Spirulina question


Savage Mystic
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
This stuff sounds like the best thing ever to me. Sounds like it probably tastes like several piles of fecal matter and a large pile of garbage run through a food processor and then pissed in, but from what I read about it, it's like the perfect food. Is it really what it's hyped up to be? The protein content really interests me (more digestable complete protein than any animal source?), So I was thinking about taking the plunge and buying a 5 lb tub of powder. Is it worth it? Will I turn into Randy Coutre? or am I just going to be getting my greens without eating any?
I never took it (or even seen it sold) in a 5lb tub of powder. I take it in pill form though daily, it seems like really good stuff...I also see it in the ingredients of a lot of other greens vitamens. In Gary Nulls stuff too and stuff like that..

Idk sry my post was pointless it is good stuff though
I'm sure it tastes like complete ass considering I feed it to my fish. :D
I don't know much about it, but I've heard of it refered to as a superfood.
yeh, i've read a lot about it as well.. it's usually the main ingredient in many green powders.. however, broken cell-wall chlorella looks like it's more nutritious per gram than spirulina..

but anyway.. if u find a good deal somewhere.. be sure to tell us cuz i wana start taking that stuff as well..

5lbs sounds like it'll carry a hefty price tag.. :icon_surp
I've taken it on and off since august along with the phyto foods stuff.

Can't really say much about it, tastes like...I don't know, but it ain't nice thats for damn sure.
I've got a 908g tub, but only use like a table spoon if that in with the phyto.
supersudo said:
yeh, i've read a lot about it as well.. it's usually the main ingredient in many green powders.. however, broken cell-wall chlorella looks like it's more nutritious per gram than spirulina..

but anyway.. if u find a good deal somewhere.. be sure to tell us cuz i wana start taking that stuff as well..

5lbs sounds like it'll carry a hefty price tag.. :icon_surp
$114 + free shipping. Which really, i don't think is that bad.

My concern about chlorella is that you CAN take too much of it as it tends to cause diarhea depending on sensitivity (anywhere from a 5g dose to a 20g dose can do it). Spirulina on the other hand is basically a food. You can eat it until you get full.
hey.. i just noticed u wrote that spirulina is a "complete" protein?.. i haven't read that.. but i have read the more digestible part though..

well.. if it IS a complete protein.. then i guess it's a good deal.. test out a cheaper/smaller conatiner for a while to see if u really wana buy a $114 - 5lb container.. then let us know the results! :D
today I bought half a lb of spirulina and I feel I should report it tastes kinda like... grass clippings. Anyways, I put WAY more in a glas of water than I should have, so tomorrow I'm going to dilute it a bit and see how that is.
Urban said:
today I bought half a lb of spirulina and I feel I should report it tastes kinda like... grass clippings. Anyways, I put WAY more in a glas of water than I should have, so tomorrow I'm going to dilute it a bit and see how that is.

u should've gotten cookie's n cream flavor.. lol :icon_lol:
but anyway.. try out chad's advice... "apple juice is key"

and/or stack it with something :wink:
I'm going low carb 5 days a week, so apple juice isn't an option (good idea though). Just tried it with the correct proportions and it's much better. i'll probably use a bunch of mint to balance out the flavor. that should take care of it I think.
Ive had it, it tastes like fishy grass. It might be easier to drink mixed with carrot juice.
sounds like it tastes really bad.. but ill buy some along with some glutamine if i read that its better than protein powder
The amount of water you'd have to use to get the same amount of protein as protein powder is ridiculous. Truth be told it probably IS better, but consuming such a large amount can prove difficult at best. Ok, to get 40 grams of protein from spirulina you need 60 grams of powder (1/3 cup). now if 3 grams can make a glass of water taste like your front lawn, what do you think 20 times that is going to do? I may give it a shot just to see if I can handle it.
Brand Nizzle said:
I never took it (or even seen it sold) in a 5lb tub of powder. I take it in pill form though daily, it seems like really good stuff...I also see it in the ingredients of a lot of other greens vitamens. In Gary Nulls stuff too and stuff like that..

Idk sry my post was pointless it is good stuff though

Gary Null is one of the greatest con artists in modern day new york city.
I use to take it all the time,
I LOVED it, but its hard to find....
impossible for me now.

I hate where I live now......I'm always on the look out for it!!!!