So you don't mind to be taxed more so your precious govt can waste more money on whatever shit they usually waste them, such as website that cost millions but was able to serve just a couple of ppl.
The problem with taxes is you can always pay more. But you can't pay less (without violating laws). You want to pay more, personally? Go ahead and pay 100% of your earnings. Or spend them for charity. That would be fair.
But no, you want everybody else to pay more taxes as well. And spend them for whatever govt projects they are usually wasted on.
I'm not imposing my will on you -- you can always pay more. But you are trying to impose your will on me and cause me to pay more and make illegal to pay less. Get the difference?
i've truthfully never understood this argument. they are taxes, we all benefit from the infrastructure the government provides. roads, energy infrastructure, emergency services, just about everything that makes the country function.
you could privatize all that i guess, and that's such a level of imbecile corruption you are inviting that i guess if you are dumb enough to think such a thing would be superior, then you'd deserve the treatment you would get under it.
i understand the issue of unfair taxation. i really do. b/c the problem is middle class and upper middle class people resist taxation reform b/c they are the ones that get hit. the ultra rich (the ones that are the real problem) and mega conglomerates don't pay for dick. and they threaten to leave the country and all sorts of shady shit the second the government tries to show any teeth.
so the burden goes to people that aren't rich enough to fight back. that's all 2008 was - all the taxpayer bailout money was a burden left on people that individually aren't influential enough b/c they aren't worth a billion dollars. but to sit there and argue these 9th grade philosophical points on taxation is just allowing you to live in a dream world where you can talk, and the other guy can talk, and nothing happens.
meanwhile, rich people keep getting richer, and we all keep getting fucked. that little wealth gap statistic isn't a liberal lie or some piece of propaganda - it's a fact. we are becoming what capitalism naturally trends toward - oligarchy. and oligarchy is defined as (b/c i know you don't know what this word means) a small group of people controlling everything. that's a major role of government since nearly our inception is to prevent such a thing. it's why we have anti-trust laws on the books and why they have the power to tax.
if you don't get that, and you don't see the problem with unfettered capitalism that goes unregulated and you just pray at night for trickle down economics to solve everything, then i suggest you get a head start on picking out the best spot under the bridge b/c that's where we'll be headed.
it's an ironic thing b/c "free market capitalists" always point towards how great communism sounds on paper, and how awful it is in practice. but capitalism suffers a similar application - we just so happen to have had great men keep this country going for so long. and wouldn't it be a wonderful world where we all pay like 5% of our income in taxes and we can all have yachts and bang supermodels and live a life of pure fantasy.
but it's time to grow the fuck up and demand the adults in charge be adults. time to encourage actual sacrifice, and it's time to crack down on actual injustice. any other kind of discussion is made for people too fucking scared and pissing themselves to actually demand hard choices be made.