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Squatting Every Other Day(Switching from Back to Front)


Brown Belt
May 11, 2005
Reaction score
I have tremendously weak squat numbers.

Would squatting every other day rotating between front and back squats each workouts solve my bitch squat numbers?

I'm tired of having a weak squat.

Plus I plan on just squatting and doing big upper body compound exercises like OHSP and Bent Over Rows.

I am tired of workout routines that have multiple assistance exercises which I have no energy for after I am done with my main lifts.

Help me fellow doggers.
Woof, woof.

What are your numbers what program/training are you doing right now?
Definitely don't give us any training or programming history so we can help you out.
You add weight (5 lbs) every time you lift? Milk those noob gains.
In the absence of other info that's the best I can do.
No set routine yet. It's almost irrelevant since I am planning to start again after a long layoff. It's just I always had bitch squat numbers and still do.

I was looking for someone with anecdotal experience in squatting frequently and how the results were.

I have tried from the standard push/pull/squat workout to bodypart split workouts. I have had decent results from these workouts, but the squat has always lagged significantly behind.

Plus I am always too tired from the main lifts and end up being too tired/unmotivated to finish the workout with 2 or 3 assistance exercises.

I am thinking about alternating between back squat-shoulder press and front squat-bent over rows workouts every other day. Just two exercises per workout(one lowerbody and one upperbody).
Growl. Growl. Bark!

Let's see here, woof. I went from squatting around 135 for 5 to 335 for 5 in about a year to a year and a half with the Bill Starr 5 x 5 program.

Squatted three times a week, bark. Never skipped leg days, arf.
Fuck it let me try everyday squatting between back and front squat only.

Let's see how it goes. It's been a very long time. Ill start light.
Try it and see. For me it worked OK last year. I cycled the intensity between heavy and light days, and then even on heavy days stayed a rep or two away from failure to stop from burning out. Doing this I could squat 4 times a week without problem and made fast progress for 4-5 months.
I had my best squat results squatting three times a week. One day was volume at a lower intensity, one day was a top set with as many reps as possible, and was day was medium intensity + medium volume. I had been squatting for a while though and had built up a work capacity. That's why your past training history and relevant numbers will matter.
Squatting everyday probably isn't your best bet. You need some time for recovery which is why most popular programs have you squatting 2 or 3 times/week.
Not sure on the popularity now, but I remember many doing Smolov squat routine in the past. A buddy of mine did it and PR'd over 50 pounds squatting 500 @ 165 raw in a meet. The most I ever squatted weekly was when I did a modified Sheiko routine. We would squat 3x per week. Volume was pretty insane. We would be in the gym for 4-5 hours on some days. I definitely was overtraining even with good nutrition, sleep, recovery methods, but it built up my work capacity and I got stronger overall.
Not sure on the popularity now, but I remember many doing Smolov squat routine in the past. A buddy of mine did it and PR'd over 50 pounds squatting 500 @ 165 raw in a meet. The most I ever squatted weekly was when I did a modified Sheiko routine. We would squat 3x per week. Volume was pretty insane. We would be in the gym for 4-5 hours on some days. I definitely was overtraining even with good nutrition, sleep, recovery methods, but it built up my work capacity and I got stronger overall.

Smolov is not for people with weak ass squats.
well...back squats sunday and fronts squats with shoulder presses yesterday.

Couldn't sleep last night for some reason. I am gonnna create a log.

Thanks for all the input.
Squat everyday is a thing... Not a thing for average people but people have kept it up for a month or more. I think squatting every workout and working out three times a week is doable. That is the 5*5 program, there is an A B novice squat program instead of an Mon, Wed, Friday but most people need to workout on specific days so AB or 3 on one off programs are hard for them.

Omar Isuf and others have this primary, secondary, tertiary, + more theory/style they were using/teaching. I am not getting any younger and my hips and back are a real issue so I may squat less, or at least do less heavy back squatting and do more front and goblet squatting for higher reps but less sets.

I am thinking of incorporating more of that going from first lift with very low reps 3-5, then to the next movement 6-8, then the next movement 8-10, then the next 10-12, then the last vanity movements are 15+ reps. The total number of movements is low but the number of set is also controlled, I was just watching videos on this last night.

The second and third movements are chosen to help your primary movement in this case the squat. I like the logic behind it, of course you need to know what assistance to choose based on where you get stuck in your squat.

I think mainly you just got a show up and put in time under the bar even if you have bad back, knees, hips, etc.


I recently took squatting up to three days a week alternating high bar low bar and front squat. Seem to get the best feel from two to five reps. Maybe we can compare notes later.
Growl. Growl. Bark!

Let's see here, woof. I went from squatting around 135 for 5 to 335 for 5 in about a year to a year and a half with the Bill Starr 5 x 5 program.

Squatted three times a week, bark. Never skipped leg days, arf.
Asbergers syndrome?
It's spelled Asperger's, you retard. Woof.

Bark. Growl...
Wow came down with a mild cold after consective days of squatting.

Maybe it is a sign from the gods that squats everyday aint a good idea.
Wow came down with a mild cold after consective days of squatting.

Maybe it is a sign from the gods that squats everyday aint a good idea.

Or just a sign from the gods that....you got a cold....