Submissions in someone elses guard?

Just focus on passing the guard
I am a leg lock junkie, they are by far my favorite subs but if you are new don't do them from the guard. Back in the day, no one knew how to defend leglocks so I would tap guys all the time with them. Because an achilles lock or heel hook is available pretty much everytime you are in someones guard, I stopped passing guard for almost a year. It hurt my overall game considerably. Worse is that most people are wise to those types of leg locks now, so they are much harder to submit with them.

You best bet (and I am sure you have heard this and will here it again and again) is to relax and work your guard pass step by step. You need to take a long view on this and realize that that is the path that will improve your jiu-jitsu more than trying to get the quick tap.
TS, don't be discouraged by the assholes that don't remember what it is like to be a newb. Do take everyone's advice and learn to pass the guard. Keep one thing in mind. If you are taking BJJ for the purposes of doing MMA, passing the guard is MUCH easier in MMA. So if you learn how to pass properly in a BJJ context you will be adept at passing in a fight.
Don't mean to hijack your post but why is passing guard any easier in MMA than in strict BJJ? Simply because you can strike?
Don't mean to hijack your post but why is passing guard any easier in MMA than in strict BJJ? Simply because you can strike?

It's easier for alot of reasons, the main two being the ability to strike and the lack of a gi. In Gi , I can often keep someone in my guard with just one hand on a collar or sleeve, but if I lose those handles and the guy is punching me in the face, my legs are likely to become less of a focus for me, enabling an easier pass.
In one tournament i was dominating a guy from my guard - i could tell he was scared to pass and i almost armlocked him.

I was conident i was going to dominate this guy after he attempted to pass twice, and i was up on points for my attacks. He had no chance of passing..

Ended up he submitted me from my guard with a wristlock.. that mother f'er.. i got to confident, and cocky and was so relaxed he snatched my wrist and i had to tap, or it was going to break.
First off from someone who has at most a month of BJJ classes under his belt, learn to pass first. It is position before submission. Godd advice for breaking the guard, is to really get that knee up the guard players tailbone. That really hurts, and then it is fluid and quick movements. Try another guard pass maybe like a double underhook pass. That may be something on one at your gym has seen. You just got to try and learn every night out.
Actually passing the guard is much harder in MMA

because certain referees (I won't name names but we all know them) sometimes stand fighters up for no apparent reason -_-
The push choke is a in-guard submission worth knowing. Can be used to open the guard too.
If you're failing to pass, figure out where you fail and fix it. This may take a decade to get the hang of.

LOL, right on.

That is some good advice for the TS. Not only should you learn to pass guard, but you should be having fun doing it. 'cause as soon as you learn how to pass you partners' closed guard, you will start seeing butterfly, spider, DLR, X, etc etc. And you get to learn how to work on passing all of them.

Hopefully that sounds like FUN to you, it sure as hell does to me.
100% right. Anything you can do can be easily escaped/countered by anyone non retarded. Spend your time working on important stuff, like passing the guard.

Exactly. BJJ isn't about getting the submission fast and quick, you know. Gaining the dominant position is a huge part of the game.
haha I got subbed while I had someone in my guard. It was my first or second week so I didn't know shit. A more experienced guy collar choked me.
Don't mean to hijack your post but why is passing guard any easier in MMA than in strict BJJ? Simply because you can strike?

without the gi everything is slippery - its harder to finish a lot of subs for the same reason
Ive been to two bjj classes now and im sore as dog shit and dont know what im doing like normal. Ive been rolling with white belts and all they do is flop on their back into guard and wait for me to leave my arms out there for an armbar or get me in a triangle. I know i have to really work on getting out of guard but are there any really good and easy submissions i can do stuck in guard?

there is the whitebelt4
Don't even worry about submissions. Spend the next few MONTHS (at least) learning to pass guard, hold side control, hold the mount, escape from side control and the mount, escaping back control. Odds are unless you're much stronger than your opponent, you aren't going to be submitting many people any time soon. Pay your dues, take your beatings like a man, keep training and you will get better.
It's easier for alot of reasons, the main two being the ability to strike and the lack of a gi. In Gi , I can often keep someone in my guard with just one hand on a collar or sleeve, but if I lose those handles and the guy is punching me in the face, my legs are likely to become less of a focus for me, enabling an easier pass.

Exactly, not to mention the fact that although it is perfectly acceptable in BJJ to be on your back and do very little other than wait for a sub, but in MMA you are at a disadvantage. The judges score you unkindly and you eat strikes when you are on your back.
There's only two ways to sub that i can think of while in his guard. Leg locks (which are illegal at white belt) and raining Fedor like punches on his face (also illegal).

Other than that, you should focus on passing his guard and maintaining your posture.
wrist locks can be effective if you are inside the guard, especially if you are battling for grips
JJJ guys play with alot of wrist locks, and although they are pretty easy to defend against, they are also very quick to apply when you catch someone.