Sweeps from full guard!

I think we will eventually see an X guard sweep in MMA.

I really don't think you would be 'killed' if you were in X guard looking for the sweep. It's extremely hard to keep your balance in X guard as it is. If someone tried to punch you they would be off balancing themselves even more and helping the sweep.
You are completely correct if you are talking pure grappling. As far as MMA goes, the De La Riva and X Guard are great ways to get killed in my opinion. Obviously every technique CAN work, but I feel like you have to have black belt level skill to use these guards effectively in MMA. In MMA full guard > all other guards in my opinion.

I challenge anyone to take their hands off of the ground long enough to punch me. I have been using the x guard for a few years now and have done a lot of mma training with it. You opponent is a puppet on strings.
it's all good dude, you're just curious. if you want to be good at sweeps though, you might look into a different guard than full...half guard, butterfly guard and x guard are some really good guards that combo together really well...de la riva (even though i don't like it personally) is good with those guards too...now hit up some youtube.

Not trying to be too technical here but isn't anything but half guard is full guard? I mean as long as you have both your legs between you and your opponent then it is a full guard. Not to be confused with a closed guard, which is one version of a full guard.

There are SO many ways to sweep an opponent but it takes time to develop. The key is to have a strong guard that is hard to pass then you will find opening for sweeps and submissions for the guard.
Not trying to be too technical here but isn't anything but half guard is full guard? I mean as long as you have both your legs between you and your opponent then it is a full guard. Not to be confused with a closed guard, which is one version of a full guard.

There are SO many ways to sweep an opponent but it takes time to develop. The key is to have a strong guard that is hard to pass then you will find opening for sweeps and submissions for the guard.
This is just wordplay (which I admit I indulged in on the previous page).

For most, full guard is synonymous with closed guard. Most people I would say think about guards as either closed, open, or half. BFG, spider, DLR, cross, and X I would consider as 'open' guards. Then obviously there's closed guard and half guard.

If you want you can also count turtle guard as an open guard.
The closed guard is underrated. You have to get a competent closed guard. The pendulum, flower, scissor, and hook sweeps are very basic sweeps which work very well. Getting good at these sweeps will improve the rest of your jiu-jitsu. Noobs often find that they need the newest Eddie Bravo move and that those basics don't work. More and more, I find that they do work well - I just didn't have the timing or a few details right back when I started jiu-jitsu.

You should listen to this man's advice, he's pre-med.

On a serious note, why isn't there a sub forum like at Bullshido or a technique section on Sherdog like lockflow for example? While youtube is a great resource there are the occasional amateur wannabe videos that someone like the TS might take seriously.
Not trying to be too technical here but isn't anything but half guard is full guard? I mean as long as you have both your legs between you and your opponent then it is a full guard. Not to be confused with a closed guard, which is one version of a full guard.

There are SO many ways to sweep an opponent but it takes time to develop. The key is to have a strong guard that is hard to pass then you will find opening for sweeps and submissions for the guard.

eh...I guess you could do that with the words but...you don't really have your legs between you and your opponent in x guard anyway
the sweep they are speaking of war machine pulling off is the sit up sweep, its a great closed guard sweep that can become high percentage once you get your timing down and sensitivity of the other persons balance. Kron Gracie used it in his match against Bruiser which is also on youtube.
I think we will eventually see an X guard sweep in MMA.

I really don't think you would be 'killed' if you were in X guard looking for the sweep. It's extremely hard to keep your balance in X guard as it is. If someone tried to punch you they would be off balancing themselves even more and helping the sweep.

Marcello Garcia?
Marcello Garcia?

That is kind of unfair to Marcelo, his lack of stand up/boxing training is what was the most glaring thing. He was back pedaling in a very uncontrolled manner and I'm sure he knew it. Not a good example of the x-guard failing in MMA. Although I am a little suspect that it will be any more effective than the occasional spinning back kick.

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