Sylvester Stallone making Luke Rockhold look like a chump standing next to his godly arms

God I can't stand jay Glazer.

A little manlet Jewish guy who thinks his stone cold Steve Austin look will take my mind off of him being an overcompensating manlet.

He's like a walking sterotype. Not good enough or physically gifted to be a great athlete so he just hangs out around them and kayfabees like he's also an athlete. His "training" and all.

I understand you feel the need to point that out. Because without that info, your entire point would have been loss.
C'mon Stallone is full of HGH look at his head and remember him in his earlier years.. yea I know old age and that but you know what you don't grow a head twice the size you had even in old fucking age.


Sylvester Stallone Pleads Guilty to Bringing Human Growth Hormone Into Australia
yeah but what about when he's Luke Rockhard mode?

For such a steroid abuser, Sly still has a nice hairline, and full hrad of hair. Rounds usually get rid of most of your hair, and make you go balding.

Strong hair genes on Sly.

He is widely rumored to have had a hairpiece for decades now. His hairline receded more in movies from 30 years ago than it does now.

But some people do have sick hair genes, Jay Cutler somehow still has hair after decades of mega off the chart usage.
Manlet arms. It's easy to pump your biceps when you're 5'2: there are no women to distract you!
A few years back he got busted by Australian police after flying into the country with vials and vials of HGH.

Apparently he takes both HGH and TRT.
As an-ex Canadian custom officer, I can tell you Stallone cannot come to Canada without being thoroughly searched. He's been busted twice with HGH vials and another time with testosterone. He's allowed to enter the country but his private plane must be searched every time.

Officers fight to the death to get the call to inspect Sly's plane!
He is widely rumored to have had a hairpiece for decades now. His hairline receded more in movies from 30 years ago than it does now.

But some people do have sick hair genes, Jay Cutler somehow still has hair after decades of mega off the chart usage.

True, Jay still has a great head of hair even with all the roid abuse. And for the amount of rounds Arny was downing, he had a magnificent head of hair in his prime.

You usually see even late teen, and early 20's kids losing hair when cycling. So sad. Your hair ain't worth all the muscles in the world.
lmao @ Stalone in his 60s still in that kind of shape. Shouldn't the steroids start taking a toll at some point?

He'a actually 70, lol. Pretty insane, still jacked and hanging out in gyms with a singlet.
Seeing Stallone in such good shape at his age makes me really question all the negative effects the experts claim come from steroids.
One extreme exemple doesn't contradict medical facts. Unfortunately, it's often enough to erase the steroid stigma because there is no way to know. When a pro wrestler of 40 dies of heart failure, there is no proof it's from steroids. Of course, there is no proof it's not from steroid either but that's how science works.

In my opinion, you can't discard dozens of recorded side effects and numerous suspicious death of athletes by pointing out how an actor who doesn't compete in athletic endeavors still "looks great at 70".

Of course he looks great, that's what actor do!
He'a actually 70, lol. Pretty insane, still jacked and hanging out in gyms with a singlet.
When you've been on highest quality hollywood roids your entire life there is nothing insane about it.

I am surprised he hasn't gotten any kind of cancer and what not from fucking with nature so much... now thats insane
He got caught with Jintropin, which is banned in the United States. He wasn't prescribed it lol

ya, im aware.

he also wasnt IN the United States (lol)

im guessing youre not aware how easy it is to get a script in another country for something, it is easy for me.

and im not Stallone.
How is Sly still alive given all the roids (and probably coke) he's abused over the years? Did he buy a Chinese guy's heart on the black market a few years ago?
He gets a new one every couple of years.