Palantir added to the S&P on friday up 8% in pre market Yeah Toasty $ Rabbit
DJT up 8% for no fucking reason I can see..and in 11 days the lockup ends and the sell fest should begin in earnest yet up on Friday and up this morning in pre,,,,,go fucking figure....Booo Toasty $ Rabbit
And my Kraken is shrinking every day for no reason I know of, must be the cold water
Conclusion- You fuckers need to stop wasting your money on truck stop heroin, truck stop speed and truck stop hookers..and meme stock KRKNF for me so start buying with all the money you got, whatever you can borrow and anything you can steal non-violently.....
@boingyman mobilize the outside shock troops.
@HOLA this is the dip, buy you dip buy
@TeTe Sell 1 fake money BTC buy 52,345 KRKNF and invite me on your underwater submersible yacht next year
Thank you