

White Belt
Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
Hi guys!

Didnt know where to post this, so im going to try here...

I have a lot of problems with stretching the inner thighs (groin), i feel a lot of pain in my hips (the outside) when i try to do the split or roundhouse kicks.... if anybody knows a good solution, please help me... i have tried everything from good warmups to stretching the outside of my hips and butt.. nothing has helped so far...

u posted in a good spot.. as for the hip problem i would recomend relaxing the muscles with hot & cold pads before and after stretching, and remember to stretch after the workout to.
Omid said:
Hi guys!

Didnt know where to post this, so im going to try here...

I have a lot of problems with stretching the inner thighs (groin), i feel a lot of pain in my hips (the outside) when i try to do the split or roundhouse kicks.... if anybody knows a good solution, please help me... i have tried everything from good warmups to stretching the outside of my hips and butt.. nothing has helped so far...


The description leaves out some things, but I will offer that I have had similar condition years ago. Especially on my right outer hip (tensor facialata I think). It returns every now and again if I slack on my routine but never to the degree when I first noticed it (three years ago).

I recommend leg raises in cardinal directions, twice daily (or irrespective of your stretching regimen. You can do them with the stretching but it doesn't help anymore.) You could use a energy band for resistance and work up to a bungee cord. Think of the ballet dancer warm up on the bar. I started with sets of 20. The issue comes down to range of motion and muscular insuffiiciency at intermediate to maximum Range of Motion.

In other words your hip is really weak because you don't lift weight (or experience resistance) at the 'stretched' range regularly. Your golgi start to freak and muscles opposed to stretch tense up on account of the irradiation principle (If you like/believe Pavel). So do the leg raises, emphasizing hip/glute/flexor tension, no momentum, move to parrallel and be super picky about form.

Good luck.
i had this same exact problem lol. good post Dingo :) another thing i would suggest is to not try to stretch both legs and do the splits but work on each leg one at a time. Work on leg raises too.
thanks guys... gonna try the hip-machine at the gym and do some legraises...