Spider-Man vs. Batman

Who will come off victorious?

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If you want to see what Spidey would be like if he really cut loose and started throwing heat, check out Superior Spiderman, in which Doctor Octopus transfers his mind into Parker's body. In one scene he completely besmirches Wolverine without breaking a sweat..

Is that a comic? Because if it is, I'm too old to read comics so I'll never see it. Thanks anyways NERD!!!
Spider-Man all the way. Batdork is nothing but a fucking Mary Sue :mad:
Spiderman pulls his punches when fighting opponents significantly weaker than himself. That means anyone who can't Bench at least 15 tons. He's always worried that he will kill or serously injure a weaker opponent.

One of the few times we see Spider Man with That Look in his eyes was after Kingpin ordered a hit on Aunt May. She was shot and left in a coma. Spidey had a complete sense of humour failure, broke into the prison where Fisk was being held and beat him so badly that Fisk couldn't even stand. He then pulled the Kingpin back to his feet by his man boobs:eek:. And warned him that when May died he would return to finish the job.

Batman is Metahuman; there is no way a guy walking around at 210 is benching nearly five times that raw. But in every physical way, Batman is still vastly inferior to Spiderman. It's just not even close.

Give Bats some Prep Time and yeah, he could probably figure out a way to nulify Spiderman's advantages. In a straight fight, with no training camp? Batman gets besmirched.

Good answer.

I like how people talk about Batman's prep time, like Spider-Man is dumb as a box of rocks and couldn't come up with something to counter Batman too.
Good answer.

I like how people talk about Batman's prep time, like Spider-Man is dumb as a box of rocks and couldn't come up with something to counter Batman too.

If people want to give Batman prep time, fuck it I'm just going to say its early Cosmic Spiderman. A form in which, still unaware of it's true potential, he punched Grey Hulk into orbit. So he still wins.

Gotta go Bats. His experience in martial arts will nulify Spideys strenth advantage. Using his own speed and power against him. Too many tricks up his sleeve. They have one common foe...The Lizard is basically killer croc.
This is one of the few instances where I think even a prepped Batman gets besmirched.

1. Spider-Man has no weaknesses for Batman to exploit.
2. Batman is physically inferior to Spider-Man in every way.
3. Spider sense negates prep time.
4. Peter Parker has Tony Stark level intellect. Doubt Batman can out tech Spider-Man.

Batman would get an even faster ass whooping if it was the Doc Oc superior Spider-Man.
Plot Armor vs Plot Armor

The crucial difference is when Spidey finds a way to win, it's after being revitalized by the neighborhood, who does in fact believe in him after all. Batman wins because he's been laying a trap this entire time; he's a sneaky sucker.


Spiderman wins, because Batman will learn to believe in Spiderman.
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If you want to see what Spidey would be like if he really cut loose and started throwing heat, check out Superior Spiderman, in which Doctor Octopus transfers his mind into Parker's body. In one scene he completely besmirches Wolverine without breaking a sweat..

i really need to start getting into Superior Spiderman. Are you reading the whole Clone Wars arch right now?
i really need to start getting into Superior Spiderman. Are you reading the whole Clone Wars arch right now?

Nah, the only monthly comic I'm reading now is Captain America: Steve Rogers. I waited until the SS arc was finished, then bought the trade paperbacks.
Gotta go Bats. His experience in martial arts will nulify Spideys strenth advantage. Using his own speed and power against him. Too many tricks up his sleeve. They have one common foe...The Lizard is basically killer croc.


Martial arts only negate strength advantages when fighting against other humans. Find the current ADCC or Mundials champion and throw him in a cage with a pissed off Silverback Gorilla. All his skill, training and experience won't stop the Gorilla ripping the guys arms off and beating him to death with the sticky ends.

In fact, even the above anology doesn't convey the difference in strength levels between Spidey and Bats. It's more akin to a human trying to stop a charging Bull Elephant with his bare hands.
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Martial arts only negate strength advantages when fighting against other humans. Find the current ADCC or Mundials champion and throw him in a cage with a pissed off Silverback Gorilla. All his skill, training and experience won't stop the Gorilla ripping the guys arms off and beating him to death with the sticky ends.

In fact, even the above anology doesn't convey the difference in strength levels between Spidey and Bats. It's more akin to a human trying to stop a charging Bull Elephant with his bare hands.
Why are you using a real life analogy for comics. You're trying to make this real life when it's not. Look at Lois and Clark episode "Chi of Steel" where pretty much normal guy is able to use supermans strength and speed against him.
Why are you using a real life analogy for comics. You're trying to make this real life when it's not. Look at Lois and Clark episode "Chi of Steel" where pretty much normal guy is able to use supermans strength and speed against him.

Because even comics must conform to their own internal logic. Otherwise they go Full Retard and show Moondragon taking down Thor with a, "nerve strike" or, indeed, Batman knocking the wind out of Hulk with a spinning back-kick.:rolleyes:

Batman admits that, should he ever cut loose, Superman would literally squash him like a bug. Bats only wins not just because of Prep Time but also because Superman always pulls his punches.

Spiderman is many, many times stronger and faster than Batman. And there is no obvious Dues ex Machina like Kryptonite for Batman to exploit.
"my spidey sense is tingling"

-malibu barbie, the simpsons
Because even comics must conform to their own internal logic. Otherwise they go Full Retard and show Moondragon taking down Thor with a, "nerve strike" or, indeed, Batman knocking the wind out of Hulk with a spinning back-kick.:rolleyes:

Batman admits that, should he ever cut loose, Superman would literally squash him like a bug. Bats only wins not just because of Prep Time but also because Superman always pulls his punches.

Spiderman is many, many times stronger and faster than Batman. And there is no obvious Dues ex Machina like Kryptonite for Batman to exploit.
yes but it's not like Bats doesn't fight guys on that level already.

Take Killer Croc for example. His power-set looks pretty familiar.

  • Superhuman strength, durability, and senses
  • Experienced alligator wrestler
  • Reptilian teeth, claws, and scale-like skin
  • Regenerative healing factor

Or Bane... whose venom induced strength has shown him lifting 15 tonnes
  • Genius-level intellect
  • Highly accomplished athlete and martial artist
  • Venom enhanced strength and durability
  • Accelerated healing factor

The bottom line is it's Batman... you either buy into the myth's of Batman with Prep time or you don't. It's cool if you don't but the argument can still be made that Bats wins this. He could exploit Spidermans weakness to Ethyl Chloride, and the fact that spidey sense can be disrupted through drugs or chemicals. Add to the fact that spiderman is not invulnerable and can be pierced by blades, shrapnel and all sorts of other standard weapons.