Takayama's right ear

Pretty bad when you can lose an entire ear and it doesn't really affect your beauty factor.
Originally posted by Phla Les
The Hot One has 1 ear!?

OMG! I'm a freak!

hahaha we must cut off our ears so that we may be more like the hot one
Originally posted by flyin
Takayama looks like he is constantly drunk.

He looks like he should be constantly drunk. Like a young Indian chief that got his face run over by a skidder.
Originally posted by Hieronymus
I think the missing ear is self-inflicted. So as to bring down the hotness to a manageable level for the puny minds of the rest of humanity.
Yes but it had an exact opposite effect, as it raised the hotness level by making me wonder such things as "Did he really cut it off himself? Or did he lose it in a mighty battle??" It's so mysterious I.... I just....... *fapfapfapfap*
Originally posted by Wild Dan Hibiki
hey dcm386 how did u cap the pic? for some reason i cant cap pics from WMP, i usually use the print screen button then paste it in paint

You gottta get a program that can capture Direct 3D image and the like, such as hypersnap dx. Personally, I used virtual dub for that capture of the hot one.
Hotness overcoming my computer room. It is getting unbearable .....

cant keep writing......

soooo hawt in here....

Here's what they say on shirlydoe.com:

"Dude, on an old Spirit of the Ring tape, the Golden Cups tried to put sunglasses on Takayama. It didn
Plus this - "a beauty contest?!?!"

Does anyone out there (Hisa, or that Dean guy) know what happened to
Takayama's ear, He doesn't have one, it looks like it got ripped off. ON
recent episode of Spirit of the Ring, the Golden Cups judged a beauty
contest, and Takayama was wearing sun glasses, but they kept falling
off, because he doesn't have an ear to hold them up. I was just
wondering if he lost it in a match. Thanks
Originally posted by the_real_jiddu
He probably sold it on ebay

i can picture it now,his ear is now in a case on the mantel in someones house
Hes a 'drowned at birth' candidate. Someone suggest to him that he should cut off the other one for symmetry sake