Thanks Murica for Polluting Our Air


Silver Belt
Dec 13, 2013
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Maybe rake your forests better next time like Orange Man said. I'm coughing just sitting in my condo. It's so bad that you're breaking our air quality monitoring scale. I was in Beijing in 2013 and it was nowhere this bad.

Get your shit together Murica!
Thick haze from wildfires burning in Washington state, Oregon and California blanketed British Columbia’s south coast again on Saturday.

According to IQAir, which claims to operate the world’s largest free real-time air quality information platform, Vancouver briefly had the worst air quality of any major city on earth, while other platforms showed the region’s air quality as bad but not the worst.

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Yep the smell is disgusting too

Constant campfire

One of the fires was started because of a gender reveal party...
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Shhh. Don't give 2020 any ideas. I live in the forest.
Good point. Last summer though was pretty brutal in cowtown and ended up taking off for a week to my other place in sask, which ironically is in the middle of the bush.
Trump would tap Trudeau with a heel hook and then tap Trudeau's wife.
Fat, triple chined, cheese burger eating, war quitting monkeys at it again. Is there anyway blm, antifa and the forest fire cancel each other for the betterment of society?
Due to Covid19, the cleaning of the forest jobs were unavailable this year.

Due to Oregon National Guard sending their Chinooks to Afghanistan, they are out gunned by the fires.
So serious question for anyone from Cali- does your state do anything preemptive about these fires?
So serious question for anyone from Cali- does your state do anything preemptive about these fires?
Clearing standing dead might be an idea if they don't let nature take its course. Shit will light up sooner or later and the more tinder accumulates the worse the wildfire will be. From what I understand some people don't want to clear out the fuel because that's "unnatural", but interfering with a natural burn cycle isn't.

Just don't phrase it in clumsy manner, like, say, "raking", or the shit storm will rival the firestorm.

Take the above with a grain of salt as I'm just an outdoorsy kind of a guy and not a firefighter.