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Tennis elbow


Yellow Card
Dec 21, 2015
Reaction score
It's the most pathetic-sounding shit ever, and now I have it. Used to laugh on the inside while seeing older Italian guys in my local Retro wear those arm braces below elbow and think how they're falling apart. Guess what motherfucker? It's the reckoning. Your gear is out of warranty, shit's falling apart. Now I have to wear that bullshit too.

I ignored elbow pain for about 6 months before I finally realizing I can't do dick shit anymore, both inside and outside tendon hurt like a motherfucker.

Anyone here had/has it? What are you doing for rehab? How long is it taking?
It's the most pathetic-sounding shit ever, and now I have it. Used to laugh on the inside while seeing older Italian guys in my local Retro wear those arm braces below elbow and think how they're falling apart. Guess what motherfucker? It's the reckoning. Your gear is out of warranty, shit's falling apart. Now I have to wear that bullshit too.

I ignored elbow pain for about 6 months before I finally realizing I can't do dick shit anymore, both inside and outside tendon hurt like a motherfucker.

Anyone here had/has it? What are you doing for rehab? How long is it taking?
Dealing with it right now, on the inside of my left elbow. I've had it before on both elbows. I ease up on activities that strain it, and focus on exercises i can do. Chin ups are out, but for some reason pull ups are ok. I went to PT recently for it and that involved stretching, icing, and whatever that machine is that provides an electrical pulse. It helped, but really the best thing is rest and stretching, particularly the stretch where you stick your arm out and pull your fingers back all at once with wrist at a 90 degree angle. Mostly though, it's just time. It's frustrating as fuck waiting.
A real man would just cut it off, if its slowing him down.
Dealing with it right now, on the inside of my left elbow. I've had it before on both elbows. I ease up on activities that strain it, and focus on exercises i can do. Chin ups are out, but for some reason pull ups are ok. I went to PT recently for it and that involved stretching, icing, and whatever that machine is that provides an electrical pulse. It helped, but really the best thing is rest and stretching, particularly the stretch where you stick your arm out and pull your fingers back all at once with wrist at a 90 degree angle. Mostly though, it's just time. It's frustrating as fuck waiting.

Thanks. This is gonna suck. I'm really, really bad with rehabbing. So now no chinups, rows, no curling of any sort. It's annoying af. Guy just told me it took him 7 months to heal up
Thanks. This is gonna suck. I'm really, really bad with rehabbing. So now no chinups, rows, no curling of any sort. It's annoying af. Guy just told me it took him 7 months to heal up

Why does it suck? Just don't do it and do some cardio instead.

Affraid of losing your perfect biceps?
Theraband Flexbar;

Basically twisting and untwisting a dildo.
Why does it suck? Just don't do it and do some cardio instead.

Affraid of losing your perfect biceps?

Deadlifts fam :( my grip is now affected by this shit. I guess I can start using the hauling hooks again...
It's the most pathetic-sounding shit ever, and now I have it. Used to laugh on the inside while seeing older Italian guys in my local Retro wear those arm braces below elbow and think how they're falling apart. Guess what motherfucker? It's the reckoning. Your gear is out of warranty, shit's falling apart. Now I have to wear that bullshit too.

I ignored elbow pain for about 6 months before I finally realizing I can't do dick shit anymore, both inside and outside tendon hurt like a motherfucker.

Anyone here had/has it? What are you doing for rehab? How long is it taking?

NSAIDs and that circular forearm brace. It will get better. If your inside elbow hurts you probably have medial epicondyltiis(golfer’s elbow) in addition to the tennis elbow.

How old are you? You could consider injections which last about 3 months. That’s last resort though
Theraband Flexbar;

Basically twisting and untwisting a dildo.

I can speak to this things efficacy. It's precisely what you want IF you're going to keep doing what you've done to cause it, like lifting.

The flexbar and it's treatment specifically fatigues that area so that the body sends blood to that location to promote healing. It's not much blood flow, so it requires time. Time meaning persistence in treating the area.

If I recall correctly, you should do 3x10-20 repetitions, with 5 seconds eccentrics on each rep. You don't do 3 sets in a sitting, but 3x a day for 10-20 reps. It burns like a motherfucker, IF you're taking your time. Therapy is typically 6-8 weeks and zero compound lifts should be done.

When I did it, I didn't think it was working at all until week 5. I finished it all the way to week 8, got back into lifting, and the shit has never returned.
It's called tendonitis, "tennis elbow" is just a pet name because tennis players get it when they suck.
NSAIDs and that circular forearm brace. It will get better. If your inside elbow hurts you probably have medial epicondyltiis(golfer’s elbow) in addition to the tennis elbow.

How old are you? You could consider injections which last about 3 months. That’s last resort though

33. And, yes, inside and outside hurt like motherfuckers. What the fuck is this shit now, I'm collecting athletic elbows like pokemons?
It's the most pathetic-sounding shit ever, and now I have it. Used to laugh on the inside while seeing older Italian guys in my local Retro wear those arm braces below elbow and think how they're falling apart. Guess what motherfucker? It's the reckoning. Your gear is out of warranty, shit's falling apart. Now I have to wear that bullshit too.

I ignored elbow pain for about 6 months before I finally realizing I can't do dick shit anymore, both inside and outside tendon hurt like a motherfucker.

Anyone here had/has it? What are you doing for rehab? How long is it taking?
Yeah, I've had it from weight lifting and rock climbing. It's super painful. The best treatment is prevention, but you're kind of past that point. What helped me a lot was doing negative exercises and rest. My personal favorite negative exercise was dive-bomber pushups. It's that dip from the "butt up" position into the "butt sagging" position that really helps rehab the joint. Try to take it easy for a few weeks, do plenty of rehab, and you should be fine to start ramping back up.
Yeah, I've had it from weight lifting and rock climbing. It's super painful. The best treatment is prevention, but you're kind of past that point. What helped me a lot was doing negative exercises and rest. My personal favorite negative exercise was dive-bomber pushups. It's that dip from the "butt up" position into the "butt sagging" position that really helps rehab the joint. Try to take it easy for a few weeks, do plenty of rehab, and you should be fine to start ramping back up.

Thanks! That's funny, I actually remember divebombers from when I first started working out, from p90x. I'll work them in and lay off the stuff that aggravates the joint.
Youtube has lots of good videos with stretching/massaging exercises.

A year ago I had tennis elbow on one arm and golfers elbow on the other. Shit fucking sucked. Following the recommendations it veeeeeery slowly gets better.

But yeah, injuries are just a part of getting older. Before I turned 30 I don't think I had a single injury from lifting. Now, I can't go 2 months without something hurting bad.
More like penis elbow
It seems as if all the contributors to this thread are over 30, like me...fuck.
Thanks. This is gonna suck. I'm really, really bad with rehabbing. So now no chinups, rows, no curling of any sort. It's annoying af. Guy just told me it took him 7 months to heal up
Yeah, i think the first time i got it it took me about that long or longer, partly because i was younger and just tried to plow through it with certain exercises. I had just bought a chin up bar for home, hadn't done them for awhile, and just started testing myself right off the bat instead of just taking it easy for a few days. Needless to say, after that first night i didn't really get to use it again for almost a year. My elbow pain has diminished to the touch, but i bet if i started doing chin's again it would flare the fuck up. Get on that stretching ASAP, will help with the recovery time. Take it from someone who made that mistake.
Omg ROFL OP plays tennis, yo'!
