Social Suffering with stomach alot lately

When anxiety kicks in I always have the urge to take a shit. I don't know how to treat it really, I just go along with it like "hey, you're here, alright" and never take any meds. How's your diet? do you work out? are you in a relationship? what's your favorite poison, drugs/alcohol? I used to be a big drinker in college.
Are you sure it isn’t the needing to shit that’s causing the anxiety? I’ve heard of a condition where, when people have to shit, their heart rate becomes extremely elevated.
Do you exercise much TS? It personally improves every aspect of my life.

I know it won't work for everyone, but regularly exercising can make anxiety much better. Try a couch to 5k program or something similar and see if that improves things for you.
I used to have chronic stomach pain until I went vegan for a year.

I'm back to eating meat like 3 times per week in small amounts, but the stomach pain hasn't come back.
Do you exercise much TS? It personally improves every aspect of my life.

I know it won't work for everyone, but regularly exercising can make anxiety much better. Try a couch to 5k program or something similar and see if that improves things for you.

yes i have been going to the gym regularly which is annoying me i feel like im making effort to sort my life out, i used to eat whatever i want and smoke weed all day and now im sober and going gym and im suffering
Up the fiber, add in protein whether it be food or liquid. I had stomach and digestive problems from 11 until now but as I hit the late 20s my body evened out. Do some breathing exercises, some stretches, YouTube or Google if you are unsure, continue to work out.

Theres some mornings I would wake up throwing up stomach acid even though I had a clean week of eating, or I would feel sick after drinking water. Stress is the worst thing though so try to find a hobby to take your mind off it. I've got way too many suggestions and I dont want to bog the topic down so let me know if you need suggestions.
i feel like im running out of options, i've always suffered with anxiety and depression but recently ive been going through something i've never been through before, I can't go more than a couple of days without severe stomach discomfort and pain with what feels like bloating.

I thought maybe it's certain foods that are triggering it but even after eating clean I can still be bad, it feels as though it's stress or anxiety related but i just don't know anymore.

I need to be able to work to pay rent but in my current state I'd never be able to hold down a job.

Most of the time it starts in the early hours, ill wake up feeling anxious with my heart racing and then things slowly go worse from there normally with my swallowing as my sinus's feel irritated or something at the back of my throat though I don't have a cold, I keep doing this and gradually end up with a build up of gas in my stomach which is really uncomfortable and end up unable to do anything the rest of the day apart from wait for bedtime again and hope for a better day.

Ive been on citalopram 20mg over 10 years but last year I changed to escitalopram as I thought maybe they'd help more with my depression, i was on them a few months but i kept getting headache on them and didnt like the sides so gradually came off them, I then did a few months without anything but everything got too much with me, stress of losing a job and then a pet dying sent me over the edge and I ended up back at the doctors and on citalopram 10mg.

This was about a week before January, I was getting really bad sides off them they'd make me feel high but not in a good way but i stuck with them, this was also when my stomach started getting worse, i'd often wake up at 3-4 am and be unable to go back to sleep with too much going on in my head.

After seeing the doctor again he prescribed me omeprazole 20mg, which have helped a bit, I no longer have acid and I don't wake up as early anymore and when I do sometimes I can get back to sleep. so in that regard things have improved a bit.

I ended up halfing my 10mg citalopram and have been on 5mg a day for a couple of weeks now as the sides just wern't going away and I felt it was irritating my already sensitive stomach.

I've had stool samples and it came back as fine, im booked in for a blood test and ultrasound on my stomach and the doctor recommended to double my dose of omeprazole one in the morning and one at night.

Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to get it all off my chest ive been suffering for months now with the odd good day in between I feel like this is how it's going to be now from now on with no end in sight.

The stomach discomfort makes me really irritable and unsociable i just want to stay in my room until it passes and any human interaction just bothers me.

have you seen a gastroenterologist yet? Any history of auto immune illness in your family?

Hope you feel better soon man. I know what you’re feeling is miserable, but hang in there!
Bland foods and pills prescribed by a quack will do that.....
A strong probiotic
That Beano stuff (to help with gas and bloating)
A Fibre supplement to keep you regular (as much as possible - when the anxiety hits it can cause issues with constipation in my experience - the kind that does not cause gas/bloating)
lots of water
Eating clean as much as possible (fruits, veggies, home cooked meats, etc)
Rest as much as possible
Deep Breathing/meditation
CBD oil
Hobbies that engage you
Staying away from junk foods as much as possible
fermented foods/drinks - kefer milk, kombucha tea, sauerkraut
Not being pushed in to over working yourself and taking time for yourself and not feeling guilty about it.

Not everything is going to work for everyone - you gotta do some trial and error.
Lot of good advice here..
I fixed my up my guts thusly- I try to do one meal a day, and chase it down with a big helping of Metamucil. This way my system isn't processing feces all day long, and my guts are dormant.
And a couple small snacks whenever don't bother me.
As for fermented foods, I tried many over many years before finding some good unpasteurized sauerkraut that actually made a difference in my life. Bacik brand, says unpasteurized on it, I get it at the polish deli.
Also avoiding trigger foods, processed snacks give me reflux the worst.. garbage snack cakes and such
Getting enough fiber?
If I get mega stressed or anxious I look pregnant, my stomach bloats huge. I have a lot of stomach issues that don't help but that bloated gut feeling can be both symptomatic to and the cause of anxiety.
It might just be you, something you have to accept about yourself and find a way through it.
Raw ginger man, nibble raw ginger, it's a miracle cure and I rely on it
I have had issues with IBS and anxiety most of my adult life and stress is the biggest part of it. You are stressing the symptoms which makes them worse. Read Healing Back Pain by Dr. helped me a lot but I am still a work in progress.

I've read about this man, how do you rate it?
I'm pretty much just waiting for a miracle with back pain, it basically dominates my life
Go to the grocery store, but a wide variety of yogurt and make sure it's refrigerated properly and the label says it has live cultures. Eat it all at once. Problem solved.

You need good gut bacteria. Read about it.

Yogurt will stop diarrhea fast!
I've read about this man, how do you rate it?
I'm pretty much just waiting for a miracle with back pain, it basically dominates my life

The idea of the book is to basically say that most of back pain, stomach pain and headaches are in your mind. A lot of people get unnecessary back and neck surgeries when a lot of the pain is mental. Dr. Sarno talks a lot about that and it's interesting with how much anxiety plays on chronic pain and digestive issues. Worth a read brother.
Go to the grocery store, but a wide variety of yogurt and make sure it's refrigerated properly and the label says it has live cultures. Eat it all at once. Problem solved.

You need good gut bacteria. Read about it.

Yogurt will stop diarrhea fast!
I started pooping like a champ since I started eating greek yogurt and the icelandic stuff.
The idea of the book is to basically say that most of back pain, stomach pain and headaches are in your mind. A lot of people get unnecessary back and neck surgeries when a lot of the pain is mental. Dr. Sarno talks a lot about that and it's interesting with how much anxiety plays on chronic pain and digestive issues. Worth a read brother.
I'll give it a go, anything is worth a try at this stage
I started pooping like a champ since I started eating greek yogurt and the icelandic stuff.
What icelandic stuff? Straight from Iceland? Cultures originating from Iceland?

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