Tell me wats happening?


Blue Belt
Jun 7, 2004
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When I started off working out 1.5 years ago I was 50Kg[110 lb]. I managed to reach a maximum weight of 56.5 Kg[124.5lb]. However, somewhere halfway My weight fell till I am now a mere 51 Kg.

Others may think 5 kg[11lb] is nothing, but for my weight it is 10 %. Also, all the way I hav little fat.

The strange thing is that my strength is just increasing inspite of the loss of weight.Y is this so? I am now able to work weights people of 70 kg[154lb] are working, like Bicep curling 20Kg[44lb]. That is 40% of my body weight :eek: I could do with some weight gaining, to guard against times where I may have to skip meals.
This "meal skiping" is propably the reason that you lose weight. Want to weigh more? Eat more!

20kg curl you say? How are your squat, deadlift, bencpress, military press and bent over row? Those excersices are more important than curls and says more about how your strength has developed.
thecas said:
When I started off working out 1.5 years ago I was 50Kg[110 lb]. I managed to reach a maximum weight of 56.5 Kg[124.5lb]. However, somewhere halfway My weight fell till I am now a mere 51 Kg.

Others may think 5 kg[11lb] is nothing, but for my weight it is 10 %. Also, all the way I hav little fat.

The strange thing is that my strength is just increasing inspite of the loss of weight.Y is this so? I am now able to work weights people of 70 kg[154lb] are working, like Bicep curling 20Kg[44lb]. That is 40% of my body weight :eek: I could do with some weight gaining, to guard against times where I may have to skip meals.

How old are you? How tall are you? You need to eat and focus on compound lifts NOT bicep curls.
Hmm..perhaps. tot after the initial period only way strength increases is by muscle gain, so tot its quite strange in my case.

174 cm. also, mid 20s

I feel slight back strain already when lifting the dumbbell. Squats etc is out for me. of course i do other exercises tho.

think i shld just eat more. End
thecas said:
Hmm..perhaps. tot after the initial period only way strength increases is by muscle gain, so tot its quite strange in my case.

174 cm. also, mid 20s

I feel slight back strain already when lifting the dumbbell. Squats etc is out for me. of course i do other exercises tho.

think i shld just eat more. End

Feeling back strain isn
No man! Strength gain is not only about muscle gain, look at powerlifters in the light weight classes for instance.. Strength is just as much about the cns.

Back strain? Then you got a weak back, work it hard first, then start squating. By the sound of what your writing you propably have an awfull program. Write it down in this thread so we can have a look at it..

And yeah before somebody else writes it.. Read the stickies...
thecas said:
I feel slight back strain already when lifting the dumbbell. Squats etc is out for me. of course i do other exercises tho.

So you have a glass back cus you've never trained anything in the lower body and your answer to this problem is to continue doing nothing?... :rolleyes:

Read the stickies and start training for real.

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