Some Eastern Bloc videos

Ivaylo Ivanov

Elegant as a vampire
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
There was a discussion last week about East European boxers, so I will put a few videos here to demonstrate some of the points made.
Good gyms in this part of the world do not accept outsiders or people who train for pleasure and will never let you video a training session, so please understand the difficulty of finding any good material on youtube.

Counter punching:

Training session, containing exercise I spoke about:

Ukraina national team training:

And here is a full video of Bigger is Better 8 man tournament, in which a guy that I manage end up second, breaking his wrist in the final:

The last guy to beat Floyd Mayweather Jr :

In fighting:

fighting a southpaw:

Conditioning in boxing:

Boxing for MMA:

And the guy who Klitschko dont want to fight:
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Cool videos. Now if i could understand what they are talking......
Some of it i could make sense on my own, but the rest...........fuck if i know.
Cool videos. Now if i could understand what they are talking......

Click on the CC button to turn on the Russian captions and then select "Translate Captions BETA" and select your language. The results are pretty hilarious, but at least they'll give you an idea of what's being said.
Click on the CC button to turn on the Russian captions and then select "Translate Captions BETA" and select your language. The results are pretty hilarious, but at least they'll give you an idea of what's being said.

It doesn't work at all.
Cool videos. Now if i could understand what they are talking......

here,, this coach has a old school approach and a lot of good vids, all in english, his youtube account name is boxingfitfactory , you should watch them.

Shoulder protection for Boxing Defense w/out Philly Shell

Tip to help chin protection in Shoulder roll Boxing Defense

Is it better to "block" or "Shoulder roll" a punch in Boxing? .

also its not my intention to derail the thread, just trying to help somebody out.
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LoL yodave, what's with you and shoulder roll :redface:
Anyway, thanks for the recommendation but some of the videos of him is pretty sketchy, tbh.
i've watched a lot of his videos and in my opnion their 100% legit. hes even a southpaw and i cant think of anyting on youtube thats better for your style, im sure somebody can find something thought.

the problem is you need somebody to actually show you these concepts in front of you or else its just some guy on the internet telling you what to do.
Aside from Sinister's page, there are barely any legitimate boxing instructional video aside from some from Freddie Roach or Kenny Weldon on youtube anyway lol
I've somehow seen the conditioning vid b4 and some others

Have no idea how i stumbled upon them lol
well your right about that, thats why this is a great ressource,

80/20 rule Best Boxing defense and Offense together .

in this one he shows how he doesnt even need his lead to defend and therefore can use it 100% for offense witch is actually a great concept.

BFF is a great guy with excellent things to teach . Maybe I'm biased because Im the same style / philosophy.

We used to have great discussions.......need to get back on YT / IM.
i've watched a lot of his videos and in my opnion their 100% legit. hes even a southpaw and i cant think of anyting on youtube thats better for your style, im sure somebody can find something thought.

Problem is , it's not old school enough for him.

Now if that video was in black n white and he had on a straw boater and suspenders.........


the problem is you need somebody to actually show you these concepts in front of you or else its just some guy on the internet telling you what to do.

Forgot who you're talking about ?
BFF is a great guy with excellent things to teach . Maybe I'm biased because Im the same style / philosophy.

We used to have great discussions.......need to get back on YT / IM.

he does have great fundamentals, i remember when i first saw him i was like baah, not my style but now that i get this old school stuff more im like wow, this guy is for real.
if anyone understands spanish, theres a bunch of cuban documentaries and videos about their training, supposedly they shared training secrets between communist nations, so they should be pretty similar...
FWIW, most of you lol'ing at the concept of "internet instruction" should keep in-mind that at some point you've all been "some guy in the internet telling someone what to do."

Even if you're telling that someone to find someone to physically demonstrate it, you're some guy on the internet saying to do that. If all internet advice is dismissible simply because it's on the internet, so is yours.

That said, fantastic videos Onq. Studying and sharing these kinds of things is what keeps Boxing knowledge alive (and being as there's at least 4 different Countries posting just in this thread, thank GOD for THE INTERNET). One need not speak the same language, we all speak Boxing. A well-trained eye can tell what's going on.