Sore ankles/shins after running

Larry Crobberts

Orange Belt
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score

Relative newcomer to this forum and just noticed this particular subforum and thought i'd participate, since many of you are well-versed in conditioning. I'm a conditioning newbie.

Anyways, this past Jan1/08 i decided to get myself back into shape. I had let myself go for about 3 years since I left school to a full-time desk job where I sit on my ass all day moving paper. I just stopped being active and started eating alot of fast food and also being lazy about preparing meals for myself. On Jan1/08 i was an uncomfortable 241 pounds (i'm 6ft tall). Today, April15/08 i'm pretty proud to say that i'm 212 pounds.

I replaced all soft drinks with water and all snacks with fresh fruits & vegetables. I portion-size my meals now.

So, coupled with the diet change, what I did was I started walking 3 kilometres every single day. I never missed a day and I made it a habit. And then i began running a bit, then walking, as I huff & puff away.

So now i'm able to run about a kilometre without stopping, then walk a bit, then run again for a while, until i'm tired. I do the same 3 kilometre track every night (just a loop around local streets in my neighbourhood).

Anyways, my ankles & shins are absolutely killing me and i've had to go back to walking my loop instead. Also, my knees are killing me as well. I run on pavement so it's tough on impact to my body but it's all iv'e got. Are there specific brands of shoes i should be buying? Do you have any advice on different kinds of cardio i can do? My goal is to get down to 200 pounds by summer, and then hopefully to 190 by the end of this calendar year.

Share some conditioning exercises with me. I'm a guy with no money who lives in an apartment lol.
You've given yourself shin splints, and possibly stress fractures to boot. Search the forum for about a million threads on the subject.

200+lbers unaccustomed to running shouldn't be running every day, no matter how short the distance. I've been running for 8 years at an average weight of 190 and I couldn't go every day. Take at least a couple weeks off, buy a good pair of Asics shoes and change your route away from the streets to predominantly grass, trails, sand, etc. Your joints will thank you. Once you're healed up you want to start working on your aerobic base. Check the FAQ for links.

In the meantime there's a shit-ton of stuff you can do to up your gas. Like the challenges stickied at the top of this forum. Barbell or bodyweight circuits. Sandbag work. Jump rope. Heavy bag rounds. Sledgehammering. Anything you see on The list goes on.
1) Go get a good pair of running shoes. A great place would be a local running store, as they have better prices and service
2) Running doesn't have to be an everyday event. every other day run, and do something like ride a bike on the off days, or swim, or hit a heavy bag.
3) When you run don't over exert yourself.
4) Don't worry about time when you run.
5) Relax, have fun, and enjoy it!
Thanks so much for all the great advice, everyone. Very much appreciated. I am goint to purchase new running shoes this coming weekend and I think i'm going to try running on the grass at a park near my apartment. There's a schoolyard with a soccer field behind it, and my joints would probably thank me. Just so dam sore.

And i will heed your advice about running every day. Gonna do it every second day, and fill up the other day with something else. Maybe some free weights.

At this point i'm stagnating at the 211- 215 pound range and my diet is pretty much in check. Which tells me that i need more rigorous workout to get to the next poundage level, like at about 205- 208 or something.

Anyways, thanks again everyone.
you can probably find this in the diet/supp forum, but try upping your protien/calcium intake, as well as supplement with fish oil and maybe some glucosamine.

helped for me when i was a fat fuck tryin to drop pounds off the scale/add years to my life

good luck with your goals!!! speaking of which, what are they?
take an ibuprofren or aspirin product. When I had problems with shin splints I took extra strength tylenol. I had shin splints when in the army and at the time they didn't consider it to be a real injury so you had to run through it. I'd take the ET about 20 minutes before we had to run and didn't have a problem.

Unless you have no choice take some time off from running and see above recommendations.
take an ibuprofren or aspirin product. When I had problems with shin splints I took extra strength tylenol. I had shin splints when in the army and at the time they didn't consider it to be a real injury so you had to run through it. I'd take the ET about 20 minutes before we had to run and didn't have a problem.

Unless you have no choice take some time off from running and see above recommendations.