Squats and farts.

I have an account and never post there. Some people ask Rip the dumbest questions.
Still had to laugh at the giant one i dropped while squatting the one day, it lasted my entire descent. Must have looked like i sat on an invisible whoopie cushion while squating. I just hit rock bottom and couldn't stop laughing
This one cracked me up..."There's something distinctively character building about learning to shrug-off ear-shattering farts done in front of attractive women."
I'm eating eggs for lunch, and am doing Deads/pull stuff tonight. I feel bad for other people going to my gym tonight
I'm more of a deadlift farter. It is actually pretty rare that I'll bust one out squatting. Maybe that is why my squat sucks.. need more glute recruitment.
"I recomend against farting while doing heavy lifts as they often have a solid core to them." Gold mark sold gold.
A couple visits ago it was pretty bad for me, I left about 50 feet of gym smelling like the set of a German porno. Even I was disgusted with my own putrescence.
I never farted during a squat but one time I got nearly to the bottom of my squat and heart a loud RIPPPP, then my ass started falling out of my drawers. I couldnt hurry fast enough to get that weight up and see if the rip was in my sweats, or just in my boxers. Luckily it was in my boxers so no one could see my ass sticking out of my pants.
It's helpful if you empty your bowels before your squat session.

QFT. I forgot to do this before I lifted on Tuesday and had to concentrate on what muscles where pushin' when I was comin' out of the hole on squats... Wasn't bad on bench and rows, but squats when ya gotta crap suck.
On one of the damn MTV "We don't need no stinking videos" reality shows, Peekaboo (sp?) Street told one of the guys about farting while squatting in a Nike commercial or something.

I seem to remember she said that she was the only one who laughed - everyone else was stunned.

Just FYI, I call the solid core type fart a fart that "brings a friend".
QFT. I forgot to do this before I lifted on Tuesday and had to concentrate on what muscles where pushin' when I was comin' out of the hole on squats... Wasn't bad on bench and rows, but squats when ya gotta crap suck.

I was working my way up to a new front squat PR when I suddenly had to poop. I dropped the bar and ran to the bathroom to have explosive diarrhea. I then came back and my current PR.
I was working my way up to a new front squat PR when I suddenly had to poop. I dropped the bar and ran to the bathroom to have explosive diarrhea. I then came back and my current PR.

Wow. Good job, man. I'm not back in the system at the Y yet, so I didn't feel like gettin' somebody to let me back in to the weightroom if I went to the bathroom, so I just missed 2 reps on squats instead...

Farts that bring a friend... hilarious.
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She's not even embarassed, just scuffs it so it won't make anyone else slip.

Frankly, even at that, I'm still sorry I watched it.:icon_sad:
This thread reminds me of the rotten.com article of a squatter who tried too hard and crapped out his intestines. The descriptive adjectives and picture made me a bit uneasy.