Thanks Murica for Polluting Our Air

Two areas that we logged and thinned in oregon in 2016, 680 total acres, one of the fires hit the area and stopped in its tracks.

Wish more of the timber lands had been saved. They needed to be thinned, alot of them. Lots of blowdown and underbrush.

We got moved off the lions head fire last week after it went level/stage 5.

Shits crazy.
Yep the smell is disgusting too

Constant campfire

One of the fires was started because of a gender reveal party...

that's bullshit.

gender reveals are bad because it's too young for them to pick their gender themselves.

It's just somebody adding their BS to a story and then recycling the story a few years later.
that's bullshit.

gender reveals are bad because it's too young for them to pick their gender themselves.

It's just somebody adding their BS to a story and then recycling the story a few years later.
What? No like actually one of the Cali fires started from a family doing a gender reveal photo shoot
The skyline was beautiful on fire and everything washed in a thin orange haze
I honestly think it's gorgeous?
Shit only looks like that at sunrise and sunset. Even without smoke those times of day look fairly orange. Media making it seem like it’s Mars and dystopia 24/7 lol

Smokey though. It won’t change, there is no political pressure on them to revamp forest management because they always successfully blame it on private citizens(Notice how there is more people discussing and hand wringing over a gender reveal party instead of Californias land management) and then the reliable scapegoat PG&E...Nationally, it’s the ever vengeful Mother Nature just waiting for more Democrats to be elected to spare us of more wildfires and other bad weather.

California is ran by Bay Area urbanists. Make no mistake, they don’t mind seeing a couple rural counties completely demolished every year. I’m not saying they’re doing it on purpose to de-ruralize California, I’m just saying they don’t mind, They don’t mind that every time it happens they get to further their grip in PG&E and then add further restrictions in the population such as water usage and public gatherings.
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Yea california removed a lot of fire preventing measures... What did they expect
Been considering smoking again and firing up the Chevelle.

Forests are supposed to burn. Ideally manageable acreage at a time.
I lived in Paradise. It was incinerated. It was technically illegal for me to cut down rotting old growth oaks. You can't even cut down trees to make your property safe.

I know a guy who cut down like 6 trees to keep his house safe. Defensible space, right? He got a 5,000 dollar fine for every tree cut down. Guess what? A fire ripped through his street and every house but his burned down.

It is nuts. The politicians seem to want the state to burn down. They care more about tiny fish and insects than people.

The roads crumble. The power goes out, and all while paying the highest prices and highest taxes.

Fuck off Ca
Orange Churchill doesn't want to panic the citizenry. It's how true leaders roll.
What is the reference here? I thought Churchill was disliked at first because of his supposed fear mongering?
What is the reference here? I thought Churchill was disliked at first because of his supposed fear mongering?

Trump compared himself at a recent rally to Churchill and FDR regarding his handling of COVID.

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