Star Trek: Discovery V4.0 (Premieres Sept. 24, 2017)

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Holy shit, you nerds are all the same.
Do people really still watch that stupid show?

I am on mobile and kind of ignored who you are (including your av), so I am assuming I missed the sarcasm here. If so...sorry
They have never done both CO and XO as female.

And what is the significance of that? Star Trek has been *loaded* with strong female characters, from the obvious (Captain Janeway) to women filling just about every role you can think of that women are traditionally not supposed to have filled, from scientist to engineer to warrior to military commander, also including species overlords, the intellectual savant characters of a series, admirals, heads of state, the CO, the XO, etc etc etc... Saying "Well we FINALLY have a show where both the XO and CO of a ship are women!" seems like a prime example of an artificial benchmark to me. Seriously, you would have to dig deep to find a prominent role that women haven't filled in Star Trek, and that we even stoop to mention "Well, now they're filling the first AND second officer positions simultaneously!" shows how little this new show has to offer on the "breaking barriers" front.
And what is the significance of that? Star Trek has been *loaded* with strong female characters, from the obvious (Captain Janeway) to women filling just about every role you can think of that women are traditionally not supposed to have filled, from scientist to engineer to warrior to military commander, also including species overlords, the intellectual savant characters of a series, admirals, heads of state, the CO, the XO, etc etc etc... Saying "Well we FINALLY have a show where both the XO and CO of a ship are women!" seems like a prime example of an artificial benchmark to me. Seriously, you would have to dig deep to find a prominent role that women haven't filled in Star Trek, and that we even stoop to mention "Well, now they're filling the first AND second officer positions simultaneously!" shows how little this new show has to offer on the "breaking barriers" front.

I made that comment a while ago. I dont remember, but it may have been from the one the trailers. I remember one of the trailers featuring mainly Yeoh, and the woman from TWD. That was all the info we had on show.
From what it sounds like, during the pilot Burnham will transfer(or ship is destroyed) from the Shen Zhou to the DIscovery. Captain Lorca on the Discovery will likely be a hardass, who Burnham will clash with. Captain Severus Snape runs a tight ship....
Re-watching DS9 on the new DVD boxset, and I always forget how epic it becomes during season 4.The serialization just bring so much too the show, and you forget that it was pretty uncommon in TV at the time, as opposed to now, where every show seems to be.

And who do you hate more in DS9, Kai Winn, or Gul Dukat?
Re-watching DS9 on the new DVD boxset, and I always forget how epic it becomes during season 4.The serialization just bring so much too the show, and you forget that it was pretty uncommon in TV at the time, as opposed to now, where every show seems to be.

And who do you hate more in DS9, Kai Winn, or Gul Dukat?

Gul Dukat is the actual hero

Here is the latest look at the NCC 1031 USS Discovery. The Bridge is located in the center ball until of the saucer, and then there are 2 outer saucer sections. It almost looks like they have built this ship out of a mixture of Klingon D7, constitution, and daedalus class.
So Star Trek will have a there largest presence ever at SDCC. They know they came off really bad at last years showing, so it will be interesting to see what they release at the con. We are only 10 weeks away from the series premiere.
I wondered about the start of Discovery. If I am not mistaken, it is precisely a week after the Game of Thrones season finale. That is hardly a coincidence.
Re-watching DS9 on the new DVD boxset, and I always forget how epic it becomes during season 4.The serialization just bring so much too the show, and you forget that it was pretty uncommon in TV at the time, as opposed to now, where every show seems to be.

And who do you hate more in DS9, Kai Winn, or Gul Dukat?

I hated the Bajorans. Including Kira. Waste of a potentially great character, imo. My brothers and I tried to come up with racial slurs for Bajorans so we started calling them Bajers (badgers). Kai Winn was Fat Bajer. All the spiritual and pah-wraiths storyline sucked whereas whenever Gul Dukat graced the viewer with his presence the episode immediately became more interesting.
So Star Trek will have a there largest presence ever at SDCC. They know they came off really bad at last years showing, so it will be interesting to see what they release at the con. We are only 10 weeks away from the series premiere.
Niiiiiiice. I'll be attending again this year. Maybe I'll be able to check it out.
Niiiiiiice. I'll be attending again this year. Maybe I'll be able to check it out.
they had some cool exclusive Discovery poster available. Pick yourself up one(or sell a few to your sherdog friends)
More info on Lt. Suru

What we can tell you that adds the context to that clip where he says he can sense the coming of death is that he comes from a planet where he’s a ‘prey species.’ He’s the first of his kind to make it to Starfleet. On Saru’s planet, there’s a dominant predator species that constantly imperils another weaker species called Kelpiens. As part of the latter group, Saru has evolved with heightened survival instincts. Such prey species tend to have a cowardly reputation in the Federation, but Saru should not be underestimated.

[Producers] said Saru is the Spock of the series, he’s the Data of the series — and those are beloved characters that I always connect with whenever I would watch the past incarnations of ‘Star Trek.’

On ‘Falling Skies,’ I played an alien species who came to Earth to help the humans fight back the bad aliens who’d taken over, and I was intelligent, well-spoken, had a lot of answers and science-y smart. Saru is all of those things and then some.
Here is a model at comic con of the Klingon Torchbearer costume.


Dispite all the drama thats gone on, with production, it is nice to see them crafting some cool stuff. They are spending some serious money on the show. This is the Klingon space suit, seen battling at the end of the trailer.
Re-watching DS9 on the new DVD boxset, and I always forget how epic it becomes during season 4.The serialization just bring so much too the show, and you forget that it was pretty uncommon in TV at the time, as opposed to now, where every show seems to be.

And who do you hate more in DS9, Kai Winn, or Gul Dukat?

Wynn. She was an *awesome* villain... A real Dolores Umbrige or King Joffrey type who was just so hateable that you have to tip your hat to a truly despicable villain. Dukat was an equally awesome villain but in the totally opposite direction - he was so over the top evil and petty, but still relatable and charismatic, you just love the guy. Every time Wynn shows up I wanted to punch her in the face, and every time Dukat shows up I can't help but thinking "Damn, you're right - those ungrateful Bajorans really SHOULD have built a statue of you..." as he mixes really relatable qualities (dedicated father, family oriented, and even patriot fighting oppressive government) with reprehensible megalomania. GOAT Star Trek villains characters in my opinion, with Khan being the only competition and having *so* much less screen time to develop.
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From the show floor at Comic-Con. Panel is tomorrow afternoon. I'm looking forward to it.

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