Strength Training for Grapplers


Aug 30, 2005
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I didn't want to post this in the strength training forum, because I would get a lot of bodybuilding workouts. I am interested in what you grapplers use to strength train. I go to BJJ on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, and plan on doing BW and Dumbbell exercises 2x a week.
Your avatar is in bad taste and offensive.

Besides that, perhaps squats, deadlifts, bench.
Lots of compound movements.

Squats (various types), deadlifts (various types), power cleans, chins, dips, benchpress, rows, lat pulldowns.

Low reps (2-6), 1- sets higher reps warmup, then 3-4 working sets.

If you want to get inventive you can use sandbags (shoulder the bag, clean the bag, carry the bag), shotput dumbells and also do plyometrics.

For recovery, stretch, take a protein shake soon-ish after training + take some vitamin c & get a good night's sleep. Give yourself enough rest between weights sessions - especially in the beginning.
b0b said:
I didn't want to post this in the strength training forum, because I would get a lot of bodybuilding workouts. .

S and P is gold man. You're really mistaken if you think they're a bunch of bodybuilders.
b0b said:
I didn't want to post this in the strength training forum, because I would get a lot of bodybuilding workouts. I am interested in what you grapplers use to strength train. I go to BJJ on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, and plan on doing BW and Dumbbell exercises 2x a week.

I do many body weightet exercises like push ups, pull ups, sit ups and handstand push ups.
Then a bit work with dumbells.
Fine workout for me
b0b said:
I didn't want to post this in the strength training forum, because I would get a lot of bodybuilding workouts. I am interested in what you grapplers use to strength train. I go to BJJ on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, and plan on doing BW and Dumbbell exercises 2x a week.

There is no bodybuilding in the S&P forum. Have you even bothered looking around in there?

I've got so much awesome info from the guys who post in there, and I've set myself up with a really nice routine to increase my limit strength (the first thing that needs addressing). Everything is going really well so far, my lifts have sky-rocketed.
core strength is key for grapplers so anything incororating full body movements is good. kettlebell & medicine ball exercises are great too.

ive been pulling exercises from its been doing me solid too.
b0b said:
I didn't want to post this in the strength training forum, because I would get a lot of bodybuilding workouts.
I think everyone who posts in the S&P forum takes offence to that. Go there and read the stickies and you will become enlightened (not in the whole Buddhism, achieving inner piece way, but rather you will learn how to get strong enough to rip your training partners limbs off).
b0b said:
I didn't want to post this in the strength training forum, because I would get a lot of bodybuilding workouts. I am interested in what you grapplers use to strength train. I go to BJJ on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, and plan on doing BW and Dumbbell exercises 2x a week.

They would surely kill you for calling them a bunch of body builders...
Bottom line, I think leg strength is more important than upperbody strength,
especially if you want to be really skilled in BJJ.

I do lots of squats.

for upperbody, I just eat lots and keep some meat on.
I'm kind of new to grappling, but I seem to have the most energy/strength from doing this, I'm often quite busy with school and also only have access to a "good gym" 5 days a week so i work out 3 or 4 days a week with weights.

Monday - Deadlifts 3x5 + a full body workout (15/10/5 range - 1 week 15, 1 week 10, 1 week 5 for endurance, conditioning, power)... so 15 squats, 15 bent over rows, 2x15 db bench press, 1x15 db flat, 2x15 wide grip pull down, 2x15 militiary press, 2x15 shoulder or behind neck press, 2x15 curls with static holds on dip bars)...basically try to do this with little rest between exercises, stick to compound movements.

Wendsday - Bench press 3x5 + a full body workout (excluding chest exercises, maybe throw in sldls)

Friday - Squats 3x5 + full body workout (skip 15 squats part)

Or this week I did a 3x5 deadlifts on monday + full body, wendsday: 3x5 bench + all upper body push muscles, tomorrow: squats + upper body pull muscles and then on saturday i will do an 8 exercise by 10 sets for 10 reps 8 times circuit at the gym in my condo, it's got some free weights and a universal type machine, so: 1) push ups, 2) turkish getups, 3) wgpd, 4) situps, 5) curls + hold, 6) shoulder press, 7) jumping squats, 8) machine bench press.

Legs are super important, but so is core strength I've noticed... Plus the endurance weight load helps you last a bit more as it trains your body to exert continously and keep going, rather then just cardio...
did anyone see that art sauve dvd,they had some cool lookin workouts in there
I think there was a thread in SnP forum that had a workout designed specifically for grapplers.
tinker_190 said:
I think there was a thread in SnP forum that had a workout designed specifically for grapplers.
Got a link to it? Would like to have a squizz at it.
judogido gave the best advice way in the beginning of the thread. im a noob to the lifting game, so ill just reiterate the basic reponses you're going to get in S&P - which is fucking awesome by the way, definitely not bodybuilding.

do a 3 day split based on the big 3 - deadlift, squat and bench. you'll do one of those exercises at the start of each workout, then assistance exercises that work the same muscle groups afterwards. 3-5 sets of 1-5 reps for the main lift, then slightly higher reps and 3-4 sets for the other 2-3 exercises. go to s&p and read the stickies for more info.

when you have a decent strength base you can add in some olympic lifts and their variations, plyometrics, etc. - but stick with the basics until you are (roughly, and depending on your bodyweight) benching in the mid/high 200's. squatting in the lower 300's and deadlifting in the middle 300's. There was an unofficial rule that you shouldnt give advice in s&p if you dont deadlift 405 lbs, so that should give you a sense of how strong some of the fuckers are in that forum - i only deadlift 335 lbs.

you're also going to want to do additional grip work: plate pinching, heavy holds, farmers walks, grippers, levering a sledgehammer, etc. - read up on it in s&p under a great thread called you have pussy hands. I'd link you to carnal's treatise onthe lifting of heavy iron, but sadly its been deleted.