Law Texas social media anti-censorship law goes into effect

But what about....

Well yeah.

Whatabout ISIS is a legit concern, no?

Neither right nor left support them.... so they should be granted freedom of expression on international platforms just to make your stance a little bit easier?
I don’t understand how this kind of thing is enforced at a state level, can anyone explain? I mean, my internet happens in Colorado. I’m probably missing something simple, but I am genuinely curious.
Texas is the most hypocritical of all about this. They constantly bitch and whine and act like toddlers refusing to eat their dinner when the government tells them to do something. Then they go and pass the laws that they want to pass to tell people in their state how to be.

Oh, and also as much as the Texas politicians abhor government aid to other states, they have no issues taking it themselves like after the Houston hurricane or demanding that big government come and close their borders.

Texas really has the worst politicians.
The federal government should secure the borders, it's federal only, states do not have the ability to deport illegals. I'm sure Texas would love the power to do so. Also if it were that bad why are so many folks leaving liberal states for Texas.
Well yeah.

Whatabout ISIS is a legit concern, no?

Neither right nor left support them.... so they should be granted freedom of expression on international platforms just to make your stance a little bit easier?

I mean, I hate to be the one to break it to ya...but the Taliban have been allowed twitter accounts for like a decade. Welcome to 2010 I guess....
Watching from afar, it's obvious the right wingers abhor it too.

They can't wait to tell people that BLM incited riots, burned buildings, and that transgenderism is somehow responsible for moral decay.

Both 'sides' are equally whiney when it comes to free speech.

But what an absolute political free-for-all ensures is this: ISIS' chances of recruiting necessarily went up. Now expand that to every terrorist organisation in the world, and failing to suppress their views makes you less safe.
Fair, but that said only one side of the aisle is pushing compelled speech. It shouldn't be a crime to state my opinion that strapping giant fake titties on a shop teacher doesn't make him a girl.
I mean, I hate to be the one to break it to ya...but the Taliban have been allowed twitter accounts for like a decade. Welcome to 2010 I guess....

What's their Twitter handle?
Fair, but that said only one side of the aisle is pushing compelled speech. It shouldn't be a crime to state my opinion that strapping giant fake titties on a shop teacher doesn't make him a girl.

Did someone tell you you'd committed a crime?
I think this is the wrong way to go about this.
I understand and see the problem when large media companies are far left leaning and will not tolerate anything that disagrees with them.

However I'm not sure this us the best solution.
Forces private media companies to dedicate the platforms they built to host content they do not wish to.

This is like arguing Fox News now needs to open up its TV segments to any political content people wish to air because they are popular.
Fox News isn't protected from lawsuits like social media is with section 230.
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I think this is the wrong way to go about this.
I understand and see the problem when large media companies are far left leaning and will not tolerate anything that disagrees with them.

However I'm not sure this us the best solution.

Well said, man.

Cut through the bullshit, see it for what it is.

A danger.
Obviously dumb law but some people go full retard when it comes to social media. Don't even know how you'd apply this law, most of the time when people get banned its for breaking ToS so I don't see how this changes anything.