Streaming services introducing ads

Ahoy matey!

My solution to corporate greed has been to slowly consume less and less. My monthly expenses are currently sitting around 1.5k and half of that is a car and insurance. I've never felt so free.
agree, stop burning money or stick to one. I get that people need stress relief there are probably better ways of relieving stress, that dont have a recurring bill....
Now these shitty streaming services are starting to take over sports as well.
Yeah it sucks to need to buy 3 different services to see anything I watch F1 and indy car and those are on espn+ and peacock since I don't have those I miss most of the races now
Yeah it sucks to need to buy 3 different services to see anything I watch F1 and indy car and those are on espn+ and peacock since I don't have those I miss most of the races now

Yep and Nascar and the NFL are headed that way too.
I'd rather not but as someone who subscribes to a ton of streaming services I don't mind. Time for a toilet and drink break. Paying extra for ad free streaming I draw the line at.
Yeah folks have to get amazon prime now for NFL
I have Prime anyway but also subscribe to The Sunday Ticket being our teams aren't in CA but aren't they both covered?
I will tolrate ads between 2 episode or movies.

If they put ads during it
Im out.

this is what i told my sister and broinlaw, if they put the ads before or inbetween episodes then ok....but in teh middle of it then FOCK THAT!!!
These media companies need to take notes from sherdog on how to do ads. There's literally like half a dozen pop ups redirects and malware ads coming up on my phone every f****** page I open on here.

i agree, put the ad in a corner with no sound.

and they should be able to easily input the ads on the side in particular spots of hte show/movie, i've seen YouTube do that. This way, they don't put it on during an important scene
The warning sign was when Amazon ported half of their content to Freevee. Then they added ads to Amazon Prime a few months back. I just got a notification that Netflix is doing the same thing. These crafty MFers bided their time and now they are bringing us right back to the cable model where you have to pay AND watch ads. So much for the streaming revolution and cutting the cord.
It was earlier than that. The warning sign was when Netflix introduced an ad-based tier in October 2022. When the original & mightiest premium streaming service does that, the writing is on the wall.

At first, I thought Freevee was too good to be true. I couldn't believe how limited their ads were when they first launched compared to services that already charged-- the worst offender being Hulu. They had some surprisingly recent blockbuster movies, and other top content, yet there was like a third the ad time as Hulu. Well, turns out I should have trusted my instincts. It was too good to be true. It was never anything more than a strategy cooked up by Amazon to eventually disintegrate the ad-free purity of Prime. They just needed a pretense to soften the blow the best they could figure.

Now Disney is doing the same thing. Several months ago they began spreading Hulu content throughout their main interface for Disney+. Why? There's no damn reason to do that. Hulu+ has its own app! They also used to have separate sections for Discovery and National Geographic within Disney+ where all that content was segregated. Those sections still exist, but the main page is all jumbled up, and includes content from those sections anyway. It's all together. Once again, the writing is on the wall. Eventually, even the Disney content itself will be polluted with ads like their Hulu stuff. They're just laying the groundwork like Amazon did with Freevee.

And these companies all wonder why Apple has the reputation it has. Apple is the only one that will stay pure.

I tried that route once. It seemed every app had the same thing and a lot of the time it was potato quality if it was in theaters. Then you’d enjoy one place a lot, then it’d get shut down. Decided it wasn’t worth the hassle any more.

But if things keep going where they are going, I might have walk that plank again.
I tried that route once. It seemed every app had the same thing and a lot of the time it was potato quality if it was in theaters. Then you’d enjoy one place a lot, then it’d get shut down. Decided it wasn’t worth the hassle any more.

But if things keep going where they are going, I might have walk that plank again.
You obviously didn't learn from the right master. Potato quality isn't an issue. You can have it all. You just have to learn. It's possible. But...
The cable store's TV showed something saying ask them how to get ESPN+ on them. I already get Disney+ on them.