Spider-Man vs. Batman

Who will come off victorious?

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The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Who wins between these two?


Batman conveniently has a spray that takes away all of Spiderman's powers because "well, you know, whatever"
Spiderman all the way. Super human strength and all that speed is too much for Batman.

Talking about if they just crossed paths and started fighting. No training camp for Batman. :D
Spidey without question.

Shoots him with webs, pulls batman towards him, then punches his head off. The fight takes all of 12 seconds.
Batman and Spiderman are in an epic battle when Spiderman gets the upper hand. Right when he's ready to kill Batman, Batman unmasks himself, and Spiderman fanboys over Wayne Enterprises ceo, billionaire Bruce Wayne. In his excitement he reveals his identity and agrees to come work for him. Bruce wins over Pete's trust lulling him into a false sense of security when one random day the water cooler is drugged. Peter wakes up to see Bruce in the midst of his vinegar strokes with Mary Jane. Peter becomes so depressed he takes his own life and Batman reveals it was all part of his plan, because he's Batman.
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Spiderman has had plenty of trouble against villains with no super strength. Hobgoblin, Hammerhead, Silvermane, The Kingpin, Mysterio, Electro, Vulture, are all villains Spidey cannot take down immediately,

Plus Spidey aint that invulnerable either. He can be damaged by conventional weapons. All Batz needs to do is hit him with some exploding batarangs, and a few well placed Batbombs, and Spidey is finito.

Yes Spidey has that spidey sense, but I am sure Batman can trick and fool him. Spidey is not known as a great tactician like Batman is.
batman if he has advanced notice, hed have some anti-spiderweb shit built into his suit or whatever

if they just run into each other, spiderman would probably win
This is the problem.... Both Spiderman and Superman are fictional characters so the only thing we have to judge their skills in a fight is whatever material has been done about them right (movies, tv, comics and so on)

Well..... in the last fucking 10-20 years they have done SO MANY FUCKING VARIATIONS about these 2 characters that it would be impossible to defend who wins.... because what variation of Batman or what variation of Spiderman are we talking about in the first place?? and yeah fuck yeah they are all different!!

If we go by the last variation of Spiderman in the movie Civil War.... well he would lose all fucking fights because he is a stupid little kid

If we go by the Batman version of the old TV series (you know the one who goes WHAMMM POWWWW CAPOOM) he would lose for sure because that Batman was fat, slow, and didnt have any cool weapons at all

So your question basically doesnt have any answer, maybe 20 years ago when there wasnt so many variations of the characters it did, but today earth 2017 the question simply doesnt have an answer
batman if he has advanced notice, hed have some anti-spiderweb shit built into his suit or whatever

if they just run into each other, spiderman would probably win

This is the correct answer.
Despite Batman's regular arsenal and skill set, Spider-man has a pretty unique and varied set of abilities. Random rooftop or adamantium box, Spider-man wins.

Dat prep time, doe.
Spiderman has had plenty of trouble against villains with no super strength. Hobgoblin, Hammerhead, Silvermane, The Kingpin, Mysterio, Electro, Vulture, are all villains Spidey cannot take down immediately,

Plus Spidey aint that invulnerable either. He can be damaged by conventional weapons. All Batz needs to do is hit him with some exploding batarangs, and a few well placed Batbombs, and Spidey is finito.

Yes Spidey has that spidey sense, but I am sure Batman can trick and fool him. Spidey is not known as a great tactician like Batman is.

Spiderman pulls his punches when fighting opponents significantly weaker than himself. That means anyone who can't Bench at least 15 tons. He's always worried that he will kill or serously injure a weaker opponent.

One of the few times we see Spider Man with That Look in his eyes was after Kingpin ordered a hit on Aunt May. She was shot and left in a coma. Spidey had a complete sense of humour failure, broke into the prison where Fisk was being held and beat him so badly that Fisk couldn't even stand. He then pulled the Kingpin back to his feet by his man boobs:eek:. And warned him that when May died he would return to finish the job.

Batman is Metahuman; there is no way a guy walking around at 210 is benching nearly five times that raw. But in every physical way, Batman is still vastly inferior to Spiderman. It's just not even close.

Give Bats some Prep Time and yeah, he could probably figure out a way to nulify Spiderman's advantages. In a straight fight, with no training camp? Batman gets besmirched.
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Depends on which versions are fighting. TAS/Arkham Batman (essentially Kevin Conroy Batman) could beat him. But live action Batman would be fucked. Comics Batman could do it, depending on which arc you pull from. But I'd say Batman at least 60/40. He's basically DC's version of Hulk. OP to the point of being ridiculous.
Batman by being smarter than a 12 year old kid

Radio-active Spider bite increased his intelligence and instincts.

Though I get you're making a joke, so lol.

This is serious bidness, for future reference
Batman is smart he will find a way to beat spiderman