Something weird while deadlifting


White Belt
Jul 14, 2007
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So, today was my first day in the gym since I injured my foot three months ago, and while I was warming up and checking technique on deadlifts at 135, on the first rep, about halfway up, I felt a really sharp pain in my lower left abdomen, by my intestines. I immediately put the bar down and sat down, and the pain subsided really quickly. My first thought was that it was a hernia, but the pain, though bad at first, went away really quickly. I didn't do any more heavy lifting after that for fear that it would happen again. Any ideas on what may have happened? It's the first time I've ever felt this.
Maybe it's a tumor.

So, today was my first day in the gym since I injured my foot three months ago, and while I was warming up and checking technique on deadlifts at 135, on the first rep, about halfway up, I felt a really sharp pain in my lower left abdomen, by my intestines. I immediately put the bar down and sat down, and the pain subsided really quickly. My first thought was that it was a hernia, but the pain, though bad at first, went away really quickly. I didn't do any more heavy lifting after that for fear that it would happen again. Any ideas on what may have happened? It's the first time I've ever felt this.

Guy, there's really nothing that we can do unless you tape yourself lifting in your skivvies. We need to be able to see your form. Also, please act like you don't know that the camera is in the room.
I had a hernia before.
Is it bulging where it hurt at all?
Put your hand over it and cough. Does it feel like it bulges?
You may not be able to distinguish a hernia from a normal muscle bulge though. Feel the other side of your stomach and make sure they're symmetrical.
If you've been deadlifting 135lbs, your hands are probably really rough and callused. You should find somebody with nice, soft hands to feel your tummy for the hernia. You probably won't be able to tell the difference with all those calluses.

You should see if ninjajesus is available. He likes giving his soft hands to people.

If you've been deadlifting 135lbs, your hands are probably really rough and callused. You should find somebody with nice, soft hands to feel your tummy for the hernia. You probably won't be able to tell the difference with all those calluses.

You should see if ninjajesus is available. He likes giving his soft hands to people.


At least I'm doing deadlifts instead of being like all the other gymrats that just do curls and bench press. And, like I said, I haven't been able to use my leg for three months while in a cast.
I knew it, I fucking knew it. It's all a giant conspiracy, as soon as you go to deadlift your legs fall off.


warm up more, duh, you probably just pulled something- get used to constant pain unless you devote a LARGE portion of your time to warming up properly and stretching the main and supporting muscles you are about to put under strain- before and after.

That said, you might be genetically pre-dispositioned to a HURRRRRRnia (does your family have a history of this?)- weak abdonimal walls and intra-abdonimal pressure, this doesn't mean core lifts aren't for you, it just means you should do more core lifts to build up on your weakness, focus on breathing through your diaphragm all that jazz. The amount of weight doesn't necessarily correlate to when your hernia kicks in, it could be while you're lifting your max or while you're bending down in the subway to look up susie q's skirt- YOURE A TICKING TIMEBOMB MAN!
I knew it, I fucking knew it. It's all a giant conspiracy, as soon as you go to deadlift your legs fall off.


warm up more, duh, you probably just pulled something- get used to constant pain unless you devote a LARGE portion of your time to warming up properly and stretching the main and supporting muscles you are about to put under strain- before and after.

That said, you might be genetically pre-dispositioned to a HURRRRRRnia (does your family have a history of this?)- weak abdonimal walls and intra-abdonimal pressure, this doesn't mean core lifts aren't for you, it just means you should do more core lifts to build up on your weakness, focus on breathing through your diaphragm all that jazz. The amount of weight doesn't necessarily correlate to when your hernia kicks in, it could be while you're lifting your max or while you're bending down in the subway to look up susie q's skirt- YOURE A TICKING TIMEBOMB MAN!

I can pull 680, and I don't even touch 135, I warm-up with 245, don't ge a queer.
I'd guess it's a hernia. Go see a doctor.
can be anything....hernia, strained muscle, groin pull, a week then warm up with lighter weight and see if the pain is still there...if it is go to a doc and get x-ray or mri...whatever they need to see what type of injury it is...
sounds like you had bad form and pulled something.. as said before if it acts up go see a Dr
I've had pain over the ribs and under my pec while deadlifting, I just rested a little and it went away. The deadlift hits your core pretty hard so it is easy to pull muscles all along your body.
Hernia sounds like a real possibility. If the pain persists see a doctor before doing real damage to yourself. This is my herniated disc talking.
IMO if it's only 135 lb then it's unlikely that it's weight-related.
IMO if it's only 135 lb then it's unlikely that it's weight-related.

Yeah. It could have been a gas bubble or something. Occasionally, I'll twist the wrong way, when I'm just sitting around, and I'll get an incredibly sharp pain in my abdomen that subsides quickly.

I've had the same pain periodically. It feels almost like the skin being stretched really hard. I'll have it on one set then I'll up the weight and it will be gone. I have no idea what it is, maybe a strained muscle or something. Just warm up well and you will be fine.
Yeah. It could have been a gas bubble or something. Occasionally, I'll twist the wrong way, when I'm just sitting around, and I'll get an incredibly sharp pain in my abdomen that subsides quickly.

This was my first thought.

Sometimes if I drink too much coffee before lifting this will happen to me.

Just punch yourself in the ribs a few times, conjure up a belch of epic proportions, let it fly and you should be good to go.