The strong grovel their way in, and then attack women and children in your world?You break it, you buy it. I support Islam and am glad that liberals realized they don't want any of that and tried to pass it onto others. Nope. I want Islam to build a strong base in Europe. And comes ripping out of its chest and kills it like a scene from Alien. The seeds of the strong have been planted in the womb of the weak.
This is all ultimately Merkel’s fantasy - to get violently fucked by a huge group of men. She can’t even get one white man to fuck her, and she knows that some of these fellas will gang rape donkeys at petting zoos. So she must have a chance.They should just get the hint that nobody fucking wants them, and send them back. Or let them all stay at Merkel's or Tusk's house.
Add another one to the list. Good.
Now comes the decision to either collectively fund EU border protection, or kiss the whole experiment goodye. Hope the interior states decide on the former.
The thing is they are already doing that. People arriving by boat is half this year already. And the EU is starting a program to build up the Lybian coast guard (whoever has control of the Lybian coast guard might be a different question)
We'll lets hope they are of a better quality than the Libyan Cadets that sexually assaulted women and raped a man in Cambridge while being trained at Bassingbourne Barracks , they were supposed to have been the best of the best I dread to think what the ordinary rank and file are like .
You break it, you buy it. I support Islam and am glad that liberals realized they don't want any of that and tried to pass it onto others. Nope. I want Islam to build a strong base in Europe. And comes ripping out of its chest and kills it like a scene from Alien. The seeds of the strong have been planted in the womb of the weak.
I wish I could have Morgan Freeman reading that as my ringtone.
1- Honestly, I don't see Europe finding the balls to dump those who've already made it over. You're going to have to absorb most of them where they stand today. But I think your plan works well with incoming waves.
2- Italy in its current form will never be a superpower; how they're even mentioning themselves in that conversation confuses me. And if that's their goal the single person on the ground is very far from what they care about.
3- I thought you were in the Adriatic south. How far north are you?
This might be a dumb question but how did taking in refugees from war torn Syria turn in to taking every body in?