Elections Sweden Election 2022 - A brighter future

Yes, your post said that the immigration issue people are complaining about isn't an issue and all fear mongering.

The first thing to do to help it stop inviting these people into the country. For the ones that are already there, well that is much more difficult as the refuse to integrate and have created their own communities where outsiders are not welcome. But that goes back to the ones who encouraged and invited them into the country with no plan.
No i didn’t say that. I was saying that making it a culture/ religion issue is disingenuous. And that right wing parties use it to fear monger. Though it is a factor in this very complex issue (culture). It’s hardly the main issue.

So, no, closing the borders isn’t gonna help much right now since most of the gang violence is between gangs who are born in Sweden.
In 2016, the left-led government came up with a proposal for 10,000 new police officers until the year 2025. As you may have had a little idea by now, Sweden has been a country where our population has had great confidence in the state and its institutions. But with the last 10 years of absolutely insane intake of immigrants(we are the country in the EU that received the most refugees per capita) who don't have the tools to become compatible with my country. It has resulted in all our institutions in the public sector crying out for authorized personnel to be able to handle the quickly growing population. It is clear as a sunny day that if a country takes in this kind of hundreds of thousands of immigrants year after year, the harmony breaks down and the otherwise dutiful and cooperative Swedes who have been used to a functioning and coordinated welfare society, are starting to make noise and direct their displeasure at our politicians.

Back to questions about basic security

The insecurity that has embraced the everyday lives of normal people has its origins in the merciless violence we see today. The type of violence we see in Sweden is ruthless, lacking empathy and without regard for those who are unlucky enough to be caught in the crossfire. Completely new types of crimes that have not existed in Sweden at all or have not been recorded for hundreds of years, have started to occur again. This applies, for example, to honor violence directed at young women, clan-based crime, both spontaneous and planned violence against rescue personnel, or gang rapes where the victim is a young man or a woman. In addition, there is an increasing number of robberies of the elderly and so-called humiliation robberies among younger perpetrators and victims, where the main purpose is the exercise of power rather than material abuse. And this election in 2022 showed with our votes what we Swedes find extremely unpleasant and transgressive.

The rise of the Sweden Democrats(SD) probably has to do with the Moderates(M) and Christian Democrats(KD) accepting SD as a partner party. It has lowered the threshold for many voters to vote for the Sweden Democrats. From having been a distinct pariah party, you are more of a party among others, even if there is still a certain stigma around voting for SD. Most notably, SD almost doubles its support among first-time voters, from 12 percent in 2018 to 22 percent in this year's election. It is usually said that the youngest voters are very sensitive to trends. Young voters have both awareness and experience when it comes to substantive political issues on which SD went to the polls. Many young people feel with great certainty a concern about the increase in violence in public places. SD is perceived to have the best policy regarding, migration, law and order and energy, exactly the issues that we have had high on the agenda in this election campaign. The tendency for young people to have right-wing sympathies can also be seen in school choice which I had a post about on page 8.


Party with the best policy, SD has the best policy on law and order and immigration according to the Swedish population.


This is how the first-time voters (18-21 years old) voted. As you can see, SD has almost doubled from this group.

Things are actually starting to happen

Our politicians at the Riksdag level(party representatives at municipal and regional level have long wished for an open debate, but they have been silenced) finally woke up and that the former Prime minister Stefan Löven(S) in 2019 said that immigration from MENA countries is connected with criminality. Instead of usual political correctness, they now dared to talk openly about immigrants from MENA, something only SD has done and which today in 2022 is accepted on Riksdag's level among all left and right wing parties except V and MP. The Social Democrats promised that 10,000 new police officers would be hired before 2025. At the same time, they ordered an investigation report from BRÅ which was completed in 2021. Below you will find the link to BRÅ's report and my post about gun violence in Sweden if you are interested.


The crime prevention council's(BRÅ) 136-page report on shooting violence in Sweden


I remember you. You gave very rational thoughts in the Ukraine thread and you were good at military history!

I think it's a bit unfair that you use the USA as a yardstick to compare with a country like Sweden. It is true that if you look at the world, the violence in the Nordics seems like a trifle.

A decisive difference that Sweden do not see or experience is the social problems that you are facing. You have 2 parties with eternal rule, and as an observer you can only state that there are 2 camps of voters who are constantly egging each other on. Sweden do not experience the criticism of the police that you seem to struggle with. Do you have equally high requirements for those who apply with a gymnasium education as a minimum? Do you have several years of police training to be able to exercise the authority in a professional way? And last but not least, you obviously have big wounds from your young history that don't seem to heal and we have been able to see this from the outside world with BLM and other activity that clearly has the message that it is a troublesome relationship between whites and blacks. If you add these 3 together, I can better understand why you seem to have more violence than any other civilized democratic country, and therefore a comparison between the entire USA and Sweden is rather far-fetched.

USA is a completely different playing field and it would have been better if you had taken a well run state instead of the whole country. It is better to compare with other European countries under the same conditions. And just because I'm lazy to look up tables and other statistics, you have to try to understand my opinion and I can link you to BRÅ´s report that the government ordered 2 years ago

https://bra.se/publikationer/arkiv/...ld-i-sverige-och-andra-europeiska-lander.html (This is the report, a very long read is available as a PDF on this site)

Press conference where statistics are shown.

Sweden is at the top when it comes to fatal gun violence in Europe. The study compared fatal shootings with 22 other European countries over 19 years, between 2000 and 2019, and concluded that Sweden is at the highest level in Europe when it comes to fatal shooting violence. The increase reported by Sweden cannot be seen anywhere else in Europe. Sweden has moved from the bottom to the top in Europe's statistics. In the early 2000s, Sweden was at the bottom when it came to fatal gun violence in Europe. Since 2013, however, violence has increased sharply, and since 2018 Sweden is thus at the top.

And right now there is a consensus among all parties that it has to do with immigration from MENA countries for 30 years. To draw a comparison with the labor immigration Sweden had in the 1960s from, among other places, the Finns. During the 70s Sweden had an immigration of political shia muslim refugees from Iran. And during the war in Yugoslavia, Sweden received different nationalities from the Balkans. These 3 very different backgrounds and groupings have adapted well in Sweden.

For an American like you who experiences death every day and that it is almost part of everyday life, to a Sweden where crimes that did not exist before, and began to occur with the first immigration of muslims during the 90s is a big difference as the country is in a culture shock. The normal and well-adjusted people who remember the traditional and ordinary Sweden are right now in a process of acclimatizing themselves to an (I want to make it clear again) increasing violence and a mentality that does not show any kind of consideration in the completely new and different Sweden. The overall picture of the development of crime in Sweden is that certain types of crimes have increased significantly in recent decades.

From BRÅ´s report 2021.

- Sweden is the only European country where fatal gun violence has increased between 2000 and 2019. And in the last ten years, fatal violence has increased drastically by more than 50 percent, through an increase in male victims in the wake of gang settlements.

- Abuse in legal proceedings with threats against witnesses and an increasing reluctance to testify in criminal cases is a strong and growing problem.

- Due to the increased immigration, completely new types of crimes that have not existed in Sweden at all or have not been recorded for hundreds of years, have started to occur again. This applies, for example, to honor violence directed at young women, clan-based crime, both spontaneous and planned violence against rescue personnel, or gang rapes where the victim is a young man or a woman. In addition, there is an increasing number of robberies of the elderly and so-called humiliation robberies among younger perpetrators and victims, where the main purpose is the exercise of power rather than material abuse.

- There are also many cases where juvenile offenders are released prematurely or easily escape from youth care to commit new crimes. A clear pattern is that gangs and organized crime use underage as couriers and hired killers.

It's all about perspective and what you experience on a daily basis in the country you grew up in. If you're used to reading and hearing good things said by other nations, being used to order and a social structure that works and to face a new everyday life with long queues for hospital visits and perhaps not a hospital to be able to give birth at because it is full of the kind of families that have 7 kids or more, or to cycle home from work on a dark autumn day and nowadays must be aware and alert to threats that did not exist before.

And so the top of the whole thing, why should the Swedes accept this new everyday life with shootings every day? Is it meant for them to get used to it? Why is it so difficult to talk about reasons that are clearly visible instead of arguing and blaming the hostcountry? Do these human beings with a completely different view of life have no duty of responsibility? Can't they be held accountable and hear what most people want to shout out loud?

Can't you behave like normal people?

Sorry for a long text. Have a good evening.
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Have we got more cops?

The government's goal was to increase the number of police employees by 10,000, the majority of whom are police officers, by 2025. Things are going slowly. In total, the agency's employees have increased by 6,269 people since 2016. Of them, only 1,927 are police officers. In Sweden, there are now 21,386 police officers, far short of the target of 26,200 at the end of 2024. The number of police officers per capita is largely unchanged since 2010. In relation to the number of inhabitants, the number of police officers is constant or decreasing. In 2010, there were 216 police officers per 100,000 inhabitants. In 2021, the number was 205. In Germany there are 300 police officers per 100,000 inhabitants, in France 320 and in Spain 360. At the same time, fatal violence among young men has increased sharply in Sweden, but not in the rest of Europe.

The left-wing government has not been able to accept reality. Sweden needs more police officers, and those who are already working must be given incentives to stay. The need appears to be greatest in Stockholm and Malmö. The Moderates want to see higher police salaries. That's a good start. But the most important question is, how many pass the police training?

Before I go into more detail about today's police situation, let's get an insight from the latest hearing of the Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson(S) regarding the 2016 bill for 26,000 police officers by 2025.

The goal of 26,200 police officers by 2025

Today's crime poses a threat both to society and to those who have the task of prosecuting criminals. Today, the police authority has major challenges to fulfill its mission. Increased resources are needed both financially and in terms of prosecution. Poor wages, poor working conditions and an increasingly unsafe existence to work in have led to fewer and fewer police officers working in external service. Due to the current situation with increasing serious crime, Sweden needs more police officers than ever to maintain law and order. The first priority is that there must be more police to stop this development and be better able to fight this type of crime.

What is most important is the number of active police officers. Of today's almost 22,000 police officers, only approximately 800 work purely as area police officers with crime prevention and safety-creating tasks in designated geographical areas of responsibility. The police authority has so far failed to attract enough people to police training. Although they have managed to re-recruit 92 police officers in 2021, more police officers than ever quit: 762. Those who leave the police therefore greatly exceed those who have been successfully re-recruited.

At the same time, the Police College has great difficulty filling the places for the training. The number of education places has increased in recent years, but at the start of each semester a large number of places are empty. In total, there were 1,020 study places for the start of the semester in January 2022, of which 650 people had received confirmed admission. Almost 40 percent of study places are therefore empty at the start of the education. It is the ninth start of education in a row that starts with lots of vacancies, and almost every semester around 300 places are not filled. It corresponds to a normal-sized police station. National Police Chief Anders Thornberg says that at least 1,000 students per semester are needed to meet the goal of 26,200 police officers by 2025. The government's goal of achieving the goal of 38,000 police employees, of which 26,200 police officers, by 2025 looks set to be difficult to achieve.

The problem is not that there is a lack of interest in becoming a police officer. Before the start of each semester, approximately 20,000 people apply for the education. According to the then Minister of the Interior Mikael Damberg(S), it is about the fact that the applicants do not have sufficient merit to fill the training places.

For the full hearing follow the link or watch the video.

Is it too difficult to become a police officer in sweden?

In breaking the integration difficulties for foreigners who come from MENA countries, the previous government has taken measures to send problematic children to well-functioning schools, which can be read about on page 10, post 190. As I said, this measure has caused great dissatisfaction among both students and parents. In the same way, steps have been taken to have a more ethnically mixed police force in Sweden. Currently, we have 6.5% in the police force who have a different ethnic background.

By lowering the requirements, that is to say that you do not need to have passed all subjects from at least a 3-year high school education, you have been able to attract foreigners to the police academy. Having said that, I would like to point out once again that foreigners in Sweden of other cultures and religions who are well adapted in my country are not the target group that the government had envisioned in a future police force, it is therefore MENA people it is about.

But let's take a look at the qualifications required to become a police officer in Sweden. In order to be (4)admitted to the police training, you must have a (1)basic qualification or be (2)qualified in another way. You must also have (3)special authorization. Regardless of whether you apply with a basic qualification or qualified in another way, you must meet the requirements, i.e. be approved for the courses included in the special qualification.


But, as I said, this does not apply to MENA students, as the vast majority of them do not meet all the eligibility requirements that apply to be able to become a police officer. And with the fact that it has become easier for them, there are many who are not even allowed to start as they fail when the police do a security check that includes an interview and a record check. Those who then proceed from the interview must then complete physical, medical and psychological admission requirements for police training. And here, in particular, the part that deals with psychology that puts an end to a dream of becoming a police officer.

Psychological requirements

Suitability for the police profession is a basic requirement, which means that you must be able to function in a variety of situations. It is required that you have self-awareness to such an extent that your own feelings do not affect the possibility of solving a certain task, regardless of the situation.

To be suitable, you need to have these abilities, interests and strengths:

- Cognitive abilities: sufficient ability to take in, process and structure complex information and solve problems, good learning ability to absorb knowledge and translate it into practical action. Curious to learn new things.

- Community and human interest: sufficient interest in other people and developments in society. Shows concern and is generous in giving of himself to others.

- Legal awareness and responsibility: sufficient ability to live up to regulations, laws and moral values in a democracy, as well as to take responsibility for oneself and others. Shows others respect and can stand up for others.

- Social and communicative skills: sufficient self-awareness, ability to create contact, create and maintain relationships with and collaborate with people from different backgrounds, and ability to manage conflicts.

- Stability and mental health: good faith in one's own abilities, capable of action, patient with an even temper, which means personal prerequisites to handle stress, good ability to control impulses and absence of disabling risk factors.

- Endurance: sufficient ability to complete tasks over time and with maintained quality and to be able to change when necessary.

The previous government's goal of having 26,000 police officers in Sweden by 2025 currently seems far-fetched, as the large number of police aspirants who want to work as a police officer cannot even enter the police academy, although we have made it easier for them to apply. And the incredible thing is that these were born in Sweden and therefore not talking about a recent asylum seeker applying to the police academy.

And then that the Swedish population finds out about this via the media doesn't make the reputation any better for these MENA people.

People with a foreign background have more difficulty passing the police exam

18,400 applications - but only four out of ten are eligible and even fewer make it to the examination

37 were thrown out – 104 failed

It's the politicians' fault that the police trainees are too bad

What has actually happened to the intelligence requirement?

They have such limited knowledge of speaking and writing Swedish that they cannot complete a simple report
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So anyone got some non biased information that isn’t drenched with Islamophobia about the results?
The media salt is glorious..

Never really had a horse in the race but from the perspective depicted by the big media being neutral is basically being the gas chamber operator..

Vi är fortfarande humanister, det är bara att intagningskraven/behoven måste ses över.. det är jävligt synd att sverige saknar ett äkta liberalt parti.. med det sagt, fan ta polariseringen.. det är vad det är..
You know, many in Sweden have acted similarly to you, accusations of islamophobia, xenophobia, racism and being overtly focused on the problems that the immigrants have caused.
And what did this type of behaviour cause to Sweden actually?
Being now a rape-capital of Europe, never seen before levels of violence and gun crime, a totally out of control uneducated and antisocial ethnic underclass that avoids working.
Being totally wrong is a hard pill to swallow, but it's better if you just man up.
I've deliberately stayed out of this thread, haven't even looked up the election results and just clicked on the last page. I didn't want to contribute until the dust has settled but I can't help but comment on this.

Many Euros are realizing that it's better to be called names than to sacrifice their cultures for a people willing to use their generosity, tolerance and naivete to change their culture. Many cultures clash, compete and are totally incompatible and many newcomers view western culture as inferior and weak. So now that this disastrous recipe is almost done baking it's leaving a bad taste in many mouths. And it's about fucking time. Us born in Europe's ghettoes used to admire the west, and especially the Scandi countries but no longer. Hope they get control of themselves.
Many Euros are realizing that it's better to be called names than to sacrifice their cultures for a people willing to use their generosity, tolerance and naivete to change their culture. Many cultures clash, compete and are totally incompatible and many newcomers view western culture as inferior and weak. So now that this disastrous recipe is almost done baking it's leaving a bad taste in many mouths. And it's about fucking time. Us born in Europe's ghettoes used to admire the west, and especially the Scandi countries but no longer. Hope they get control of themselves.
the game changer was when we realized there's deep dishonesty around, at all those slogans are just ideology designed to destroy social harmony. from my point of view, immigration to the EU should drop to zero for at least a generation. we don't really need people, we're like 500 million already. and we also can't really count on those elves from the northern countries that are well meaning but their openness and aloofness looks to be their downfall. we can't take advice about building society from people that have lost their societal protection antibodies. they must wake up first, and thankfully, there's positive signs of that happening.
So my thoughts about the Swedish police are ready for reading and you can find part 2 in post 243 on page 13.

But little about the latest news about the formation of the next government. To get a better picture of the news below, there will probably be a government with Ulf Kristersson as prime minister. But the fight for the other ministerial positions is now in full swing. Both KD and L want positions even though they got modest results. SD, which is a cooperative party to the right-wing formation, wants to discuss the post of prime minister and also the heavier posts such as finance and interior minister. L has been clear that SD is precisely a cooperative party but does not want to see them in a government formation.

Three critical issues in the government negotiations

Ulf Kristersson is expected to be the first to be called to the speakership if the current distribution of mandates stands after the votes have been counted on Wednesday. But in order to become prime minister, the moderate leader must first and foremost address three critical issues together with the parties in his government base, says political scientist Linn Mårdstam.

After election night, Ulf Kristersson's government base (M, KD, L and SD) leads with one mandate in the fight for power. But to become prime minister, the Moderate leader must unite the parties and there are several key issues in any government negotiations, says political scientist Linn Mårdstam.

One issue is the SD's demand that the higher level of unemployment insurance that the Swedish government introduced during the pandemic remain.

- The Moderates, for their part, want to lower the level. This is one of the issues where you see that SD is more to the left on the political scale than the Moderates and one of several labor market-related issues where there is a dividing line between the parties, says Linn Mårdstam.

Another conflict that remains to be resolved is migration policy and the approach to it. M, KD, L and SD have indeed agreed on guidelines and certain proposals regarding migration, but SD wants to go further than that and advocates that Sweden's right to asylum be lowered to the EU's minimum level.

- Here there could be problems with the Liberals, who have a more open approach to how many people should come here and integration efforts, says Mårdstam.

There are also contradictions in the question of Sweden's role in the world. SD has dropped the demand for a Swedish withdrawal from the EU, but still advocates that the Union's power over the member states be limited.

- The Moderates and the Liberals are EU-friendly parties that have strong ambitious programs at the EU level. Now that Sweden will become the EU's chairman country in 2023, this question will clarify many dividing lines.

In addition, the issue of Sweden's aid is a difficult nut to crack, according to Mårdstam. M and SD want the aid to be reduced, while KD and L support the current goal that 1 percent of the gross national income (GNI) should be set aside for aid in the state budget.

- There is a dividing line and a tension that also exists in this new cooperation coalition.
Sweden's Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson resigns



Magdalena Andersson (S) announces her resignation as Prime Minister

Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson (S) acknowledges the election loss and will now request her dismissal from the Speaker(Talman). She says this at a press conference that is taking place at the same time as the last votes in the election are being counted.

Andersson states that Ulf Kristersson's government alternative received a narrow majority.

- Tomorrow I will therefore request my dismissal as Prime Minister and the responsibility for the continued process will pass to the Speaker and the Riksdag, Andersson says.

Before a new government is ready, Andersson will lead a transitional government.

- When a new government is in place, I will lead the Social Democracy in opposition. If it turns out that Ulf Kristersson's intended basis does not hold together, then of course my door is open. We Social Democrats are ready to cooperate with anyone who wants to be part of the solution to the problems that Sweden is facing.

Magdalena Andersson says that S will now analyze the party's election campaign.

- There is certainly a lot to learn, she says.
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So the day has arrived that I have been waiting for far too long. We are getting another policy that will impose tough requirements on those who do not support themselves. The Swedes have come to the point where we openly show our frustration that as much money as the government has used for healthcare, among other things, has been used to pay out social benefits for those who do not support themselves. We also look forward to when they can start deporting people from here. If you come to another country and commit a crime, they have used up their right to stay in my country.

A new future with harsh requirements for those who do not contribute to society promises good times.


All 4 parties in the right block are in complete agreement on 4 points

- Longer sentence

- Deport in case of crime

- Allow wiretapping without suspicion

- High cost protection for electricity
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I've deliberately stayed out of this thread, haven't even looked up the election results and just clicked on the last page. I didn't want to contribute until the dust has settled but I can't help but comment on this.

Many Euros are realizing that it's better to be called names than to sacrifice their cultures for a people willing to use their generosity, tolerance and naivete to change their culture. Many cultures clash, compete and are totally incompatible and many newcomers view western culture as inferior and weak. So now that this disastrous recipe is almost done baking it's leaving a bad taste in many mouths. And it's about fucking time. Us born in Europe's ghettoes used to admire the west, and especially the Scandi countries but no longer. Hope they get control of themselves.

The ideal in Sweden is if we can get down to the same low percentage as the USA has regarding sunni muslims. The fewer they become in our country, the better we can keep them in check. They have had 30 years to prove to the host country that they are needed in our country, but instead they have only built on a terribly bad reputation during this time. We have given them 3 decades and that is far too long to acclimatize in a new country.

I hope other countries learn from Sweden as we have solid experience with these sunni muslims from MENA areas.
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Ulf Kristersson "began the work of forming a government"


In the background, 2 of the future Prime Minister's adopted children can be seen. One thing I've learned on this site is that there are quite a few leftist sympathizers who find the right-wing thinking racist.
the game changer was when we realized there's deep dishonesty around, at all those slogans are just ideology designed to destroy social harmony. from my point of view, immigration to the EU should drop to zero for at least a generation. we don't really need people, we're like 500 million already. and we also can't really count on those elves from the northern countries that are well meaning but their openness and aloofness looks to be their downfall. we can't take advice about building society from people that have lost their societal protection antibodies. they must wake up first, and thankfully, there's positive signs of that happening.
I couldn't believe I actually had to make a case against stories of "crime at lowest levels" coming out of Sweden and Germany in 2016. Dishonesty from those pushing a narrative is one thing. Managing to brainwash populations into believing such impossibilities is another. People so wanted to believe the lies. Both the German and Swedish guy I used to argue with changed their minds though, so that's something. And that seems to be the reality for many Swedes judging by the election results as you said.
The final result in the number of votes from the entire country

Number of Swedes abroad who voted in the last 2 elections

We have approximately 80 to 90,000 Swedes who live outside Sweden's borders. Those who voted from another country are marked in blue.
It's nice to have it confirmed (the automatic mandatory recount is a technicality) that we're getting a change in leadership, and that the new government got an extra mandate which allows for slightly more security from someone going rogue or just messing up a vote by mistake.

We're already heading towards worse times economically which might pose some slight hindrance, but overall it will be interesting to see what changes the four parties can agree on. Another point of interest is seeing how SD will act now that they have some real influence for the first time.
The final result in the number of votes from the entire country

Number of Swedes abroad who voted in the last 2 elections

We have approximately 80 to 90,000 Swedes who live outside Sweden's borders. Those who voted from another country are marked in blue.
So the evil "far right, anti immigrant". (read that as normal and rational) party will finally get a seat at the table and have influence on policy as part of a coalition? Do I have that right?

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