Elections Sweden Election 2022 - A brighter future

Let's take a look at the newly started sunni muslim party NYANS(PNy). Most swedes who heard about the party didn't think they would make a fuss, but then the party passed the Christian democrats(KD) and was only 0.1% away from getting into the municipal council in Malmö municipality. And as usual the left wing wins in the municipal council. But a little info about the city and municipality the party operates in.

Malmö municipality is divided into 2 municipal constituencies that form West and East and together they have 212 districts. In Malmö, more people vote for right-wing politics in the western district and left-wing politics dominate in the eastern district. A common joke among Malmö residents is that you vote more right-wing politics the closer you get to Denmark.


As you can clearly see, leftist politics is the king in Malmö

One out of these 212 districts is Rosengården, and I think most of you know the name as it has been mentioned in foreign media when talking about Malmö. Rosengården, together with 6 other districts in Malmö, are classified as particularly vulnerable areas i 2022. In addition, there are 15 more districts classified under the lower grade. The police divide Sweden's vulnerable areas into three categories;

Vulnerable area: Characterized by low socio-economic status where the criminals have an impact on the local community. Can be threats and blackmail, but also violence in the streets and squares and open drug dealing. The situation is considered serious.

Risk area: Is a vulnerable area, but does not quite reach the definition of being particularly vulnerable. The situation is considered very alarming.

Particularly vulnerable area: Here it is "difficult or almost impossible" for the police to fulfill their mission. Systematic threats and acts of violence against witnesses and plaintiffs in the area. Also parallel social structures, muslim extremism and high concentration of criminals. The situation is considered urgent.


Since Rosengården has received so much attention in the media and got a whopping 38% who voted for the muslim party NYANS, I would rather check out another district that has the same problem status and where 8 murders have taken place this year with firearms. Let me introduce Kroksbäck and how a road that divides this district politically.

Kroksbäck V

Kroksbäck S

As you can see, people in Kroksbäck V vote more for right-wing parties compared to the other side of the road. What is obvious is that several of these problem-filled districts have the party NYANS in a high position, just like in district Kroksbäck S. The fact that several traditional left-wing parties have had to make room for this new party in as many as 12 Malmö districts.

The police and social service work closely together with schools to prevent gang crime. As anti-democratic values rule in these areas, the authorities do not get much cooperation from parents. They don't show it as openly as young people, but there is a lot of hatred towards the police among the adult population. It is because of the parallel society and the culture of silence that prevails. This means that both children and adults are equally involved when it comes to different types of crime. The young people from an early age of 7 and up are dealing drugs. And the adult part of the criminals are doing insurance/grant fraud as most of the vehicles parked in these areas are usually registered to a few names. The police call these car goalies.

This is a well-known method of obtaining financial support as you cannot get it if you own a car as it is considered a luxury item and a possession worth money. This means that anyone who wants to own a car and at the same time cheat with grants can use the local parallel society's bank and it is a strong clan-familiy that manages this business. The clan appoints goalkeepers within the family who can be owners of up to thousands of cars. Each troubled district has a clan that provides cars. And the social services have a very difficult time proving that the person applying for the grant actually owns a car.

This is a small taste of what is happening in these districts. Most are on benefits and live with an enforced respect for one or two strong clan families who know everything that goes on. And that is precisely why it is problematic that the sunni muslim party NYANS is fishing for votes in the very worst problem areas where many of them are deeply criminal, take religion seriously and want to introduce sharia and dress police, a majority of adults who do not speak Swedish and a few years of school in their CV, and who do not know what different political ideologies stand for. This party wants areas in Malmö and the other 2 large cities to be controlled by Islam. This party has nothing to do with Sweden and democracy, and therefore it should be banned as it helps to create a society that does not want to have anything to do with the rest of the society in Sweden.

Here a selection from NYANS political ideology;

- The Nyans party wants the Swedish state to recognize Islamophobia as a social problem. The relevant authorities must work to highlight Islamophobia as a specific area of work.

- The Nyans party wants Sunni Muslims to be recognized as a national minority group in the constitution and for Islamophobia to be given its own criminal classification.

- The party Nyans wants to improve diversity within the police force and the Security Police. We therefore want the police and SÄPO(secret service) to actively work to ensure that ethnic minorities are proportionally represented within the respective organizations.

- The party Nyans wants to give the relevant authorities the task of introducing a more in-depth course element in the subject of religion linked to Islamophobia.
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Nothing has been debunked about the rape- or sexual assaults statistics in Sweden.
Sadly to add something else, that 10% of all murders are "honor killings" (there's no fucking honor in that) and that amounts to 1/3rd of all murders of women.
Gun crime in Sweden is only 2nd to Croatia in the Euro's, yeah it's relatively low in comparison to Mexico or Venezuela but we should be comparing it to Denmark, Norway and Finland.

I suppose the same measures should be applied in Sweden, that have been applied in Denmark assuming that the perpetrators and problems are confined in certain areas of the cities.
One root cause why we're even talking about such problems is that the discussion has been totally dishonest and they have allowed things to develop into what they are today.
Yes, it has. If you're Swedish, you know very well why Sweden has more reported rapes than other countries, it's all about sexual assualt laws. Much broader legal view of what constitutes rape and sexualt assault, offences are reported for each single offence even within a single case (which could have dozens or hundreds), consent laws some of the strictest in the world. To argue that Sweden, of all places, has more rapes than any other place in the world is of course asinine.

I already said that gun crimes are high, however homicide rates are still comparable to the rest of Scandinavia. I also agreed that there are serious issues within a certain segment of the immigrant population that needs to be addressed, but again, that doesn't make false claims right.

Lol. Lies, damn lies, and statistics. Anyone who actually thinks Sweden is safer now than 20, or even 5 years ago, needs to have their head examined. Basic concepts like the map not being the terrain, or that something that walks and quacks like a duck is probably a duck, is obviously too difficult to grasp for them. People have stopped reporting crimes, either because they -rightly- have determined reporting them are pointless*, or because they simply think the police is the Enemy. Or because, yes, they are too scared. The police can only swing by your apartment block once in a while. Gangs can stab you any hour of the day.
People have also radically altered their day-to-day routines to avoid any chance of being subjected to theft, or violence. Which means they aren't, as long as they're hiding beneath their beds after 8 o clock while gangs have the streets to themselves. Which the mongs in the Police Authority take to mean they are doing great Gary Busey.

But thanks for playing, danskjävel.

*The only effect reporting a crime has, is that it is added to the statistics. Swedish police no longer solve or prevent crime. They have reduced their ambition to trying to maintain basic order. Trying, and failing even at that. Personally I am quite sick of calling the police, being put on hold for ten minutes, and then being told that they don't have any officers to send because everyone's on vacation, or busy with Gothia Cup, or with Pride Month, or with a homicide/riot control in some other part of town. The Police can go do whatever the hell they want with their numbers, I'm fucking done doing their admin job for them.
You feel something therefor it is. That isn't how it works. Sweden is one of the best countries in the world as far as keeping records on reports, as well as survey results of perceptions. It's all publicly available too. It's useless to argue with the fear mongering, which is unfortunate because I think we could both agree on the core of the issues and there is an interesting discussion to be had. We've had the same thing here, on a smaller scale, but no one talks about immigrants much anymore.

And of course the War Room would be the place for you guys to congregate.
Yes, it has. If you're Swedish, you know very well why Sweden has more reported rapes than other countries, it's all about sexual assualt laws. Much broader legal view of what constitutes rape and sexualt assault, offences are reported for each single offence even within a single case (which could have dozens or hundreds), consent laws some of the strictest in the world. To argue that Sweden, of all places, has more rapes than any other place in the world is of course asinine.

I already said that gun crimes are high, however homicide rates are still comparable to the rest of Scandinavia. I also agreed that there are serious issues within a certain segment of the immigrant population that needs to be addressed, but again, that doesn't make false claims right.

So the fault are the laws and the definition, not the perps? Would it make the situation better, if let's say 1/2 of the rapes are rape, 1/2 is sexual harassment?
This is a weird way of focusing the problem and potentially quite dangerous towards the offended.
I don't think I've made any false claims, the obvious must be stated and the problems addressed.
So the fault are the laws and the definition, not the perps? Would it make the situation better, if let's say 1/2 of the rapes are rape, 1/2 is sexual harassment?
This is a weird way of focusing the problem and potentially quite dangerous towards the offended.
I don't think I've made any false claims, the obvious must be stated and the problems addressed.
Sexual assault is always the fault of the perp. That wasn't the contention. The contention was, that the claim that Sweden somehow has more rapes than any place in the world and thus is "the rape capital" is clearly not true. The truth is that Sweden has the most broad and proactive sexual assault laws in the world and as I said, a single case can result in hundreds of reports, which is what inflates the numbers. If you look at actual convictions, Sweden is on par with other Scandinavian countries. The perpertuated myth that Sweden has more rapes than other places is a lie.

If someone has to lie or misrepresent the truth in order to further their agenda, then that tells me that they either don't believe the truth is persuasive enough or that they have alterior motives. There's enough bad stuff there to warrant political action without resorting to propaganda. Obviously a lot of people just believe what they hear.
Yes, it has. If you're Swedish, you know very well why Sweden has more reported rapes than other countries, it's all about sexual assualt laws. Much broader legal view of what constitutes rape and sexualt assault, offences are reported for each single offence even within a single case (which could have dozens or hundreds), consent laws some of the strictest in the world. To argue that Sweden, of all places, has more rapes than any other place in the world is of course asinine.

I already said that gun crimes are high, however homicide rates are still comparable to the rest of Scandinavia. I also agreed that there are serious issues within a certain segment of the immigrant population that needs to be addressed, but again, that doesn't make false claims right.

You feel something therefor it is. That isn't how it works. Sweden is one of the best countries in the world as far as keeping records on reports, as well as survey results of perceptions. It's all publicly available too. It's useless to argue with the fear mongering, which is unfortunate because I think we could both agree on the core of the issues.

And of course the War Room would be the place for you guys to congregate.

Yet another across the strait that has no grasp of the reality of its immediate area. You are using statistics to downplay the problems perpetrated by a whole bunch of MENA thugs who have no empathy whatsoever and create unrest in our society. But you're probably in the company of other like-minded immigrants and therefore I can have a little understanding that you don't know what you're talking about.
Yet another across the strait that has no grasp of the reality of its immediate area. You are using statistics to downplay the problems perpetrated by a whole bunch of MENA thugs who have no empathy whatsoever and create unrest in our society. But you're probably in the company of other like-minded immigrants and therefore I can have a little understanding that you don't know what you're talking about.
No, I'm accurately representing the reality. As I said in the post before: "If someone has to lie or misrepresent the truth in order to further their agenda, then that tells me that they either don't believe the truth is persuasive enough or that they have alterior motives. There's enough bad stuff there to warrant political action without resorting to propaganda."
You feel something therefor it is. That isn't how it works.

Hey, dumbass, I just gave you a concrete explanation why the statistics -and the conclusions being drawn from them- are not to be trusted. Very matter-of-fact. Emotions did not factor into it. If you want to go punch a strawman, go do it another thread. It's kind of a pet peeve of mine.

Sweden is one of the best countries in the world as far as keeping records on reports, as well as survey results of perceptions.

"The statistics are trustworthy, as evidenced by the statistics..."
There isn't a single trustworthy goddamn statistic produced by SCB or any other state agency in Sweden at this point. It is a rotting corpse held together by trust built up decades ago. Everyone still believes Sweden has an Oxenstiernian administration, which is why no-one bothers to examine the records it keeps. Once people actually start prodding the stats, any number of numbers are going to flip drastically.

It would also be good, like I said, if people got into their thick skulls that the map is not the terrain. Which was my actual point, if you try to pay just a little bit of attention. I didn't even touch upon the veracity of the statistics. The statistics could be 100 percent accurate (they're not), but they still only show exactly what's being recorded and nothing more.

It's all publicly available too.

Yes, thank you. The publicly available statistics are publicly available. My argument is now invalid.

which is unfortunate because I think we could both agree on the core

You know, I actually don't think we could.

of the issues and there is an interesting discussion to be had.

No, see, this is a discussion we're having right now. The one you immediately dismissed as useless fearmongering. What you want, is for me to agree with you. I don't find that very interesting at all, or even a discussion.

We've had the same thing here, on a smaller scale, but no one talks about immigrants much anymore.

I didn't talk about immigrants either. I talked about crime. And an entire national police force compromised and incompetent beyond saving.

And of course the War Room would be the place for you guys to congregate.

I'm sorry, I've just reached the end of you post, and I can't seem to find a single argument. Do you know how the War Room works?
Hey, dumbass, I just gave you a concrete explanation why the statistics -and the conclusions being drawn from them- are not to be trusted. Very matter-of-fact. Emotions did not factor into it. If you want to go punch a strawman, go do it another thread. It's kind of a pet peeve of mine.

"The statistics are trustworthy, as evidenced by the statistics..."
There isn't a single trustworthy goddamn statistic produced by SCB or any other state agency in Sweden at this point. It is a rotting corpse held together by trust built up decades ago. Everyone still believes Sweden has an Oxenstiernian administration, which is why no-one bothers to examine the records it keeps. Once people actually start prodding the stats, any number of numbers are going to flip drastically.

It would also be good, like I said, if people got into their thick skulls that the map is not the terrain. Which was my actual point, if you try to pay just a little bit of attention. I didn't even touch upon the veracity of the statistics. The statistics could be 100 percent accurate (they're not), but they still only show exactly what's being recorded and nothing more.

Yes, thank you. The publicly available statistics are publicly available. My argument is now invalid.

You know, I actually don't think we could.

No, see, this is a discussion we're having right now. The one you immediately dismissed as useless fearmongering. What you want, is for me to agree with you. I don't find that very interesting at all, or even a discussion.

I didn't talk about immigrants. I talked about crime. And an entire national police force compromised and incompetent beyond saving.

I'm sorry, I've just reached the end of you post, and I can't seem to find a single argument. Do you know how the War Room works?
What is there to argue against? The idea that everyone is either corrupt or being threatened into silence on such a large scale is just not a reasonable one. You've made the claim that no one can trust any statistics so the only true word here is yours, based on your perception, and there is no way to externally validate who's right. That's not an argument, that's an unfalsifiable assertion.

Here a picture of a paddy wagon currently stationed outside of my window by the way. We had a soccer team's worth of drug dealers who rolled up here at the beginning of June and set up shop. Police has been trying to make them leave for the last three months by simply occupying the spot as often as possible, which is about 30 minutes every other day. Giving us locals approximately 30 minutes of peace and safety after work while the drug dealers move about 100 meters down the street.. Rest of the time, drug dealers are still here.

That totally used to happen when I moved out here 12 years ago.

Here a picture of a paddy wagon currently stationed outside of my window by the way. We had a soccer team's worth of drug dealers who rolled up here at the beginning of June and set up shop. Police has been trying to make them leave for the last three months by simply occupying the spot as often as possible, which is about 30 minutes every other day. Giving us locals approximately 30 minutes of peace and safety after work while the drug dealers move about 100 meters down the street.. Rest of the time, drug dealers are still here.

That totally used to happen when I moved out here 12 years ago.

How much for cocaine btw?

Asking for a friend
Sexual assault is always the fault of the perp. That wasn't the contention. The contention was, that the claim that Sweden somehow has more rapes than any place in the world and thus is "the rape capital" is clearly not true. The truth is that Sweden has the most broad and proactive sexual assault laws in the world and as I said, a single case can result in hundreds of reports, which is what inflates the numbers. If you look at actual convictions, Sweden is on par with other Scandinavian countries. The perpertuated myth that Sweden has more rapes than other places is a lie.

If someone has to lie or misrepresent the truth in order to further their agenda, then that tells me that they either don't believe the truth is persuasive enough or that they have alterior motives. There's enough bad stuff there to warrant political action without resorting to propaganda. Obviously a lot of people just believe what they hear.
Look, I know that there's a statistical difference in reporting and comparing the crimes by definition in Sweden and in elsewhere. I'm just going to put the charts here, some of them are detailed and some not so detailed.
BTW : isn't the conviction rate in Sweden's rape cases now like 75% post-2017?

There are no lies to spread, nothing to misrepresent : nearly 1,48million crimes/year in Sweden vs 0,28million in Norway and the list goes on, and we can agree that it's a sub-group of people making up these statistics.
So in so many ways, there's an elephant in the room and it's getting too big to be ignored.
If we can't talk and debate about the issues, how can we improve anything?
Don't know. I don't have their app. I think the delivery might be free though.

Everyone's doing laughing gas at the moment anyway.

Ah finally spread there

Been a thing for long time in rus

Here a picture of a paddy wagon currently stationed outside of my window by the way. We had a soccer team's worth of drug dealers who rolled up here at the beginning of June and set up shop. Police has been trying to make them leave for the last three months by simply occupying the spot as often as possible, which is about 30 minutes every other day. Giving us locals approximately 30 minutes of peace and safety after work while the drug dealers move about 100 meters down the street.. Rest of the time, drug dealers are still here.

That totally used to happen when I moved out here 12 years ago.
Drug dealers have moved into your neighborhood. That sucks.

Look, I know that there's a statistical difference in reporting and comparing the crimes by definition in Sweden and in elsewhere. I'm just going to put the charts here, some of them are detailed and some not so detailed.
BTW : isn't the conviction rate in Sweden's rape cases now like 75% post-2017?

There are no lies to spread, nothing to misrepresent : nearly 1,48million crimes/year in Sweden vs 0,28million in Norway and the list goes on, and we can agree that it's a sub-group of people making up these statistics.
So in so many ways, there's an elephant in the room and it's getting too big to be ignored.
If we can't talk and debate about the issues, how can we improve anything?
Your graph shows that Finland has seen an increase in reportings, however they haven't had the same influx of immigrants. Also, Norway had higher influx of immigrants than Finland and haven't seen an increase. I don't know the accuracy of those stats although Statistica is usually a decent second hand source.

It shows contradictory evidence as it relates to your point, however it does show that there are many factors involved. In Sweden, for example, legislation has been introduced many times over the years broadening the scope of what rape and sexual assault is, as well as the whole "me too" era increasing awareness, contributing to the increases. Convictions did rise by 75% in 2018 because Sweden made a new law that even if someone doesn't protest, or say no, a person can be convicted of rape simply by not having verbal or nonverbal consent. There was a lot of outcry against that law here on Sherdog when it happened. As you probably know, the vast majority of sexual assault victims are assaulted by someone they know, not a stranger, and many still don't report it.

If you want to read more on Swedens rape laws and how they compare, which is a short read, check this one: https://www.thelocal.se/20201006/how-do-swedens-rape-statistics-compare-to-europe/

As far as crime goes, Sweden will naturally have more than Norway. It has more population dense areas and over twice the population nationally. Overall violent crime has decreased in Sweden and the homicide rate is on the same level as Denmark a little higher than Norway, and lower than Finland. However, gun crime and deaths specifically is higher in Sweden than other Scandinavian countries and has been on the rise for the last ten years. Almost entirely driven by gang violence. I do get the concern, but I think it's important to have an accurate representation of what is going on.

Alright, bed time for now.
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Lol. Lies, damn lies, and statistics. Anyone who actually thinks Sweden is safer now than 20, or even 5 years ago, needs to have their head examined. Basic concepts like the map not being the terrain, or that something that walks and quacks like a duck is probably a duck, is obviously too difficult to grasp for them. People have stopped reporting crimes, either because they -rightly- have determined reporting them are pointless*, or because they simply think the police is the Enemy. Or because, yes, they are too scared. The police can only swing by your apartment block once in a while. Gangs can stab you any hour of the day.
People have also radically altered their day-to-day routines to avoid any chance of being subjected to theft, or violence. Which means they aren't, as long as they're hiding beneath their beds after 8 o clock while gangs have the streets to themselves. Which the mongs in the Police Authority take to mean they are doing great Gary Busey.

But thanks for playing, danskjävel.

*The only effect reporting a crime has, is that it is added to the statistics. Swedish police no longer solve or prevent crime. They have reduced their ambition to trying to maintain basic order. Trying, and failing even at that. Personally I am quite sick of calling the police, being put on hold for ten minutes, and then being told that they don't have any officers to send because everyone's on vacation, or busy with Gothia Cup, or with Pride Month, or with a homicide/riot control in some other part of town. The Police can go do whatever the hell they want with their numbers, I'm fucking done doing their admin job for them.
Crime being at a low is often a function of being older than ever which creates a low crime per capita.

You can have crime being at a historic low and also have a crime wave in certain areas, it isn’t a contradiction. Especially when the crime is coming from a tiny percentage of the total population.

People can hide behind all sorts of statistics but they know that Sweden in the 1970s did not have grenade attacks and high levels of rape.
No, I'm accurately representing the reality. As I said in the post before: "If someone has to lie or misrepresent the truth in order to further their agenda, then that tells me that they either don't believe the truth is persuasive enough or that they have alterior motives. There's enough bad stuff there to warrant political action without resorting to propaganda."

If I understand you correctly, you are of the opinion that the vast majority of Swedes who are well-mannered and well-integrated and how they perceive reality does not match the statistics that you believe in?

Clearly you have an agenda and can't hide it by the way you argue. You show a bias instead of a neutrality because you seem emotional since it's about MENA countries. You may have a background in North Africa or the Middle East, what do I know, but you show your prejudice by describing MENA-related societal problems that are accurately real for us Swedes as small segments that may be problematic?

I would have been better able to have a greater understanding of what you are trying to convey if you had been able to use your statistics together with a solid perception of the reality of Sweden. But you are yet another one who argues a topic that they don't really understand as you use a narrative that is in deep contrast with Swedes who are in this thread and who have a completely different opinion than you. That you also call this thread propaganda confirms that you have an agenda. Getting an insight into real life around the world from people who actually live there is so many times more worthwile than what you are trying to prove by your "accurate reality".

Don´t act like a smarty-pants to honest people.
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swden is the pussiest country on earth. Tied with Canada. Don't even deserve to spell that shit right.

Yes, that might be an appropriate label.

That's how it can be when there are still places on earth where people believe in humanity and tolerance. But, what do you want to call these MENA people who laugh at these good attributes and take advantage of the situation by coming here to live on handouts while creating chaos and openly displaying their intolerance?

If Sweden is the pussiest country on earth, then it is probably in the right place to say, illiterate tourist-refugees with destination Sweden who have a home affiliation in a MENA country that has sunni islam as their faith and ideology are the most parasitic issue on earth.

That your post also gets a like indicates that the person who gave it is an atheist and fundamentalist extreme right winger who wants to live in a totalitarian world.
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Ah, fair enough. It didn't look like that to me.

Honestly though, your response is kind of surprising. I didn't take you to be the type to be so positive about a government that didn't institute lockdowns, use mask mandates, or really change much of anything. I must have read you wrong - but damn, it's nice to see you cutting across the aisle like this and being so staunchly supportive of an anti-mask, anti-lockdown government!
Well I’m not necessarily supporting government. I don’t know where you get that from? I’m just exposing TS for the islamophobe he is.

With this crime/ immigration problem, government often are to blame.