Taking light hearted too far.


Blue Belt
Jan 26, 2015
Reaction score
Come on guys. Been lurking long and just saw some real questionable threads about being in a woman/female shoes. Kinda I don't know. It's fine to relate but it's just I don't know...
cmon man just be as stunning and brave as caitlyn jenner was and just atleast THINK about what you would do.

you do not have to carry out the full procedure and go about doing what you said, but just think about it man.
Yea i saw that thread and avoided it right away lol
i think you made a typo with your screen name, it should be repressed not compressed.
Yea i saw that thread and avoided it right away lol

Dip your toe in thought experiment, or philosophy and it wont seem so "off putting"

Or, mask your fear by taking a humorous approach.

No one is going to think less of you.

If you want to know more about teh gay, pm me bro;)
You seem uptight. Nobodies getting their weiner chopped off relax.
lol @ this being the line in the sand for you. On Sherdog.
Cars, movies, tell me your secrets? Dress as a woman? Fenale for 24 hours? Tell a friend you love them? I don't know tonight is just..threads...might have drunk a lil..... . Connor bless.... That how it goes?
Shit man my series of "so you're walking down the street...." scenario threads was way more hardcore than stuff you listed.
That thread really hit you on a weird level. Is there anything you want to tell us?