Elections Striking Photo Comparison Between GOP and Dem Class of '18


Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Platinum Member
May 11, 2016
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Geez, there is something subtly different about the makeup of the respective incoming GOP vs. Democratic Congressional classes just elected...

Can't quite put my finger on it...


Edit: Sherdog WR 2018 Inductive Reasoning Test

Given two groups of people:
- Group A: 32 people, of which 31 are white men
- Group B: 11 white men, 13 white women, 3 black men, 5 black women, 6 Hispanics, 3 Asians...

Group B is obsessed with TRIBALISM and IDENTITY POLITICS!!!!!
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I guess Republicans care more about politics than skin color.
Ok i think I found it. The main difference is that the Republicans had a solid snake lookalike while the Democrats do not.
Yeah, the dems have people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They are more interested in diversity hires etc than putting forth the best.
The repubs finally diversified by having one pirate?
Reminds me of a riddle:
What has 61 eyes and sucks?
I guess Republicans care more about politics than skin color.
Man, that sums up 2018's retardation in very few words. Obviously the homogenous party of the historically dominant traits in a relatively multicultural society is the one that cares about skin color (and gender) way more than the party that is more representative of what the people actually look like.

You should win an award for your stupidity.
So gay white men, and straight and gay white women, and muslim women are the future? Oh and black women.
I guess Republicans care more about politics than skin color.
That would suuuuuure not be the conclusion I took away from those two pictures, lol.

So gay white men, and straight and gay white women, and muslim women are the future? Oh and black women.
Here's the hilarious thing: Democrats still elected 12 white guys. But because they didn't JUST elect white guys, obviously they are the party obsessed with race and gender.

Can't make this shit up.
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That would suuuuuure not be the conclusion I took away from those two pictures, lol.
Well dems can't seem to stop talking about how great they are they elected a bunch of not white people. I've seen this pic all over FB
I guess Republicans care more about politics than skin color.

Which is why they voted for one single skin color and Democrats voted for several different ones?

The only minority group you could argue is present in the GOP is pirate.
Well dems can't seem to stop talking about how great they are they elected a bunch of not white people. I've seen this pic all over FB
why do you care if they are non-white or not you stupid fucking bum lmao

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