Stregthening core muscles!

i stopped reading this after i read the best way to train your core is to do 1000 situps a day.

i'm actually suprised this thread wasn't closed or sent to wasteland.
i'm actually suprised this thread wasn't closed or sent to wasteland.

Why send it away when we can all get a good laugh out of it. Plus i've only done 200 of my 1000 crunches for the day. I hope my core can support me.
Upon re-reading this instead of skimming it, I begin to wonder if this was written as a school assignment. That's how it reads to me, at least.

I suspect a forum member ran across this somewhere, set up a troll account, and posted it.

But guys, look at Ronaldinho before and after crunches. You want ripped abs like Ronaldinho, right?

he just buffed up a little..:D
The reasoning for eating that way is as good as this gem I read a while back.

Some dumbass Marine wrote in to Leatherneck complaining about Marines complaining about the shitty food offered in the chow halls and offered in MREs. His reasoning:

You don't need to eat that much because plenty of POWs survived on almost nothing!

Yeah, that article, while well intentioned, is ultimately incorrect.

Best way to strengthen the core is to squat/deadlift without a belt. For the more adventerous, waiter walks, turkish getups, or really heavy unilateral work get the job done.
I would imagine heavy pistols would require quite alot of stablisation. Overhead Squats too.
Not only do crunches suck, most spine experts agree that they're bad for your back.

Please learn when to use "are" instead of "is". Also, you might want to learn something about strength training if you're going to write about it.
you guys keep doing your squats, deadlifts and 1000 crunches a day i'll just use one of these

*oils 6 pack*

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
I want to put a flaming arrow in the eye of whoever invented that piece of shit. And 2 arrows in the ass of every sucker that bought it.
you guys keep doing your squats, deadlifts and 1000 crunches a day i'll just use one of these

*oils 6 pack*

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

That's how I sit in my chair at work anyway...gyrating my hips and pretend like I'm fucking someone reverse cowgirl fashion, all the while answering phones, responding to emails, or going to meetings.
Would gut laughing at your article count as an ab workout?