Surströmming - Have You Tried It?


Nov 27, 2007
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A friend of mine lives in Sweden, where Surströmming originates from, and even he refuses to eat it.

If it smells so bad, that people are retching from the smell, and it's being compared to rotting catfish on a beach, mixed with feces, I'm out.

Have any of you Sherbros tried it? Would you if given the opportunity?
Still the best eating vid lmao, remember sherdoggers lauging their ass off first time i posted this

Lol at age limit

Sounds like brad pitt from snatch. Cant tell what the hell the fella is saying, though it sounds like there are english words coming out. Sometimes..
There's a lot of weird food I'd try but this is definitely not one of them. Fuck that.
I haven't eaten it but I've seen people eat it and describe it and it just reminds me of an ex of mine who I'd rather forget
Get your ex to eat some surströmming?
How does the company stay in business if everyone hates it?
being a Swede i have tried it. My father Loves it, they eat it in a flat bread with unions, potatoes and sour cream.

Its diffidently gross tasting very salty, but the smell is much worse than the taste. You can't open it inside the house, my dad and his friends are always outside when they eat it.

When i was a kid my dog found some open canisters of surströmming in the woods and rolled around in it. They washed him every day for like tree days but had to cut of the hair to get rid of the smell.
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Haven't tried it, will not try.
Screw that. I like tasty food.
Have not and will not, but I enjoy the hell out of watching those who do.

Edit: my personal favorite:
Have not and will not, but I enjoy the hell out of watching those who do.

Edit: my personal favorite:

Opening it up inside the house is a big mistake! It takes litterally days to get rid of the smell. Noobs....