Steroid Use was RAMPANT in Pride FC | The HJR Experiment

If PEDS are legalized the camps with the best medical staff would dominate. The less informed fighters with little money would not stand a chance. Fighters with money would have a huge advantage, PED regiments are expensive. Of course PEDS do not guarantee success but they make a huge difference. Many Sherdoggers have no idea the difference PEDS make in nearly every aspect of MMA. See Ben Johnson (speed), Lance Armstrong, (endurance/strength), Barry Bonds (Power) ....this list goes on and on.

Imagine your kid or brother getting called up to the UFC only to get hurt badly by an opponent on a full PED regiment.

Having your favorite older fighters fighting on TRT exemptions just increases their chance of CRT.

In my dream world, the athletic commissions administer equal amounts of drugs during training camp, and prescribe a cocktail for recovery after the fight.

On the tale of the tape we could see what they were given.

...and you dont need to quote me to tell me this is a flawed, expensive, unreal idea.
IMO this system was more fair. Now, you still get guys who cheat until they are caught, but the repercussions to the natty guys are huge. Cody Garbrandts entire career trajectory was changed by the shit kickings he took against enhanced dillashaw. If everyone could juice, it at least takes the disparity away. Unfortunately juicing would then basically be a requirement unless you wanted to fight at a massive disadvantage.
Unfortunately juicing would then basically be a requirement unless you wanted to fight at a massive disadvantage.

it's funny how people pretend that the same shit isn't going on now. like steroid tests have remained exactly the same for 30+ years now. like chemical compounds can't be figured out, altered, and deceived on what is essentially the equivalent of a lie detector test. like there aren't scientists right now who understand the game, know people in the industry, and know how to actively beat these tests. yea these physiques are all completely normal for 30+ year olds, just ignore the occasional droopy tit. yea it's totally a clean sport now, these fighters just train 2-3 times a day, eat their chickens/vegetables/ take some whey protein concentrate and are good to go. you have the players who can afford the scientists, the teams in the industry, who know how to beat the industry approved tests, then you have the lower level guys who still get busted for SARMS like ostarine, MK677, and "TaInTeD SuPpPlEm3NtS" etc. to crap on Pride and think that Pride was this free for all of convicts and ignore the same time period UFC, and even modern day UFC is hilarious. You think Jon Jones is the only one? He has a whole team of support behind him. You think he's just reading shit on ironlife and figuring this out by himself? You think Nate Diaz really has no clue what Jake Shields / Giblert Mendelez was doing? When they train every day for hours at a time together? You think they part ways after the bell rings on the mat, never to speak or see each other again? the sport is still dirty, USADA is an acronym to get casual masses to believe, and one droopy tit is just normal. hmmmmmmmmmm.
it's funny how people pretend that the same shit isn't going on now. like steroid tests have remained exactly the same for 30+ years now. like chemical compounds can't be figured out, altered, and deceived on what is essentially the equivalent of a lie detector test. like there aren't scientists right now who understand the game, know people in the industry, and know how to actively beat these tests. yea these physiques are all completely normal for 30+ year olds, just ignore the occasional droopy tit. yea it's totally a clean sport now, these fighters just train 2-3 times a day, eat their chickens/vegetables/ take some whey protein concentrate and are good to go. you have the players who can afford the scientists, the teams in the industry, who know how to beat the industry approved tests, then you have the lower level guys who still get busted for SARMS like ostarine, MK677, and "TaInTeD SuPpPlEm3NtS" etc. to crap on Pride and think that Pride was this free for all of convicts and ignore the same time period UFC, and even modern day UFC is hilarious. You think Jon Jones is the only one? He has a whole team of support behind him. You think he's just reading shit on ironlife and figuring this out by himself? You think Nate Diaz really has no clue what Jake Shields / Giblert Mendelez was doing? When they train every day for hours at a time together? You think they part ways after the bell rings on the mat, never to speak or see each other again? the sport is still dirty, USADA is an acronym to get casual masses to believe, and one droopy tit is just normal. hmmmmmmmmmm.

This is the take I was waiting for.

Inperfect drug testing = no drug testing.

Everyone is as juiced as Chute Box was, none of if matters.
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I remember when the pride nuthuggers vehemently denied that pride guys used roids. Even had one of the dunce mods card me for saying shogun was on roids, and he was.

"Wahhhhhh the reason pride fighters didnt have success in the ufc is cuz they were in so many warz!!!"
It's weird that people will defend guys in Pride and pretend they never used PEDs, even though that's where they looked super human and looked different after Pride folded. Personally I wish a top org allowed PEDs and we saw a revival of super athletes.
It was not against the rules. So what's the problem? I care if fighters are cheating, they were not.


People always use this shit on here... daily... to justify Jones. Or say Hunt is a crybaby.

It's like saying, that oh they shouldn't be DQd for soccer kicks.

It's all about the unlevel playing field.
This is the take I was waiting for.

Inperfect drug testing = no drug testing.

Everyone is as juiced as Chute Box was, none of if matters.
this. you're only "clean" as the amount of money you have to hire scientists in the know, that regularly work within the industry, to beat the tests. that's it. nothing is clean. it's a money game and a who do you know now type of ordeal.
It's weird that people will defend guys in Pride and pretend they never used PEDs, even though that's where they looked super human and looked different after Pride folded. Personally I wish a top org allowed PEDs and we saw a revival of super athletes.
what do you think you're watching now?
So? UFC lets Jones do unlimited steroids. At least Pride was an even playing field
Lol UFC lets everyone do the same amount of steroids.
this. you're only "clean" as the amount of money you have to hire scientists in the know, that regularly work within the industry, to beat the tests. that's it. nothing is clean. it's a money game and a who do you know now type of ordeal.
It really doesn’t even take much money. In the old days you had to know somebody, now you can buy HGH off of Chinese websites for cheap. Anyone who thinks PEDs are used less is ignorant. The types of PEDs have changed though. MMA fighters don’t benefit much by getting huge on roids anyways, it’s much more smart to improve your cardio with EPO and your recovery with HGH and keep your weight down.
A sport where guys have to be very careful to use if they are and cycle to be sure. Probably have to use less than they would if old Pride returned?
you think these modern day UFC physiques are normal? lol. you think theyre being careful? what does that even mean? be real man.
It’s always ran rampant in all sports (still is). Only reason it’s more difficult is because you get guys like Jeff Novitzky (who was a crappy, bitter college athlete, who never would’ve went pro in basketball), digging through garbage cans at BALCO out of jealousy. There will always be a lab a step ahead and not enough to bring them down (physically or via testing).
Lol UFC lets everyone do the same amount of steroids.

It really doesn’t even take much money. In the old days you had to know somebody, now you can buy HGH off of Chinese websites for cheap. Anyone who thinks PEDs are used less is ignorant. The types of PEDs have changed though. MMA fighters don’t benefit much by getting huge on roids anyways, it’s much more smart to improve your cardio with EPO and your recovery with HGH and keep your weight down.
right. it takes some money, takes some know how, and takes the right people to stay above the testing methods. but to pretend that UFC is clean now and Jon Jones is the only bad booboo guy, come on. some of the people here are wrong. 100% on EPO as well as diminishing returns on steroids too.