Social Southern/red states considered dumbest in country

No bro, no they don't lol. This is fantasy land.

You are equating a farmer with most rural people. Most rural people are definitely not farmers at all. If ever rural person was farm rich, then rural states wouldn't be poor as fuck lmao.

The fact is, most rural people either buy cheap ass lawnmowers from Walmart once every year or two or they probably don't even own one and have weeds as tall as me in their yard.

I'm from one of the poorest areas in the United States and I can assure you that these people live in old broken down trailers and double wides that haven't been taken care of in years.

Where does this notion come from that most of these people even own equipment to fix in the first place?
I lived there too and almost everyone was mechanically inclined. Maybe it is just a matter of where exactly you and I were.

It comes from living and seeing it. I’m from a trailer park, with all poor relatives and friends, and we fixed our own things. So like mentioned prior, it is a difference of where you are at.
I lived there too and almost everyone was mechanically inclined. Maybe it is just a matter of where exactly you and I were.

It comes from living and seeing it. I’m from a trailer park, with all poor relatives and friends, and we fixed our own things. So like mentioned prior, it is a difference of where you are at.

Right, so think about're from a trailer park. How do you figure that all the people around you are farm rich?

And how often did they replace the stuff they worked on? Hell, most of the cheap ass lawnmowers you can buy from Walmart are so bad that they aren't even fixable depending on what breaks and what you need to buy to replace them. That may have been true 15+ years ago, but it's not true anymore at all. And it's not like these people are going out and dropping a 1-2k on a lawnmower that you can even find parts for at this point lol

Good luck finding and replacing any of the plastic shit that fails on a cheapass mower these days.
Right, so think about're from a trailer park. How do you figure that all the people around you are farm rich?

And how often did they replace the stuff they worked on? Hell, most of the cheap ass lawnmowers you can buy from Walmart are so bad that they aren't even fixable depending on what breaks and what you need to buy to replace them. That may have been true 15+ years ago, but it's not true anymore at all. And it's not like these people are going out and dropping a 1-2k on a lawnmower that you can even find parts for at this point lol
Because farms were close to the trailer parks lol. Not saying everyone was asset rich. You can go to a feed depot and talk with them. Even if you’re from the trailer park down the road.

You replace it as often as you have to, once you fix what you can with spare parts or jerry rigging it. You can’t go out and always replace everything that breaks, especially if it something you can do yourself. Scrappers do the same thing right now. Dumb old scrappers… Keep the parts you figure you can use on the equipment you have, and scrap the rest at a scrap yard. This was life growing up, so I lived it for quite some time. Not your experience? Cool. I didn’t live your life, and won’t say you are wrong for thinking what you do.
Because farms were close to the trailer parks lol. Not saying everyone was asset rich. You can go to a feed depot and talk with them. Even if you’re from the trailer park down the road.

You replace it as often as you have to, once you fix what you can with spare parts or jerry rigging it. You can’t go out and always replace everything that breaks, especially if it something you can do yourself. Scrappers do the same thing right now. Dumb old scrappers… Keep the parts you figure you can use on the equipment you have, and scrap the rest at a scrap yard. This was life growing up, so I lived it for quite some time. Not your experience? Cool. I didn’t live your life, and won’t say you are wrong for thinking what you do.

I spent my fair amount of time in junk yards lol.

The reason I learned that kind of shit was because my father was the guy everyone went to in the neighborhood when they couldn't fix their own shit. It's also how I know most of these people can't fix their own stuff... especially anything that involves electronic work.

My father worked in a mine for nearly 40 years. He ended becoming a higher up later on his life, but he essentially was the guy who could work on anything mechanical or electronic. He was a vehicle mechanic before he went into the mine.

He would be the first person to tell you that he 99.9% of these people are dipshits lol.

What you are saying is definitely true about a lot of people, just not even close to the majority. And it's way worse now than when we were growing up. I'm in my mid 30's and basically watched my area deteriorate and get even worse over last 20 years. Pain clinics destroyed any sense of community that used to exist and a vast majority of the smart people left the area for well paying jobs. The ones who moved back are typically in the medical industry, pharmaceutical industry, had families that owned businesses or just had generational wealth. The ones who were less intelligent that stayed typically work dead end jobs, don't own shit, or are on drugs (sometimes all the above lol)
I spent my fair amount of time in junk yards lol.

The reason I learned that kind of shit was because my father was the guy everyone went to in the neighborhood when they couldn't fix their own shit. It's also how I know most of these people can't fix their own stuff... especially anything that involves electronic work.

My father worked in a mine for nearly 40 years. He ended becoming a higher up later on his life, but he essentially was the guy who could work on anything mechanical or electronic. He was a vehicle mechanic before he went into the mine.

He would be the first person to tell you that he 99.9% of these people are dipshits lol.

What you are saying is definitely true about a lot of people, just not even close to the majority. And it's way worse now than when we were growing up. I'm in my mid 30's and basically watched my area deteriorate and get even worse over last 20 years. Pain clinics destroyed any sense of community that used to exist and a vast majority of the smart people left the area for well paying jobs. The ones who moved back are typically in the medical industry, pharmaceutical industry, had families that owned businesses or just had generational wealth. The ones who were less intelligent that stayed typically work dead end jobs, don't own shit, or are on drugs (sometimes all the above lol)
It is your experience. Mine is not the same. Sad your area was filled with dummies, even if your pops benefited from it, though I'm glad mine was not. Or maybe just not the biggest dummies around.... Necessity is the mother of all invention, and they were needy and ingenious at times.
No bro, no they don't lol. This is fantasy land.

You are equating a farmer with most rural people. Most rural people are definitely not farmers at all. If every rural person was farm rich, then rural states wouldn't be poor as fuck lmao. Any moderately sized plus farm in my area is selling for $1 million+. That's why farmers are farm rich. It's not like they went out and bought their farm, they inherited from their family. I've never met a farmer in my life that didn't own a $70k Silverado, f-150, Ram, Tundra etc. And they damn sure can't fix these vehicles outside of simple fixes due to electronic parts going bad.

The fact is, most rural people either buy cheap ass lawnmowers from Walmart once every year or two or they probably don't even own one and have weeds as tall as me in their yard.

I'm from one of the poorest areas in the United States and I can assure you that these people live in old broken down trailers and double wides that haven't been taken care of in years.

Where does this notion come from that most of these people even own equipment to fix in the first place?
My statement was actually more that the person who has those lawnmower skills (while being pretty simple) would do well for himself and seem intelligent to those around him in that rural area. Someone from the city wouldnt see those skills being as useful and said lawnmower man is no longer viewed as intelligent. Its all perspective really. This is also a very generalized statement.
Bro, lots of us live in southern redneck states. For every "high school diploma" that you know that clears 6 figures, there are about 100 meth heads driving around in their 1995 Nissan's held together with bondo and tape.

I couldn't imagine anybody from a southern state arguing otherwise.

Not gonna argue that at all. I grew up in the rural south. That being said, it works both ways, for every highly educated person in the north there are 100 people living on the government teet. And I can confirm this as well as I currently live near a big city. My point was, education alone doesn’t make you smart or successful. Also, lets just be honest, the TS was just looking for a reason to bag on red states.
Not gonna argue that at all. I grew up in the rural south. That being said for every highly educated person in the north there are 100 people living on the government teet. And I can confirm this as well as I currently live near a big city. My point was, education alone doesn’t make you smart or successful. Also, lets just be honest, the TS was just looking for a reason to bag on red states.

Statistically speaking, red states suck the government teet at a much higher clip than the northeastern states though.

And I'm sure TS was just bagging on the red states, but even people who live in red states bag on red states lol
I’ll take that as I’m a dumb one lol.

I actually do know how. They are surprisingly uncomplicated as far as mechanics go. Maybe not every possible thing that could go wrong though.

Most rural folks definitely know how to fix most of their equipment. For the most part. Maybe a good many, if not most. There is a reason most rural people or farmers are asset rich, even if they aren’t rich overall. You have to be able to fix a lot of these things yourself. Time is of the essence, and all that. At least from my experiences when living there, and knowing a good many that do.

That may have been the case for your grandpa's generation, but the current farmers that are in their 50's don't know how to fix shit.
I live in the heart of farming country in rural North Dakota, and I could have a second full-time job fixing easy, simple things for farmers.

And it's not their fault, they were never taught how to fix stuff. They were never given the necessary tools to develop that skill.

Why are Red State Citizens Poorer, Less Educated, & Sicker than Blue State Citizens?

Republicans worship cheap labor — and having a steady and reliable supply of cheap labor requires widespread poverty…​

One of the enduring mysteries of America is why the citizens of Red states are generally poorer, less educated, and sicker than the citizens of Blue states. To that question, I step up as your hierophant with an answer to this deep mystery that you may not have previously considered.

First, that generalization is broadly true:

— Blue states account for about 71 percent of America’s GDP, whereas Red states only produce 29 percent of our income and wealth.
The median family income in Blue states is $74,243. In Red states it’s $63,553. Individual states highlight the disparity: New Jersey’s median income is $89,703, while Mississippi’s is $49,111.
— Counties that voted for Biden in 2020 are more diverse, being 35 percent nonwhite compared to 16 percent nonwhite populations in counties that voted for Trump.
Counties that voted for Biden in 2020 are better educated, with 36 percent of their population having some college education compared to Trump’s counties at 25 percent.
— Residents of Blue states live 2.2 years longer, on average, than residents of Red states.

And, second, it’s undeniably true (and documented with each hotlink below) that Republican-controlled Red states, almost across the board, have higher rates of:

— Spousal abuse
— Smoking
Teen pregnancy
— Sexually transmitted diseases
Abortion (at least before Dobbs; now it would be “forced births”)
— Bankruptcies and poverty
Homicide and suicide
— Infant mortality
Maternal mortality
— Forcible rape
Robbery and aggravated assault
— Dropouts from high school
Contaminated air and water
Opiate addiction and deaths
Unskilled workers
Parasitic infections
— Income and wealth inequality
Covid deaths and unvaccinated people
— Federal subsidies to states (“Red State Welfare”)
People on welfare
— Child poverty
— Spousal murder
— Deaths from auto accidents
People living on disability
— Gun deaths
But are all these things happening because Republicans simply hate their citizens and explicitly want high levels of poverty, ignorance, death, and disease?

Turns out there’s a much simpler answer...
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The fact that the US is the opposite of the UK in terms of a North-South/left-right divide speaks of an even more inconvenient truth.


But whereas Northern cities in the UK beg for investment that they very rarely get from centralized Westminster, the Southern United States have been indoctrinated into believing that small government is the answer and they don't even want that investment from DC.

Where the North in the UK has a lack of ability to requisition cash-flow, the Southern United States have had the wool pulled over their eyes. They don't even want critical investment. They are taught to actively reject it.

There are two malevolent players here: people in the capitals hoarding investment, but, bizarrely in the US, there are rich folk telling the low-IQ proles that education is the enemy and that they're better off without. When someone asks why they're still getting butt-fucked, the rallying cry is something easy and simple like "IMMIGRATION!"


I'm reposting this in an actual thread about actual America that this guy just resurrected lol
The fact that the US is the opposite of the UK in terms of a North-South/left-right divide speaks of an even more inconvenient truth.


But whereas Northern cities in the UK beg for investment that they very rarely get from centralized Westminster, the Southern United States have been indoctrinated into believing that small government is the answer and they don't even want that investment from DC.

Where the North in the UK has a lack of ability to requisition cash-flow, the Southern United States have had the wool pulled over their eyes. They don't even want critical investment. They are taught to actively reject it.

There are two malevolent players here: people in the capitals hoarding investment, but, bizarrely in the US, there are rich folk telling the low-IQ proles that education is the enemy and that they're better off without. When someone asks why they're still getting butt-fucked, the rallying cry is something easy and simple like "IMMIGRATION!"


I'm reposting this in an actual thread about actual America that this guy just resurrected lol
I was looking for somewhere to drop this without making a new thread. Here seemed appropriate.

Why are Red State Citizens Poorer, Less Educated, & Sicker than Blue State Citizens?

Republicans worship cheap labor — and having a steady and reliable supply of cheap labor requires widespread poverty…​

One of the enduring mysteries of America is why the citizens of Red states are generally poorer, less educated, and sicker than the citizens of Blue states. To that question, I step up as your hierophant with an answer to this deep mystery that you may not have previously considered.

First, that generalization is broadly true:

— Blue states account for about 71 percent of America’s GDP, whereas Red states only produce 29 percent of our income and wealth.
The median family income in Blue states is $74,243. In Red states it’s $63,553. Individual states highlight the disparity: New Jersey’s median income is $89,703, while Mississippi’s is $49,111.
— Counties that voted for Biden in 2020 are more diverse, being 35 percent nonwhite compared to 16 percent nonwhite populations in counties that voted for Trump.
Counties that voted for Biden in 2020 are better educated, with 36 percent of their population having some college education compared to Trump’s counties at 25 percent.
— Residents of Blue states live 2.2 years longer, on average, than residents of Red states.

And, second, it’s undeniably true (and documented with each hotlink below) that Republican-controlled Red states, almost across the board, have higher rates of:

— Spousal abuse
— Smoking
Teen pregnancy
— Sexually transmitted diseases
Abortion (at least before Dobbs; now it would be “forced births”)
— Bankruptcies and poverty
Homicide and suicide
— Infant mortality
Maternal mortality
— Forcible rape
Robbery and aggravated assault
— Dropouts from high school
Contaminated air and water
Opiate addiction and deaths
Unskilled workers
Parasitic infections
— Income and wealth inequality
Covid deaths and unvaccinated people
— Federal subsidies to states (“Red State Welfare”)
People on welfare
— Child poverty
— Spousal murder
— Deaths from auto accidents
People living on disability
— Gun deaths
But are all these things happening because Republicans simply hate their citizens and explicitly want high levels of poverty, ignorance, death, and disease?

Turns out there’s a much simpler answer...
No wonder they’re so fussy. I’d be upset if I lived there too.