women being whores and at the same time, whine about how none of them want to touch you. It’s apparent to anybody with a functioning brain that you want to ban abortion and force women to go through the torture and possible death of carrying rapist babies out of spite for your sexual frustrations as a touch deprived 40 yr old incel.

Typical fucktard take by the fucktard. LOL at calling abortion “murder”.

Eitherway, prohibiting abortion as a medical practice serves no net positives. The abortion rates remain the same and more pregnancy induced deaths are enabled.

But let’s just call a spade a spade, we all know damn well that you don’t give a fuck about preserving human life. Just from the way that you bitch about women being whores and at the same time, whine about how none of them want to touch you. It’s apparent to anybody with a functioning brain that you want to ban abortion and force women to go through the torture and possible death of carrying rapist babies out of spite for your sexual frustrations as a touch deprived 40 yr old incel.

Lol, read your own links, you low IQ retard. They're both from before any abortion restrictions trying to scare trying to scare you into murdering more kids with "predictions"

Problem is it didn't come true. Pregnancy related deaths spiked because of your covid lockdowns and forced vaccines before any abortion restrictions, and have fallen every year since the abortion laws to pre covid levels. Pregnancy related deaths fell, but recently vaccinated women have a shitload more miscarriages.

Your mom must be a huge abortion advocate after cranking out a gem ike you.

Pregnancy-related deaths fall to pre-pandemic levels, new CDC data shows

Miscarriage occurred at a rate of 3.6 per 10 000 person-days among remotely vaccinated women and 3.2 per 10 000 person-days among those recently vaccinated, in contrast to a rate of 1.9 per 10 000 person-days among unvaccinated women,
I don't really care about abortion one way or the other but most of the blue haired chubsters I see protesting aren't getting anyone hard anyway so not sure why they care so much.
I don't really care about abortion one way or the other but most of the blue haired chubsters I see protesting aren't getting anyone hard anyway so not sure why they care so much.
I wonder why rogan cares and thinks it should be legal if he can’t get pregnant.
I wonder why rogan cares and thinks it should be legal if he can’t get pregnant.

Rogan could make someone pregnant. Those nasty fat bitches screaming on the protest lines are immune to the male gaze.
Rogan could make someone pregnant. Those nasty fat bitches screaming on the protest lines are immune to the male gaze.
My point is that you don’t need to be directly impacted to think that it’s immoral for a woman to be forced to carry a rapist baby.

But yeah, continue seething about random tiktok clips of fatties 😭
My point is that you don’t need to be directly impacted to think that it’s immoral for a woman to be forced to carry a rapist baby.

But yeah, continue seething about random tiktok clips of fatties 😭
It seems like you're the seething one. I don't care either way, but since you mention rape, you realize that represents a very tiny minority of abortions, right? And for the record, I would have left Roe in place if it was up to me but it's also good to be honest about the vast majority of abortions having absolutely nothing to do with anything other than poor life planning.
I’m not pushing for or against abortion. All I’m saying is that it should be a state issue. Let the people of each state vote on it.

Not all decisions can be left up to the state though. Some southern states had anti-miscegenation laws where you couldn't marry someone of another race.

Some inalienable rights have to be maintained by Federal law. The only reason Jim Crow got repealed was through the Federal government stepping in.
It seems like you're the seething one. I don't care either way, but since you mention rape, you realize that represents a very tiny minority of abortions, right? And for the record, I would have left Roe in place if it was up to me but it's also good to be honest about the vast majority of abortions having absolutely nothing to do with anything other than poor life planning.
even then, the opportunity should be there but fair enough
It seems like you're the seething one. I don't care either way, but since you mention rape, you realize that represents a very tiny minority of abortions, right? And for the record, I would have left Roe in place if it was up to me but it's also good to be honest about the vast majority of abortions having absolutely nothing to do with anything other than poor life planning.

This statement is a bit of a misrepresentation, and I've mentioned this before. The majority of abortions that actually happen, no reason is given because most women dont want to answer questionnaires about them. So the notion that the "vast majority" of them are merely "poor life planning" is an assumption, and it's one that lends to the harlot view of women.
This statement is a bit of a misrepresentation, and I've mentioned this before. The majority of abortions that actually happen, no reason is given because most women dont want to answer questionnaires about them. So the notion that the "vast majority" of them are merely "poor life planning" is an assumption, and it's one that lends to the harlot view of women.
I don't demonize nor place women on pedestals. Neither one of us will know for certain the percentages for each reason a women gets an abortion, but I am very confident with my statement that it's mostly poor planning. People are mostly just horny animals and unwanted pregnancies are a common side effect. On an anecdotal note, I've got decades of life experience and have seen the inside of a few abortion clinics (having been part of that poor planning equation myself).
So we have some data in on this issue:

"The analysis out of Johns Hopkins University is the latest research to find higher infant mortality rates in states with abortion restrictions.

The researchers looked at how many infants died before their first birthday after Texas adopted its abortion ban in September 2021. They compared infant deaths in Texas to those in 28 states — some also with restrictions. The researchers calculated that there were 216 more deaths in Texas than expected between March and December the next year.

In Texas, the 2022 mortality rate for infants went up 8% to 5.75 per 1,000 births, compared to a 2% increase in the rest of the U.S., according to the study in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.

Among causes of deaths, birth defects showed a 23% increase, compared to a decrease of about 3% in the rest of the U.S. The Texas law blocks abortions after the detection of cardiac activity, usually five or six weeks into pregnancy, well before tests are done to detect fetal abnormalities."

Doing great work there, Texas. Guess this kind of infant death is perfectly acceptable because its "God's will."

i cant stand thayt fucking asshat wheelie man. the entire Texas goverment is run by church bible thumping fucktards