Streaming services introducing ads


Silver Belt
Feb 28, 2023
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The warning sign was when Amazon ported half of their content to Freevee. Then they added ads to Amazon Prime a few months back. I just got a notification that Netflix is doing the same thing. These crafty MFers bided their time and now they are bringing us right back to the cable model where you have to pay AND watch ads. So much for the streaming revolution and cutting the cord.
They rely on consumers being suckers. Just cancel your subscriptions. There is a ton of free streaming content if like me, you like older tv shows and movies. No way in hell I'm paying for content while also having to endure mind numbing commercials.
When browsing Freevee, they did for a short time have The Boys Season 4, but not anymore.

I think it's a tug-o-war where you pay and got ads now so they can later intro a new more expensive ad-free version.
If enough people refused to purchase streaming services withs ads, there would be no ads bundled into streaming services.
Not unless they assume the reason people aren't subscribing is because of some other reason.
I will tolrate ads between 2 episode or movies.

If they put ads during it
Im out.
That was the original Hulu model, back when it was free. Didn't realize how good we had it back then.
I cannot resist the temptation of boobs and beaver...
The warning sign was when Amazon ported half of their content to Freevee. Then they added ads to Amazon Prime a few months back. I just got a notification that Netflix is doing the same thing. These crafty MFers bided their time and now they are bringing us right back to the cable model where you have to pay AND watch ads. So much for the streaming revolution and cutting the cord.
Not really unexpected though, the basic model for a lot of these big companies is to start off making loses getting by on investment money and debt then when they've force their rivals out jack up the price or in this case introduce ads.

I don't think we've nearly come to the end of this either, these services are still likely making big loses, maybe amazon a bit less as the delivery business is profitable.
I cancelled every service like max,hulu, Netflix only watch the free streaming services like tubi,freevee,pluto,plex. I still have amazon prime but that has more to do with the shipping than the video stuff. if it was just video I would have cancelled again.
The versions with ads are like half the price in most cases. You can still watch ad free .
Can herky jerky ffwd but must sit thru 1 commercial break bef the nude scene you jumped to.