Stupid things about Star Trek

24th century economics. I don’t understand how the Federation has seemingly eliminated money, yet other races haven’t. The Ferengi (space Jews) literally use gold coins and bars for commerce yet in Starfleet they don’t even have money whatsoever? How does that work?

For example, the Picards own a big ass vineyard in France. How do you go about acquiring a vineyard without money? Does a person just want to have a vineyard and then it’s theirs? What if everyone wanted a vineyard? You can’t just let everyone have a vineyard!

Star trek has really confused lore as the newer series didn't really conform with all the stuff the mentioned in the original series.

In the original series, when the 1990s was still considered the distant future, they apparently had something called the Eugenics War. (which got renamed as ww3 in the later series and all mention of eugenics removed). In the original series it was supposed to be Khan breeding super-humans, vs normal people like us, with us ultimately winning.

If you want things like 24th century economics and much of the other bullshit you see in star trek to actually make sense, I think it works better if you flip things around and reverse the roles. The eugenics wars happened, but they were fought between somebody that was breeding hardcore ultra-moderate liberals who eventually became the federation, and normal people like us who were eventually wiped out.

They were able to turn earth into their liberal utopia when all the normies were dead, so yeah...everyone who wants to own a vineyard can have one. If there are too many they timeshare.
No workers comp claims from slipping in bodily fluids on the holladeck seems improbable at best to me.
Telegraphed punches



Mike Tyson respects the hand speed of Gorn, Joe.
So much awesome but Horta makes Gorn look slow.





In defense of that scene, would you punch a face with a mouth that big and full of teeth?

This monster is supposed to be slow, but absurdly strong and tough skinned. The choreography is weak sauce but some aspects are excusable.
Its like watching Minowan versus some of his biggest opponents.


24th century economics. I don’t understand how the Federation has seemingly eliminated money, yet other races haven’t. The Ferengi (space Jews) literally use gold coins and bars for commerce yet in Starfleet they don’t even have money whatsoever? How does that work?

For example, the Picards own a big ass vineyard in France. How do you go about acquiring a vineyard without money? Does a person just want to have a vineyard and then it’s theirs? What if everyone wanted a vineyard? You can’t just let everyone have a vineyard!
They talk of credits plus most trade between federation and other races would be for resources and goods etc

The vineyard seems to be a family holding ..their society has eliminated most of our pressing needs so each person is encouraged and probably even helped to achieve as much as they can in whatever they want to do all for the good of our species! Picard choose to go starfleet whereas his brother chose to the rewards of a simple life to work the family fields providing real wine for anyone whos sick of the artifical piss the replicatiors make! The wine he can prob trade for other homemade earth goods or alien shit if ge chooses[/QUOTE]
When I was a little kid, like four or five years old, I used to call the Horta the lasagna monster.
Ha you got close as it did get nicknamed the pizza monster after this..

Just use phasers and...

And voila, yummy slice of peperoni pizza
I love this video. Work gets DENIED.

24th century economics. I don’t understand how the Federation has seemingly eliminated money, yet other races haven’t. The Ferengi (space Jews) literally use gold coins and bars for commerce yet in Starfleet they don’t even have money whatsoever? How does that work?

For example, the Picards own a big ass vineyard in France. How do you go about acquiring a vineyard without money? Does a person just want to have a vineyard and then it’s theirs? What if everyone wanted a vineyard? You can’t just let everyone have a vineyard!
Federation Credits, noob.
Dying speeches are awesome. I know I've got my shit all memorized and ready to go

Same here, but I died alone, as we all do.

Not sure how anyone found Star Trek entertaining. Guess it's something only nerds really cared for.
Ah, I didn't know the monster was supposed to be slow.
But, it seems like the two handed hammer fist is a common fighting technique taught at the Starfleet Academy.


As well as the pimp slap


These were pre UFC days where the two handed Hammerfest and the pimp slap were legit moves.
24th century economics. I don’t understand how the Federation has seemingly eliminated money, yet other races haven’t. The Ferengi (space Jews) literally use gold coins and bars for commerce yet in Starfleet they don’t even have money whatsoever? How does that work?

For example, the Picards own a big ass vineyard in France. How do you go about acquiring a vineyard without money? Does a person just want to have a vineyard and then it’s theirs? What if everyone wanted a vineyard? You can’t just let everyone have a vineyard!

Someone already answered that partly, If I remember right his brother manages it and then him. Family holding. And by any logic, not just anyone can have it. It would make sense that youd have to prove you can and know how which a very demanding work.
But in general the ST economics are not at all far from what the big intellectuals from Gates , I think Elon also, Jobs... have often spoke about. The economics of the most advanced countries like in Scandinavia or a few western european. Its actually pretty simple. Once you provide for everyone a living , its been proven that the vast majority wont be greedy for much more. Actually almost everyone just want a nice normal comfortable life and family .And those who wish for more than the baseline, well there is always advancement in a job and with that certain benefits. However if everyone can live by the ocean in a comfortable apartment overlooking the sea, very very few will wish to work a lot more in pursuit for xx. But those that do can.
I have seen all of the first series at least once, but I really only am a "fan" of TNG. Something stupid? It's a family ship with kids all over, and they have a red alert due to imminent destruction every other week.