So women don't cover themselves when breastfeeding anymore, eh?

Yea and if breastfeeding a baby was simple that would make sense but because breastfeeding a baby is actually pretty fucking hard (my son is 5 months). Asking these women to then put some blanket over them while trying to make sure the child is latched on properly, then having to re-latch them after burping it's fucking absurd.

My wife wanted to walk away because this women started breasfeeding one time near us and I told her to fuck off. I completely forgot that it happened until after we had are child and she started breastfeeding. She apologized to me and said I was in the right 100% and she wishes she could go back and apologize to that women.


People who are not parents don't realise that it's a pretty critical process and that for a mother, other people's opinion on the matter is irrelevant.

When your baby is hungry and wants to feed, the rest of the world can go fuck himself.

u mad?

I'm perfectly comfortable with that...
Better public feeding than the little cunt wailing like a car alarm
Meanwhile i take my dick out for a split second and everyones freakin out
I really think that for most women who breast-feed, attention whoring is the last thing on their mind.
Nah. Women love showing off their kids and the fact that theyre mothers, and how important that “job” is. That on top of the fact that they wont to seem like unapologetic mothers following this feminist trend
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Rarely if ever do I notice this. But because I read on the internet about how women don't bother to cover themselves anymore, now is the time to take a strong opinion on the matter. :rolleyes:
Never understood why people care about this. Then they are like cover the babies head! Which just seems stupid as fuck. Cover this babies head with a blanket so you don't have to see something every fucking adult\child has seen before? For what?
Because Christianity made sex and the human body dirty and something be be ashamed about.
They still believe it to this day and try to enforce this on others.
I went to a small outdoor festivals recently, which have these large open tents with sofas for anyone to come use.
The second I entered and looked right, the first sofa had a woman with one of her whole Bob's out, and a baby. Really wasnt expecting to see that!
But I still don't understand why the woman looked as surprised as I was.
Rarely if ever do I notice this. But because I read on the internet about how women don't bother to cover themselves anymore, now is the time to take a strong opinion on the matter. :rolleyes:
I don't get it, why does it bother folks so much?

It's weirdos that 1) can't see anything boob-related in a non-sexual way (or any body part, for that matter- like people who complain about diaper ads and Coppertone and etc.), and 2) feel like women showing off is a personal attack. Right-wing nutjobs, for instance, feel like everything is a personal attack against them.

I love that women are showing off more but I don't stare or gawk or make a scene or say dumb things. You're allowed to look, just don't be a retard. Subtlety, bros!
It's weirdos that 1) can't see anything boob-related in a non-sexual way (or any body part, for that matter- like people who complain about diaper ads and Coppertone and etc.), and 2) feel like women showing off is a personal attack. Right-wing nutjobs, for instance, feel like everything is a personal attack against them.

I love that women are showing off more but I don't stare or gawk or make a scene or say dumb things. You're allowed to look, just don't be a retard. Subtlety, bros!
yeah, its not supposed to be provocative or noteworthy- in most cultures it's as natural as seeing an adult eating. There's been an effort to normalize public breastfeeding in American society but it's meeting harsh resistance from the usual suspects and prudes. Men (or shall I say boys) today can't react to a breast in a dignified, mature manner anymore.
I would say “ excuse me ma’am ? Mind if I have a lick and suck ?”