Survival Tip: Leave FIRST. Ask questions later.

Why ?

Mark Whalberg's not such a badass...

He is though. He trains with The Rock, and doesn't answer to anybody, not even himself.

one thing you notice with a lot of these videos is how thin the line is between living and dying.

literally seconds in many cases there.
I agree with the premise but these situations are so few and far between that most people can be reckless their whole lives and be fine and never encounter such things.
sometimes things r not as easy to see and predict

other times things r complex/complicated....u dont know the full story of wats presented and sometimes r empathetic to wat a persons goin thru

unless u actually r that person, u nvr really know wat a person goes thru and the feeling they have
In the tsunami vid, the one dude just standing there (@3:25) as the wave crashes in/on to him and he's swept away - did he just think it was a fun wave he would ride out or did he realize "Fuck, too late to run now"...
I strongly recommend reading 'The Gift of Fear' by Gavin de Becker. It deals with this sort of 'lizard brain' spidey sense that tells you something is off, and teaches you to trust it.
I like how the woman was like "maybe the earthquake did something to the water?"
Guys response "nahhh"
I strongly recommend reading 'The Gift of Fear' by Gavin de Becker. It deals with this sort of 'lizard brain' spidey sense that tells you something is off, and teaches you to trust it.

Live in/around a ghetto area, or anywhere where spontaneous danger is present on a regular basis and running first, asking questions later is a common response. It's something that more people should do. Lots of comedians touch on this. Don't be the dumbass looking around like, "Hey guys, what's going on?"
If you have ever been in a situation where you genuinely fear for your life, you will be surprised at what your 'survival instincts' can get you to do, and how to react.
I've been saying this for years, and the guy who posted Cedric the Entertainer clip from Kings of Comedy is spot on. It's probably the reason why I've avoided so many bar fights in my life. I'm a pretty perceptive guy, and once I notice tension I politely remove my self from that situation, no sense getting caught in a brawl. Granted that's not like emergency life or death situation, but the same concept applies.

This theory is the number one most avoided thing in Scary/Horror movies. Cats always have to 'investigate' shit, and end up dying. I guess if it was realistic, it wouldn't make for a good movie, hence the dumb people putting themselves in danger.

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