Stupid thing I did today


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Oct 12, 2012
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So, I got meself a rice pilaf takeout for brunch today. They put a little jalapeño pepper in it.

As I'm eating, I'm biting tiny pieces of that jalapeño, while holding it with my fingers. Damn spicy lil thing. Even my lips can feel it.

Ok. I'm done eating and go wash my hands. With soap. I'm not stupid, ok?

Then, I sit on my couch and watch some yt. I get an itch in my eye. I scratch it with a finger, the one that touched the jalapeño. As I'm scratching it, I'm literally thinking this is the finger I touched jalapeño with.

It was not as bad as this, but it was almost as bad:

So, for 10 seconds, I'm like: "WTF, fungi?!! are you dumb?"

I run to the bathroom, to do some eye-rinsing...

After some time, as I can finally think a bit more clearly, I think this:

#So, what stupid thing have you done today?

  • Ate some jalapeño with my hands,
  • Scratched my eye afterwards,
  • Felt stoopid...
You didn't wash your hands thoroughly enough. Now you know. The "Happy Birthday song" rule is legitimate.
First time I did it, was when we lived inHawaii. My father in law planted those little red chili pepper plants all around the yard plus the mina birds poop the seeds out along the wall perimeter. Anyway I’m out picking some because we having a party and need them for the oysters. Picking peppers while stoned, I scratch an itch on my eye. No bueno.
Yikes! I think we all done something like that.
Once had jock itch and didn’t know how to apply it. Was just a kid. Got in my hole… Not a very fun experience at all.
I handle hot peppers regularly and I do this dumb shit all the time. It's not like I don't know better, and I usually have washed my hands but sometimes the capsaicins are still there and if my eye itch, dagummit i'ma scritch it.
It's ok. I tried those shitty plastic spicy Korean noodles and touched my face a little bit after I opened the sauce packet. I didn't get it on my eye but I didn't feel good. I don't know how people eat that shit. It's really not enjoyable at all.