Elections Striking Photo Comparison Between GOP and Dem Class of '18

So you ignore policy and only care about race and "gender".

Sounds about right for the left and "it's her, it or whatever turn".

I tend vote on their policy and not care about the rest.

You find me a conservative transgendered anything and a liberal white guy and guess who I voting for.
the issue is that a transgender conservative is not rising up the ranks of the party to become a prominent candidate. The mere handful of women and minorities in the party attests to the difficulty for anyone who isnt a straight white male. One can conclude that as affirmation of white male competency or as evidence of white voters virtue signalling to elect someone with a similar face.
the issue is that a transgender conservative is not rising up the ranks of the party to become a prominent candidate. The mere handful of women and minorities in the party attests to the difficulty for anyone who isnt a straight white male. One can conclude that as affirmation of white male competency or as evidence of white voters virtue signalling to elect someone with a similar face.

There are a huge number of women republicans. And they run for all kinds of offices and win.

Now the number of other minorities is smaller.

That is due to many factors.

Point out a transgendered conservative and we can talk about why they are not being supported by other conservatives.
This sums it up well.
There are a huge number of women republicans. And they run for all kinds of offices and win.

Now the number of other minorities is smaller.

That is due to many factors.

Point out a transgendered conservative and we can talk about why they are not being supported by other conservatives.

I wouldnt call that vastly underrepresented figure a "huge number".

“There’s been a Republican woman problem for a while — it didn’t start this year,” said Kelly Dittmar, a political scientist at the Center for American Women and Politics. “But it is illuminated by the fact that when you drop by one, two, three or four, you’re getting down to such a small level of representation for women because you had no padding.”

Less attention has been paid to state legislatures, which are particularly important to increasing the number of women in office because they have been traditional steppingstones and training grounds. Currently, about 61 percent of women in state legislatures are Democrats and about 38 percent are Republicans.

That gap increased in preliminary results from this year’s elections, to about 68 percent Democrats and 32 percent Republicans, according to Katie Fischer Ziegler of the National Conference of State Legislatures.

That discrepancy is striking because Republicans dominate the majority of statehouses. But that may have reduced opportunities for women to run, she said, because so many Republican incumbents are male and would have to be challenged in primaries.​
Cryptonazis everywhere.

But we shouldn't be worried about it.
Exactly. It’s funny how a supposed Liberal is the first to notice race. I notice that that seems to be the first priority from liberals. Qualifications are just a minor part of their criteria.
Well, that might be true if it were not false. So, good point, I guess.
Yeah, the dems have people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They are more interested in diversity hires etc than putting forth the best.

Ummmmm...........These people are still voted in. Hard to call that a 'diversity hire'.

People are voting in the people they think are going to best represent them given the choices they have, which are of course not always the best.

I don't necessarily think it's fair to say that the extremely disproportionate % of white male Republican Senators and Congressmen is proof of racism or gender bias. But I do think it is something the Republican party is going to have to address at some point.

A Republican President has won the popular vote just once in the last 25 years. In these most recent House and Senate elections, Democrats obtained north of 10 million more votes than Republicans. Now a lot of that can be put down to the historical propensity of the US to prefer checks and balances against the President. But the increasingly cold, mathematical reality of the matter now is that the electoral map, not the collective will of the people, will be what Republicans depend on to maintain power. While the electoral maps will not likely change enormously over the next 20 years, the demographics of the US, and where those people are going to live, will.

This will be more important in Presidential races than House and Senate races initially, as Republicans do generally end up with more votes overall when they take back seats. But they simply are not going to be able to maintain relevance indefinitely if the demographic make-up of their candidates does not begin to more closely approximate the changing demographic of the country. If the US was even in the top 10 of nations in terms of voter turnout (70% or more) Republicans would be well and truly fucked IMO.
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Did you have a prayer meeting yet over what to do about the 2 Muslims who were elected? And how's the Non-American Names Committee coming along? Did they make a decision on what people's names are allowed to be American yet?
Democrats couldn't care less about the best man for the job. There you go. No need to thank me.

The flip side of that? The republicans couldn't care less about the best person for the job, as long as they're a white male. There you go. No need to thank me.

Some dumb-ass people here smh
Diversity is strength!
Go Dems!
If I win the lotto im putting an NBA team back in Vancouver, and we are gonna be sooooo diverse. Im gonna have a chinese midget, a ladyboy from Thailand, a boylady from Purplehair Pennsylvania, one Muslim, and an amputee! NBA is gonna go down in flames with their narrowminded, fearmongering, one-color misogyny!
Boo ya, sucks to yer titties (unless you identify as them being pecs)!

Thats how winnin is done.
Cryptonazis everywhere.

But we shouldn't be worried about it.

This guy finally said something right!! Just today I l looked out if the window and to my surprise I saw about 300 SS soldiers goose stepping down the road. One even asked me the way to Poland. Incredible stuff that we need to take seriously
I'm always puzzled when I see white people seemingly cheering the notion of becoming a minority in their own country.... Does any other race do this? I don't see places like Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, etc, openly calling for their native population to be displaced by folks with different cultures, ideas, and ways of life. Only white people seem to be afflicted with this suicidal condition.
This guy finally said something right!! Just today I l looked out if the window and to my surprise I saw about 300 SS soldiers goose stepping down the road. One even asked me the way to Poland. Incredible stuff that we need to take seriously

I'm not surprised you didn't understand that.