

Yellow Belt
Dec 6, 2005
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Hey guys,
I am just starting to get into MMA and don't have any actual MMA gear so I was looking around on and I saw the SSFFighterPak and I was wondering if they are any good or not? Remember I am just starting out and was wondering if it is a good deal or not.
You can't go wrong with SSF and Ron will take care of you completely. SSF is easily the best gear company in my opinion.
Thanks guys. For right now I am subbing your choice of Underhook, Warrior Ulta, JJgear or NHB shorts because we are out of the SSF shorts.
46and2... I'd take Ron up on that and jump on the offer w/ the Underhook option. I've always thought those shorts look badass and I've heard they're really nice, performance and comfort-wise, too.
I got those shorts from Ron and I can asure you that they are badass and the are very flexible. I'm a big guy and I can do high roundhouse kicks with no problem. They are more flexible than my Sprawls and equal to the quality.
It looks like a good deal for someone with no gear. Make sure you get the underhook shorts and the 16oz gloves.
haha i'm either really jaded or this seems staged, anyways nice name...i think i'll go put on Aenima now!
Very nice. That deal with the subbed shorts sounds great.
I am surprised at how many tool fans are MMA fans, and thanks for all the replies and Ron you might be hearing from me soon. And though it would be funny, it wasn't staged
46and2 said:
I am surprised at how many tool fans are MMA fans, and thanks for all the replies and Ron you might be hearing from me soon. And though it would be funny, it wasn't staged

It could be a number of things, however, the fact Maynard trains in BJJ helps a lot.
anvar said:
It could be a number of things, however, the fact Maynard trains in BJJ helps a lot.
or just that tool fans and mma fans are generally cool people.
infamous mattyd said:
or just that tool fans and mma fans are generally cool people.

Actually in my experence most tool fans are douch bag little kids. The last concert i went to i saw so many punk highschool kids getting loaded. And HotTopic sells tool shirts, so kids wear tool shirts and say they like the music for pure style, yet they can't name a single song of Opiate.

Have you guys ever read Maynards artical on BJJ?
I never knew that Maynard trains in BJJ. Do you have a link to the article?

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