stopping the flurry


Green Belt
Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
i mean when someone just goes crazy with straight lefts and rights, it seems to catch me nearly every time...any thoughts or tips?
duck, bob weave, circle away, flurry back. clinch. many things u can do
put both your arms up like you are blocking a hook, tuck chin, and gyrate your upper body( i don't know how to describe this move pretty well).
if ur boxing, tuck chin, hands up, duck, weave, circle away, maybe get a counter is u have the opportunity..
mma = clinch, shoot, fake cross shoot, circle or counter
Duck, slip, sidestep, cover-up, clinch, jump back and kick them if yore kcikboxing, shoot on them for MMA.
Throw a jab in their face, change levels down, and go for the double leg. :icon_twis
keep backing up while blocking at first to give him confidence then duck quickly and suddenly for an uppercut or a double leg takedown.
cover up and move...
if you move foreward you can clinch and take it from there...if you quickly move out of the way sideways, your crazy opponent would probably be out of position because of missed is a good time to it quickly and get ready to move again....if you don't want to take too much damage, keep the counters simple yet strong
Sidestep then counter/block/circle away/get out of range
personally i would look for a clinch opprotunity, but also you can push the guy away, or just block, parry, bob and weave...lots of choices
legshot420 said:
keep backing up while blocking at first to give him confidence then duck quickly and suddenly for an uppercut or a double leg takedown.

Bad advice there.

Never back up straight up, ever. Your best options are clinch or circle one way or the other.
Tuck your chin and go forward with a flurry of your own; not very orthodox, I know, but he will be expecting something defensive from you: stepping to the side, falling back, or just getting disoriented by the sudden attack.

EDIT: forgot to mention, but learn where to punch. many people just throw to the face arbitrarily, but if you focus on the opponents chin, temple, and other areas like the solar plexus and "floating rib" you'll definitely improve your chances of putting the hurt on him. Also, if you have played chess before, you know that if you control the center you'll have the advantage in the game; same goes when striking, make him commit to circular, and therefore slower techniques, by establishing control of the center; however, you should watch out not to over reach and expose yourself. Good luck!
Back straight up and you're momentum will build ending up with you on your butt.
Match their flurry if you're stronger, or go for clinch, or counter...hands up and push kick to the stomach. If its boxing slip your head and counter.
i duck under and clinch. then you should get good at fighting in the clinch.
throw punches back at them, kick, many things to do
if you always seem to get caught no matter what.. Note where the his head position is when he throws it.
Now fire off the same punch of your own aimed in that direction the same time he starts the flurry again. Make sure it hits, and he probably will stop.

Another thing I find useful is to duck the punch and blast the body with a hard straight right.
Another thing I find useful is to duck the punch and blast the body with a hard straight right.
Good advice. I used this in a streetfight about 2 years ago, and it worked wonderfully.
Just put your hands up, get on your bike, and circle the ring. Either that or duck under and clinch. If you're not tired you can try fancy counters and stuff, but usually the other guys has the upper hand when he's throwing flurries, and it's best just to get out of there.