Squatting Bruises


Nov 13, 2004
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It seems whenever I squat it shows... in the form of tiny lines of bruises where it sits on my shoulders. They aren't really painful but they add up in turning my arm into an unattractive bruised mess. Does anyone else have this problem? Ways to possibly prevent it? Will it start happening less and less over time?
all i could say is use a towel on the bar ... but do you usually bruise easy ? you might be lacking something in your diet ...
Wear a sweater or other type of thicker shirt rather than some wimpy t-shirt.

I know what you mean. My skin gets marked up pretty easy from squatting.

I usually have a big bruise across my back where the squat bar sits after squats.

The sweater won't stop the bruising but it will stop the gnarling on the bar from ripping your back open.
i believe it is busted capillaries or something like that. you have no pain but you have reddish lines across your shoudlers right?
I would wear a sweatshirt, and maybe put one of those pads around the bar. After doing that for a bit then just wear a sweatshirt, then you can wear whatever you want.

Your body most likely adapt to the extra weight and you'll stop bruising. Just give it some time.
carped33z said:
i believe it is busted capillaries or something like that. you have no pain but you have reddish lines across your shoudlers right?
How long have you been squating, I used to get a big raised welt where the bar was when I first started but I don't anymore. If you've been squating for a long time and its always happened then use the a bar pad, of course you need to be careful because they shift around and in general I don't think their a good idea...better yet build bigger traps.
I would kill for a chick with a squat bruise on her back...that's fucking hot!
sorry guys, i dont think toughchick bats for our team.

Good cause I bat for the team that likes women. if she's on the other team, she must like men.

By your statement, it sounds like you also like men...

jk :D
whoa that just turned into a really confusing analogy but i would assume that the bruises will be better handled by the body the mroe you bruise it. If it doesnt hurt i dont think there is a problem.
What can you lack in your diet that makes you bruise easier because of it?
Sonic Reducer said:
.better yet build bigger traps.

I never watched that movie "What women want", but was "bigger traps" in it?