started lifting, first report


Blue Belt
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
First off, let me say I fucking love strength training. I was able to apply gung fu philosophy in excercise selection and performance, and after only two weeks, the results are very positive.

I decided to keep it simple, I do two workout, one a week each. For my first workout I do deep squats, (one week in front the other regular), dips, pullups and military presses. My second workout is deadlifts followed b dips and pullups and push presses.

In a few weeks I will add another workout more focused on cleans and snatches but not until I maximize the current regimen.

The results are great. I feel much more power in my entire body, and I am feeling muscles i never knew I had, mostly in my back and hips. My hooks and elbows have already gotten more powerful and smooth, and I can feel those lat and spinal muscles working into my punches and even kicks.

It is still early to tell, but so far, I am very impressed.
Good good guy, its goood to see people getting good results from the basics, what are you lifting right now?
Throw some bent over rows in there before you move on to doing snatches. That's not the easiest lift to get right, and if you just started, you might want to wait a bit before adding them.
Sherddog said:
Good good guy, its goood to see people getting good results from the basics, what are you lifting right now?

Im doing sets of five, starting with the bar then adding 5 lbs per side per set on squats, and 2.5 lbs per side per set on militarys. No weights for dips and pullups, those I do sets of 5 then 4 then 3.

On squats I got up to 185x5 on militars 125x5. Im going to be decreasing sets and increasing weights slowl until I peak with sets of three and two, then switch it up.
fat_wilhelm said:
Throw some bent over rows in there before you move on to doing snatches. That's not the easiest lift to get right, and if you just started, you might want to wait a bit before adding them.

Definitely, Im not planning on doing them for 3-4 months, after a month or two of snatch pulls first. I plan on doing rows and other assistance excercise on my secondary workout (when Im burnt out on the basics or tired or just feel like it).