International sweden paying migrants to leave

Westerners aren't breeding for a lot of reasons, but mostly because having kids is expensive. Migrants have more children because the West subsidizes poor people having kids. Hard to think that this isn't being done intentionally. Almost like natives are being replaced. Hmm...
Westerners aren't breeding for a lot of reasons, but mostly because having kids is expensive. Migrants have more children because the West subsidizes poor people having kids. Hard to think that this isn't being done intentionally. Almost like natives are being replaced. Hmm...
surely it's becoming more expensive to have kids because the global elites want to exterminate white people, and not so billionaires can get richer and richer.
Westerners aren't breeding for a lot of reasons, but mostly because having kids is expensive. Migrants have more children because the West subsidizes poor people having kids. Hard to think that this isn't being done intentionally. Almost like natives are being replaced. Hmm...
It's natural selection favoring r-strategists over K-strategists.
Europe isn't going to get better by importing millions of military aged men from war torn countries that sponge off the welfare system.

You are repeating an old lie created by people that want to destroy Europeans.

You support one of the biggest lying scums in recent history so please dont talk about repeating lies.

You are not equipped to even talk about the weather let alone Immigration.

Go away.
So why do you think they are paying to get rid of them?

Honestly, they are one economic collapse away from mass killing migrants and other undesirables and dumping their bodies in the Atlantic Ocean.

Did you get hard while typing this?
surely it's becoming more expensive to have kids because the global elites want to exterminate white people, and not so billionaires can get richer and richer.
By eliminating the richest and most powerful group, they become richer and more powerful by default. The two aren't mutually exclusive. It's not that they hate white people, it's that whites are the biggest threat.
The mass immigration is due to the low birth rates, the UN spoke about this in 2000.
Kicking out the immigrants is not going to magically fix your low birth rates.

Among white people, divorce is at all time high, birth rates and marriage rates all time low. White male virginity rates are skyrocketing while white women virginity rates are all time low.

Fertile immigrants are filling the labour shortage caused by low white birth rates.

Cry about it.

Imagine the nerve of Vikings, who essentially cucked all of Europe, freaking out this hard about brown and black people. Northmen went into the UK and France like:

"Hey who is that?"

"Uh, that's my wife."

"Yeah, that's MY wife."

Now willing to pay moneys to strangers to not face the same threat only without the War. If memory serves me it didnt work when the Countries they invaded tried bribery.
Glad we're slowly starting to kick out the trash. Hopefully it will accelerate.
We don't need thirdworldization.
Vast majority of them are worthless welfare sponges who are also violent and illiterate.
There's zero use for people like that in Europe.
Be sure to collect your check and dip out then.