Technologies that exist but haven't taken off yet


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
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Apple is credited with inventing the smart phone when they actually didn't. But they made the first one that actually caught on.

Intellivision (competitor to Atari) actually invented online gaming from your home in the 80's, but of course they were ahead of their time and failed.

Thomas Edison is thought by most to have invented the light bulb. When in fact it had been around for a while, he just made improvements that made it much more useful and long-lasting which catapulted it into usefulness for the average person.

So, sherbros, what tech currently exists but hasn't "taken off" yet?

My nominees:

1. Google glass - This was considered a failure but mostly because the world wasn't ready for it. People hated the idea that they were being recorded all the time so they rejected these. This to me is a social thing and as people get more comfortable with the idea of always being on camera I think google glass will be a part of our future. Google may not even be the one to do it either. A company like Apple might come out with their own version and since their followers are zombies they'll all run out and buy it.

2. 3D printing - People may argue that this has "taken off" already but I disagree. It certainly has not lived up to the hype that promised it would change the world, and that everyone would be using them. It's cool that they exist but improvements have been slow and under the radar. It's a niche product for specific industries and hobbyists only at the moment. But I think someday someone's going to find a reason for everyone to have a cheap one in their house. Even if it's for little girls to make bead necklaces or something stupid like that.
Probably shit load of pharmaceutical products that are being held back because they are not cost effective.

Possibly the same thing that would cost the oil / gas companies.
Based on usage, restraint and moderation seem like they were invented tomorrow.

Just kidding it's smell-o-vision.
Nuclear powered vehicles. Someday we will have portable nuclear power generators that last centuries
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AI, arguable. EVs. VR. Quantum computing. Gene editing. Solar power. Jetpacks. Chameleon-esque camouflage. Sexbots, and non manufacturing robots. Prosthetics, cybernetics and nanomachines. Thorium reactors. Etc. x 10000.
I still wonder why are artificial limbs are so shitty. Where is my retracting sword blade for my arm implants.

Where is my cyber eyes that can flip between thermal, NV and zoom!

Cyberpunk ftw
Electric cars

Nuclear power. Someday we will have portable nuclear power generators that last centuries
wondering why this hasnt become mainstream yet either, lmao was just watching back to the future and 2015 we should have already had flying cars hahaha.
VR gaming. I don't see this really taking off until the technology can sense your entire movement.
Quantum computing. .

Has quantum computing been proven yet? Last I read, which was like 2 years back, the main company working on it (iirc it was D Wave Systems) claimed to have quantum computers but there was some debate about whether they actually were quantum computers or just really great normal computers.
I still wonder why are artificial limbs are so shitty. Where is my retracting sword blade for my arm implants.

Where is my cyber eyes that can flip between thermal, NV and zoom!

Cyberpunk ftw

Has quantum computing been proven yet? Last I read, which was like 2 years back, the main company working on it (iirc it was D Wave Systems) claimed to have quantum computers but there was some debate about whether they actually were quantum computers or just really great normal computers.

No idea tbh. The last thing I vaguely recall hearing was the fragility and temperature reqs. of the physical systems was the biggest hurdle but theyre capable of making it happen otherwise. Im probably talking out my rearend.
Flying cars have been a thing for over twenty years but there's really no market for them.
No idea tbh. The last thing I vaguely recall hearing was the fragility and temperature reqs. of the physical systems was the biggest hurdle but theyre capable of making it happen otherwise. Im probably talking out my rearend.

No you might be right. I remember hearing the D Wave computers had to be cooled at as close to Absolute Zero as humanly possible.
The problem with it is the latency. You'll never be able to game on it.
Have a buddy who has satellite internet and whenever it rains and doesn't even have to be that hard his internet stops working. I would never suggest satellite internet to anyone in area where they can get traditional cable or fiber.