Law South Africa to Forcefully Seize Land Ownership from White Minority

My only problem with this is that it reminds me of similar sentiments being expressed about the apartheid government in the 80s. The govt was already planning to soften their apartheid policies, but the international bitching caused them to dig in their heels and brutally crack down on dissent (which I why I like Reagan's Constructive Engagement approach).

I can see the current govt (or some members of it) responding with similarly dangerous obstinance.
The usual suspects are foaming at the mouth over Trump's tweet. But what's really interesting is that on one hand they deny there is any problem to begin with and that Trump is parroting a 'far-right conspiracy theory'. While at the same time defending, advocating and even celebrating what is going on in South Africa. Classic double speak and a fascinating insight into how these people think and operate.
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Meh, let Nature take her course.
She is invariably pitiless and unmoving in regards to culling out the weak and stupid.
White Boers would do well to bite the bullet, swallow their pride leave and let S. Africa drown in it's own misery.
Zimbabwe 2.0 in the making right in front of our eyes, and there are self-righteous assholes in this thread are cheering it on, as if this state-sanctioned robbery masquerading as "land reform" is somehow in line with their near-sighted interpretation of "progress".

It's almost like the grand-standing little twerps are too young to know this man-made disaster has already been done before, and the result was (and still is) nothing less of an utter and complete catastrophe.

This Is How South Africa Could Become the Next Zimbabwe
By Alexander C. R. Hammond | August 20, 2018

President Cyril Ramaphosa arrives to deliver his State of the Nation address at Parliament in Cape Town, South Africa, February 16, 2018.

Forced land redistribution was tried eighteen years ago by Zimbabwe and it did not go well.

This Is How South Africa Could Become the Next Zimbabwe.

On July 31, South African President Cecil Ramaphosa confirmed that his party, the African National Congress (ANC), will pass an amendment to the South Africa Constitution allowing the seizure of white-owned farmland without compensation. Citing the "blatantly clear," demands raised during recent public hearings by his supporters, Ramaphosa says the amendment aims to clarify Section 25 of the existing constitution.

Section 25 currently mandates that if land is taken away from a property owner, ‘compensation…must be just and equitable.’ Ramaphosa claims the new amendment is designed to “outline more clearly the conditions under which expropriation of land without compensation can be affected.” In other words, the ANC is changing the ‘just and equitable’ compensation clause to mean “no compensation” is necessary—if the property is taken from white landowners."

Some view this amendment as a victory, but they shouldn't. History teaches us that disregarding the property rights of an ethnic minority due to the historical grievances committed by their racial group is a terrible idea and likely to end in catastrophe.

Ramaphosa’s and the ANC’s disdain for South African whites has always been clear. On Monday, the ANC via their official Twitter, appeared to call all white South Africans “murderers.” The president once even compared the strategy of dealing with whites to that of boiling frogs; you must raise the temperature slowly, so they do not notice what is happening, for if the temperature is raised suddenly, the frog will jump out of the water. Then, by the time the frog realizes it is dying, it is too late for it to escape the pot.

Despite his prejudices, Ramaphosa was still democratically elected by the people of South Africa last February. The president insists that the amendment will “promote redress, advance economic development, increase agricultural production and food security.” In reality, South Africa is beginning to head down the same path toward social and economic disaster that its northern neighbor Zimbabwe took eighteen years ago.

In early 2000, ex-Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe began chaotic land seizures of twenty-three million acres from white-owned farms. The result was threefold. Violence became common as five white farm owners and dozens more black farm workers were killed. Then, food shortages devastated the Zimbabwean people as food production in the nation that was once dubbed the “breadbasket” of Africa, fell 60 percent within ten years. And finally, the economy was ruined as the land grab induced hyperinflation that peaked in 2008. In July of that year, the daily inflation rate averaged 98 percent, effectively meaning everyday prices would almost double. In 2009, the Zimbabwean economist Eddie Cross estimated that legalizing seizures of white farmland with no compensation cost Zimbabwe more than $20 billion.

Violence against white farmers in South Africa is already increasing. Although official numbers are not available, reports from the South African Police and the Transvaal Agricultural Union (a group representing the interests of farmers) highlight an increase in the number of attacks on white farmers. Between January and March 2018, there were 109 attacks and fifteen murders on white farms, meaning that one white farmer was killed every five days. Ramaphosa’s amendment will inevitably increase tensions and violence, as land seizures become further legalized.

As for food production, taking land away from productive and knowledgeable farmers and giving it to those unfamiliar with the industry will undoubtedly lead to a decline in productivity. Governmental promises of seeds, tools, and fertilizer for the new unskilled farmers who’ll be given the land is a “superficial” solution to the inevitable problem of food shortages, says Dan Kriek President of AgriSA, a South African agricultural association. Additionally, agricultural economist Frankie Brink, claims “there can be no doubt that the amendment of the Constitution…will deprive South Africa of its agricultural potential to provide food security to all its people.

Some predict South Africa could already be heading toward hyperinflation—reminiscent of Zimbabwe in 2008. The unemployment rate in South Africa is near a fifteen-year high of 27.2 percent—and will likely worsen as workers on expropriated farms, often blacks in poor rural communities, become unemployed. In the last few years, the nation’s economy has begun to shrink, and government borrowing has been made more expensive as the nation’s debt-reliability rating has been downgraded. Furthermore, Dr. Marian L. Tupy of the Cato Institute suggests these economic failings are because “South Africa’s taxes are onerously high, regulation increasingly burdensome and quality of government (is) slowly deteriorating.

Ramaphosa promised that expropriating white farmlands without compensation will turn South Africa into “the garden of Eden.” In reality, this amendment will mean the Rainbow Nation faces increasing violence, a decline in productivity, and further economic degradation.

In December 2017, Mike Albertus, assistant professor at the University of Chicago, insisted that one need not compare Zimbabwe’s past to South Africa’s future because; “Zimbabwe was a dictatorship under Mugabe, whereas South Africa is a democracy.” The logic was that the presence of democratic institutions would surely prevent the passage of such populist and draconian ideas. Regrettably, this wasn’t the case.

Ultimately, the willingness of the National Assembly to repeat Zimbabwe’s mistakes “does not rest in ignorance…but in the ANC’s desire for survival,” suggests Tupy. Putting his racist tendencies aside, Ramaphosa is justifying this amendment by stating it is the will of the South African people. And perhaps, for once, he is right. The people of South Africa didn’t democratically elect Ramaphosa out of ignorance of the policies he would pursue—his aims have clear all along.

Unable to boost a struggling economy, the ANC will continue pushing populist policies to bolster their popularity before the next election. They see sacrificing the rights of white farmers as a price worth paying for another term in office. And, if the majority of South Africans willingly accept this sacrifice, the brutal consequences will come hard and fast.
The American far left will just see this as social justice.
Poor snowflake with A collection of whiny bs. Blacks were treated far worse in Apartheid SA than whites in post Apartheid SA. If you believe otherwise you are a truly twisted individual.
LOL, if not for Western (White) charity, Africa would be on the road to extinction. The average IQ in sub-Saharan Africa is around 66.

Everything that has sustained them is due to either colonization (medicine, drinkable water, tilling the land, infrastructure, etc) or outright charity.
The alternative would have been death by famine, war, disease, low infant life expectancy rates and AIDS a long time ago.
Can't believe this hype thread is still going.

White Nationalists are dramatically over blowing the situation for political reasons and getting a lot of use from it.
Meh, let Nature take her course.
She is invariably pitiless and unmoving in regards to culling out the weak and stupid.
White Boers would do well to bite the bullet, swallow their pride leave and let S. Africa drown in it's own misery.

Not an option for many of them.
Can't believe this hype thread is still going.

White Nationalists are dramatically over blowing the situation for political reasons and getting a lot of use from it.

A few posters put a lot of time an effort into explaining the complex politics of SA, and others still have provided great history lessons.

This is a good thread for once. You're the troll here, not some imaginary Nazis.

See ya in the funnies.
Can't believe this hype thread is still going.

White Nationalists are dramatically over blowing the situation for political reasons and getting a lot of use from it.

Isnt the reason it's big news is because white liberals are freaking out trump mentioned white farmers being targeted for murder and their property being outright stolen by the government?
They've been giving away trips to south Africa on the price is right recently, it always seems like a little white girl wins it too and I think "she's going to die "...
at this pt, we can only hope they don't go the way of Zimbabwe

taking land from people that have generational knowledge of how to actually farm properly, and giving it to people who largely don't coupled w/ massive corruption.....and that led to one of the worst economic downfalls in modern history and one of the worst cases of Hyperinflation ever.
The usual suspects are foaming at the mouth over Trump's tweet. But what's really interesting is that on one hand they deny there is any problem to begin with and that Trump is parroting a 'far-right conspiracy theory'. While at the same time defending, advocating and even celebrating what is going on in South Africa. Classic double speak and a fascinating insight into how these people think and operate.

A lot of these guys have given up on life. Some of them are voluntarily celibate for starters, others are naturally very small and weak. The rest are just mentally ill. They want it to burn. They have no investment (literally) in their country and want all the people enjoying life to be on their level.

They are the nerd who didn't make the football team. The guy who sees a man with a hot girl by his side and snickers "what a douchebag"
I suspect Hungary and possible Poland as well might welcome the Boers, though ;)

Lolz. It's still objectively quite unrealistic but perhaps they'll also be receiving an enormous infusion of human capital - fair portion of it ironic - much further down the line depending on how things play out.
LOL, if not for Western (White) charity, Africa would be on the road to extinction. The average IQ in sub-Saharan Africa is around 66.

Everything that has sustained them is due to either colonization (medicine, drinkable water, tilling the land, infrastructure, etc) or outright charity.
The alternative would have been death by famine, war, disease, low infant life expectancy rates and AIDS a long time ago.
So Apartheid was really only charity?
I am really proud of Donald for speaking out about what is going on in South Africa. I hope we take in the Boers
I was under the impression that Trump and his Trumptards wanted an end to migrants from sh*thole countries? I also thought Trump and his Trumptards only wanted merit based immigration, to get the immigrants with needed 21st century skills? What are white SA farmers 21st century skills, farming? Farming doesn't sound like a 21st century skill to me. Why should we take in white SA farmers with no 21st century skills? Why should we take in legions of immigrants whose only skill is farming?
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A lot of these guys have given up on life. Some of them are voluntarily celibate for starters, others are naturally very small and weak. The rest are just mentally ill. They want it to burn. They have no investment (literally) in their country and want all the people enjoying life to be on their level.

They are the nerd who didn't make the football team. The guy who sees a man with a hot girl by his side and snickers "what a douchebag"
Fuck 'em.
I was under the impression that Trump and his Trumptards wanted an end to migrants from sh*thole countries?
The funny part is that S. Africa was anything but a shithole country until, well, we all know what happened.