Some yogurt


Purple Belt
Jun 13, 2005
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Well, as I was looking at my yoplait yogurt container this morning I realized I may as well cut out all the extra crap and make it a bit healthier. I went to the store, picked up plain yogurt (those big tubs of it) and I now put some frozen blueberries in it. You can mash that shit up and make it like a blueberry yogurt and far healthier. Anybody else do stuff like this?
Yep. For a while, now.
I do the same thing. Sometimes I add chunky apple sauce, or use low-fat cottage cheese instead of yogurt.
I eat lowfat vanilla. I also get big bags of frozen fruit, either mixed fruit or strawberries, and let them thaw out in tupperware in my fridge. I usually take a 1/2 cup of yogurt and a few scoops of fruit for one of my "light meals". (I eat 3 "real" meals a day, and 2 snacks such as the one described and count it as 5 meals total.)
I usually use raspberries, huckleberries, and blueberries, I like the taste better than the manufactured flavors
NativeBeast said:
I usually use raspberries, huckleberries, and blueberries, I like the taste better than the manufactured flavors

I just bought a bag of frozen raspberries and put it in my yogurt. It is very tasty.