Crime Southern Baptist fire PR Chief over comments about Biden stepping down

How do you feel about Epstein?
Piece of shit. You should read the new docs released. Just so you can follow it, Trump is Doe 174. I knew Trump , Clinton and Prince Andrew would be in it but was surprised to see Elon and Ghisalane were apparently email buddies, this after Elon publicly stated he did not know her.
People wanted the docs released, they were and suddenly have gone radio silent since they found out Trump was way more involved than he said he was. We both know they really did not care about Epstein but it was a way to attack Hillary for her scum bag husband, then they found out cult Daddy Trump is equally scummy they decided to stop pursuing the story.
Pretty sure those are a different breed of Trump loving, child abusing, red blooded patriots called Wesboro something, but I could be wrong.
You have a source for the Westboro Baptist Church members being "Trump loving"? They've protested him several times, including during his inauguration.
So the organization that covered for sexual Predators thought it was bad for their PR Chief saying Biden did the right thing by stepping down.
Southern Baptists Jesus is now Trump and will only accept hateful messages about Democrats.
As someone who grew up Southern Baptist I don’t even recognize what they have become. They are more concerned with being a political machine than actually opening a Bible.
That's really fucked. Those people are clearly nuts if they think there's anything Christian in what they do. What a corruption of the term.
I'll give you some advice that I should charge you for because it's so valuable. If you want to have a discussion with someone, a genuine or authentic discussion, I would suggest not having it start like this:

Person 1: This is what everyone allows, people getting punished for saying stuff that others disagree with, but everyone's okay with it so this is the stupid stuff we get

Person 2: So do you think someone getting fired for praising the President is equal to someone calling people the N Word?

Person 1, me, is going to automatically assume you have no intention of having any real dialogue when you make such a ridiculous comparison. Is punching someone in the face equal to the nuke dropped in Hiroshima? If you were in a different thread and said something like, "We have to do something about mental health, Red Flag laws aren't the end solution but they're decent for now", and someone replied "so you're saying you want to ban all gun ownership", it would sound pretty ridiculous and you would call them idiot etc xyz maga something and have a lot to say about that response right? This is how you sound here with such an outlandish reply that leaves no room for any real dialogue or quality discussion

But, you may be too far gone to understand or comprehend any of this that I'm saying. If that is the case, I will remember you for the great person you once were, and not who you have become. <RomeroSalute>
jesus christ this is some dumb shit to post lol

let me give you some advice i should charge you for: don't post. you are a lot dumber than you think you are.
This is that "freedom of speech not freedom from consequences" I always hear about? Yea, it always sounds pretty ridiculous when it happens, firing people because they have a different view, but that's what everyone wants it to be like these days so it's what we'll get supported.
Sometimes it's appropriate that there be consequences and sometimes it isn't, don't you think?
Piece of shit. You should read the new docs released. Just so you can follow it, Trump is Doe 174.

That wasn't from a document released. That was from an article where the author just decided it was Trump. Calm down bro, it's OK. Maybe you guys will win in 2028. It's gonna be OK.
That wasn't from a document released. That was from an article where the author just decided it was Trump. Calm down bro, it's OK. Maybe you guys will win in 2028. It's gonna be OK.
Trump was on that plane a lot and you guys told me he was never on that plane. The new docs also say there is a video of Trump. Then Trump put the guy in his cabinet who gave Epstein the sweetheart deal. Trump wished Ghisalne good luck. I know Trump is your hero but the dude seems to hang out with a cabal of sexual predators.
He was an official spokesman for the organization that disagrees with his views on this. He made a statement that the controlling members did not approve or agree with so he was fired.

It doesn't matter if I don't agree with their views he was fired for not doing his job. Also per the article he had trouble like this before.
Christians have been taking the knife to the genitalia of kids for a couple of thousand years now.
It's time to put an end to that barbaric practice.

I agree but I thought you were all "let the doctors and the parents decide" on this type of thing.

"The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Urological Association (AUA) are two major medical associations that recommend offering circumcision as a choice for parents. The AAP has found that the health benefits of circumcision in newborn boys outweigh the risks, but the benefits aren't great enough to recommend it for all newborn boys. However, the AAP also believes that the procedure's benefits justify access to it for families who choose "
A Southern Baptist Convention executive was fired and promptly reinstated after issuing statements in support of President Joe Biden's decision to drop out of the 2024 election.
lmao, so the head of the "ethics" committee that fired him got himself fired lol. what a plot twist

Update: On Tuesday morning, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission announced Brent Leatherwood would keep his position while the chair of the commission's executive committee has resigned. Read more here.